Warning: Lumberjack's Satchel Maximum Weight Bug
I cannot find any post on this but there appears to be 2 versions with different capacity, 400 and 1000.
There was once I called a GM and he helped to replace a 400 with a 1000. But now I found a few with 400 cap again and trying to call the GM but he has not replied for hours.
I assumed the 400 version is a bugged satchel. The miner's satchel also has 1000 cap.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
This weight max is important as the 400 cap version is quite useless.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Do you still have any of these 400 stone bugged versions? I found 5 total satchels and all 5 satchels were of the 1000 stone variety.
They have been rectified by GM Theron, so I don't have them anymore. Pls check with him, thanks!
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
It is also with the Miner's Satchel.
I lock down our guild holiday boxes,
so I can tell at a glance what we have given out.
And these have been locked down since Dec 2018.
All my other ones are 1000
but I can't be sure when I got them from the Rangers Guild.
I took them out of the box just now.
they are located on Sonoma if you would like to see them.
Are these going to be fixed, just asked a GM if he could replace mine and was told they not allowed to replace them or will i have keep more bugged items that are broken like like my pie/china safes in 2 houses.
I'm getting tired of asking to get them replaced, already done it 2x and now they are broken again with doors stuck open, i honestly think the doors being stuck open happens if the doors are left open and sever goes down, upon reboot they they no longer close, because i play late in the morning when i get home from work before the server goes down, which ever safe i forget the close the doors on before i log ends up in this broken state, if they cant be fixed properly can the the doors please be made togglable, they look horrible in some situations with the doors stuck open
The culprit is specific code in the housing system related to locked down items. The easiest work-around to avoid this with non-broken satchels or book straps is to Secure the containers instead of Locking Down the containers.
Homer, while we were at your home to investigate the satchels we also fixed your Pie Safe and China Safe. Thank you for your assistance in tracking down the problem.
Thanks for fixing my safes in that house, but will GM's now replace the satchels, when i put them back in into my backpack they still only hold 400 stones, or will they be fixed in a future patch?
Also if u have time can fix the broken pie safe located in the house at 100, 2N 24, 53W in Luna, this is last one i have that's broken now, or can you please pass this along to Mesanna if she is the one doing it, thanks again.