no names



  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Malok said:
    In favor of slowly removing all the crazy modded pieces and make the only high end mods come as rare artifact drops. At what point does it stop? next a single piece of armor will have more mods than a current set does now. I spoke to a few old time players that left to private servers because of that very one thing. 
    Problem is those guys werent getting those items if they kept them around everyone could have and it would be no different then when they brought item properties in to begin with... started with silly stuff but still you had silver weps and yada yada then you had aos with doom stuff which is garbage now unless you're making cuffs or grips... but honestly if you're going to have allowed them in the game you cannot just stop having them now shoot they're 3+plat for some items and thats if you're even fortunate enough to find them when in reality if they just kept them around it would be like hey cool ill pay vendor max for that like people do already for named good of Haste items and so on.....

  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Bilbo said:
    There are 12 modifications on that piece
    negative they count mods or most anyone who deals in such things as anything before the resists.. weather its got 30 fire on it or not.... otherwise the 8 mod cap would leave us with all the resists on a good legendary named haste item but only 3 mods left so lets say 3 mana regen 10 stamina and 4 dex.... it would be capped right there!!! resist is not a mod
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Theo said:
    Loriel is correct. They created naming packages whereby a particular named item will get a package of mods.  Like wizardry adds Lrc lmc int mana etc.  The idea was twofold - first make items more useful so that it has all casting or all fighting mods instead of the warrior jewel with lrc.  Second was that if the system were somewhat consistent then you could find a similar item to replace or mimic someone’s build. It the old days before this a 3/1 ring with lrc and lmc was near impossible to duplicate.  Now it’s easier.  The problem and complaint here is due to these naming packages you have limited combinations.  And some of the packages don’t fit templates.  Like warriors are almost all sampires so you need str dex ssi dci Hci di lmc. Those are two diff packages. Hard to find that combo. When things didnt drop with package names it was true random and you could find high end loot with any variety of mods.  There still are no name items that drop but only on low end loot. Everything middle of road to high end is package named.  

    If they would just fix a few of the package names this wouldn’t be an issue.  I don’t think I favor going to no name. Way more pure junk loot. 
    common theo thats crap... you cant even find a good arcane of vitality item which pvp mages tend to use worth a damn now since the loot nerf... you can get str, int, hpi, mana, hpr, mr, lmc, lrc... thats it no casting focus which is a touchy subject but you'll never ever again get what i just posted with casting focus or an eater or some kind doesnt that seem a little harsh?? it is when they could have just left it cooled down the farmers which didnt seem to stop anything at all gold all over this game with its age... and everyone could have 9 useable mods or a 10 mod item that you only use 8 of but needed it to be able to have 9-14 just to get the 8 you need/wanted.... then you got the queen Mesanna letting people keep these rare gargoyle mark of travestys that were made and instead of fixing it coming by peoples houses asking whatever skill they want on it... WHAT! lol i told her please make it human again I don't want this rare item that is a bug and you're halfway fixing... games a joke they need to get rid of her and get some real thinkers in here plus okay so the people who dont play production anymore because of "insurance" or item based... well guess what they have hmm idk 20 dead or nearly dead shard they could make all kinds of different time frames in uo and leave them at that instead of reverting i think this new shard/server they're making is going to be a massive turd too 

  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    edited July 2021
    keven2002 said:
    Torn on this. I do like the idea of having the no name arties come back (at random based on luck) but I feel like by doing this we essentially put the final nail in the coffin of crafting. Crafting armor has already taken a beating (not imbuing) over the years; the top end runic kits are garbage these days and pointless to get. If anything I'd like to see them do some kind of revival of high end runics by allowing them to craft no name legendary type stuff (1 charge). That way crafters actually have a reason to fill high end bods and actually select high end runics and people looking for no name type pieces would be able to get their fill too.
    crafting already crap unless you're reforging or enhancing something then you need to buy a tool from the game to ensure that goes off smoothly lol oh my what did they do to this game @Kyronix Bring back no names or drop the stupid eight mod cap or for the love of god at least turn up the loot its crappppppppp thanks.. I know my big crap in there made it real professionally done and my lack of punctuating probably because im super worked up about this!!! 

