Can we get save password option to the login screen?
I know we're all old here and our memory isn't what it used to be.. so keying in your password everytime is potentially a good thing... but how about adding this simple feature? Its tedious when you're switching toons back n' forth. PincoUI implemented this feature. I can't imagine this would require alot of heavy lifting.
- Add save password option to login?10 votes
- Yes90.00%
- No10.00%
It is a major security risk but one I am willing to take. Judge you own willingness to take that risk.
As I said a major risk but I am willing to and have changed password when I do screw up.
Just to be clear I do not recommend this solution but it does work. If I screw up and give you my password you still need to figure out my account name so I have a bit of time to change it. Storing any password on a computer outside of good password management software is a bad idea but I'm lazy.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Not a bad idea!
Mort: Mystic Mage
Siw: Tamer
For practical use, a short amount of time is required for the client/server interaction. Most of the time, 0.5s plus your latency is about as fast as you will get a macro to repeat. If your latency was 50ms and you set your delay to 0.55s, the macro may or may not repeat. However, if your latency was 50ms and you set your delay to 0.56s, the macro would probably repeat without error. In both cases (0.55s and 0.56s) the tooltip would show a 0.6s delay, but the actual delay would be recorded within the macro body in the character file.
Absolute minimum delays are highly situational (i.e. casting Magic Arrow to train Eval, or Exp/FS combos) and can literally vary with the time of day (latency). They can be very useful, but can also take a bit of fiddling. At least, that is my experience.
Not when you use it in-game