    edited to conform to rule 1 by Mariah
  • BenBen Posts: 262
    hunter11 said:
    you should consider bringing back no names, they allowed more template diversity,
    all around not just in pvp... But it would be awesome if that's possible, I know it probably isn't and this will probably get closed so im done wasting my time writing it hopefully someone else will
    I vote yes. I remember days gone by where that was why Item Identification was a useful skill, or you needed a tool to identify something if you did not have the skill. I think you should have to haul a lot of worthless crap out of your dungeon crawls and spend time sorting through it at your hovel to see what is worth anything.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    hunter11 said:
    negative they count mods or most anyone who deals in such things as anything before the resists.. weather its got 30 fire on it or not.... otherwise the 8 mod cap would leave us with all the resists on a good legendary named haste item but only 3 mods left so lets say 3 mana regen 10 stamina and 4 dex.... it would be capped right there!!! resist is not a mod
    Wrong, resists are MODs ask any imbuer.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I built a bok mage suit using all 8 mod cap pieces and one reforged/imbued piece, 
    no problem competing with anyone with old no name mod pieces”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    I'm not for adding 9+ mod items back to the game, and it does suck (a lot) that these items dropped & still exist)  but I do feel it's important to allow completely random items to spawn, by that i mean "No-Name" items to drop again.   

    the way the random magic item generation is setup, you can't find a legendary item with HP, Mana, Stamina & LMC on the same item.   -T-maps are pretty much the only exception because those items seem to only spawn with one prefix or suffix, but not both. so 50% of their mods will be randomly chosen, and paired with the other 50% that came from the affix, but T-map items almost never have more than 7 mods.

     Scalis is the only thing I've seen "no-name" legendaries drop within the last ~year or so. but, they always seem to be shields.   I don't kill scalis often though, so someone who does and pays attention to the loot could probably tell you if other no-name legendaries drop from it too.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Reflect physical damage and luck doesn’t seem to drop on legendaries, but this gives some value left to crafting”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    a 9 mod item isnt a problem or a 10 mod item... its the people like Legendary Rick who thinks he can make this game a job.... thats the problem the items wouldn't be you wouldnt want a great 9 mod jewel then you could get a 30 skill jewel with ep hci dci fast cast, fast cast recovery, swing speed, damage increase... now you cannot enjoy letting devs break this game more gosh i hate it anymore but lets allow shield bash and glenda to hit at same time for 70+dmg can literally kill someone in 3 seconds two glenda hits two shield bashes even worse if you cast plaque first
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Bilbo said:
    Wrong, resists are MODs ask any imbuer.
    no one who talks about armor cares about resists as a mod ask anyone who buys and sells high end gear not crafted garbage 
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,295
    hunter11 said:
    no one who talks about armor cares about resists as a mod ask anyone who buys and sells high end gear not crafted garbage 
    You mean that crafted Garbage that 99% of everyone still wears at least one piece of, and that everyone wears when starting out?  That crafted garbage?
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    hunter11 said:
    no one who talks about armor cares about resists as a mod ask anyone who buys and sells high end gear not crafted garbage 
    Regardless of whether you consider resists to be a mod, the game engine creating the items does. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    "Petra is incorrect, the documented 8 mod cap on mods for loot which is the topic of discussion in this thread does not include resists on armor. (however resists do count as a mod for imbuing/reforging purposes which she may be confused with)"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Yoshi said:
    "Petra is incorrect, the documented 8 mod cap on mods for loot which is the topic of discussion in this thread does not include resists on armor. (however resists do count as a mod for imbuing/reforging purposes which she may be confused with)"
    Really, so now you have access to the UO Code, how amazing.  Total BS
  • I really think names should remain, but there should be a chance that an item can roll without names also. Or if that can't be done, then just add a name that allows for any property to be rolled. It's nice mostly that certain properties come together, but it really hurts the ability of certain builds to get good armor for their build. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Bilbo said:
    Really, so now you have access to the UO Code, how amazing.  Total BS
    “I could source the documentation, or what may be more demonstrable is for you to open the corpse of underwater when it goes public, and count the number of mods on each item, you will find a maximum of 8 on armor not including resists”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 372
    8 mods is enough, stop crying about it.

    Rather you could add a few new propeties into the mix,  either new ones or propeties on items that currently dont have it. Dont need to turn it around completely with a redesign etc, just a few small changes to loot after a decade is nice.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Yoshi said:
    “I could source the documentation, or what may be more demonstrable is for you to open the corpse of underwater when it goes public, and count the number of mods on each item, you will find a maximum of 8 on armor not including resists”
    Or they have 13...
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Pawain said:
    Or they have 13...
    TY @Pawain.  I love people that think that resists are not a MOD
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    “If you take a look at some legendaries, you will find they don’t all have 5 x high resist, quite often they have only 4, and when they have 4 in high resists, they will still only have a max of 8 mods in non resist stats, not 9. So the cap is on the non resist stats, similarly you’ll find major artefacts with no mods in resist and again 8 non resist stats, (never 13 non resist stats)

    please try not to get upset with statistics”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Or that one just has 12...
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Yoshi and @popps need to make a guild and dream up their own rules.  A MOD is a MOD no matter what you think @Yoshi @Mervyn
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    The cap is 8 extra mods to an item.  Armor (which has resists already) can also get bonus resists.  The loot system does not seem to count them as a “mod” because resists already exist on the piece and are just increasing in intensity.  That is why you can’t get more than 8 additional properties to armor even when none of the resists get a bonus.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    psycho said:
    8 mods is enough, stop crying about it.

    Rather you could add a few new propeties into the mix,  either new ones or propeties on items that currently dont have it. Dont need to turn it around completely with a redesign etc, just a few small changes to loot after a decade is nice.

    it would be if they allowed things like this to spawn sure yeah then i agree 100% maybe up it to 9 on jewels tho... but 
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited July 2021
    Resistances can be buffed by +15 on each, they will count via 'imbuing mods' but they won't count  towards the '8 mods cap', but if it exceed +15 , then it counts towards both.

    Exemple, a base resist leather piece has 2/4/3/3/3
    These resist can be bumped by +15 from loot (mostly on artifacts+) without counting toward the '8 mods cap' up to 17/19/18/18/18
    if it exceeds the previous values 17/19/18/18/18, like for exemple 23/25/18/18/24 then in this exemple, the extra physical , fire and energy resistances would count as 3 mods on the '8 mods cap'. (I beleive these extra resistances can be buffed by +40% of +15 which result in approx. +6 on average.)

    hope this clear some confusion on resistances and mods.

    To return to the topic , I wish they turned all 9+ mods into a 'Antique' tag to wears them faster, and do not bring them back, but I agree on bringing back the 'No name'' category which allow completly random mods on a single piece and keeping the cap at 8 mods as it is.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Yoshi said:
    “I built a bok mage suit using all 8 mod cap pieces and one reforged/imbued piece, 
    no problem competing with anyone with old no name mod pieces”
    im talking about dexxers who need the Hit point increase stamina armor with hit point regen archers are squishy they need all the help they can get whys everyone in this game so opposed to diversity everyone want to play either a parry weaving caster or evasion caster coool im done w this thread cant help the helpless 

  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    hunter11 said:
    im talking about dexxers who need the Hit point increase stamina armor with hit point regen archers are squishy they need all the help they can get whys everyone in this game so opposed to diversity everyone want to play either a parry weaving caster or evasion caster coool im done w this thread cant help the helpless 

    There is no need to bring back no name gear. Loot is fine the way it is just get better at the game and stop using items as an excuse. The dev's have already done a lot to help dexers build suits with epaulettes hit chance earrings enchantress cameo's feudal grips.

    It's better they continue to add preset items then random drops with no name property's.
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    I support bringing back no-name legendary drops.   They should be relatively rare, but it would help bring some balance to the currently inflated prices that those currently holding older no-name legendaries are trying to sell them for.   

    I understand there is concern about "power creep" but that ship has long sailed.  There is still a significant amount challenging content in UO where by having a few pieces of Uber gear will not save you if you don't know what you're doing.   Having a few of these powerful items will help to contribute to some more template diversity and that's a positive.   I hope the developers would give some consideration to adding this type of loot back into the game.  
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