Britain Bank decorations

I would like to see the decoration removed from the cities. A lot of the banks are eyesores that I checked. Why is there a waterfall on top of the atlantic bank? Why does the baja bank have a bar up top when the building to the south is a Tavern. Napa Valley has cannons on it that would destory their own city if ever used. The decoration does not add anything to the banks in my opinion.

I would also be in favor in relocating the arcane circle to one of the mage shops in britain preferably Incantations & Enchantments where it could just replace the existing pentagram that is inside. Doesn't really look good having a random arcane circle at the bank and makes more sense to have it located inside a mage shop.

Also I would not mind seeing a bunch of random stuff that is scattered throughout the cities removed especially near EM halls. Also maybe if doors are missing at the bank like on Napa Valley you could put them back?


  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    arcane fpcus should not need 6 a dead shard and try to get a least with mastery III you should be able to get a 6 focus...for the bank...luna is fine everyhting needed mostly is close ( stables ) and no event in this town to get kill afk...britain each hallowwen people bring skeleton knight to kill people in town + invasion events
  • I say keep the deco but add a functional moongate to each shard that doesn't have one. It's nice when shards have their differences. It creates a sense of history and community.
  • NovaNova Posts: 1
    I get how useless the deco is but like someone stated about it giving history to the shards and uniqueness. I would agree. 
    I really like the idea of a moongate to brit bank. I prefer brit bank. If I'm just going to bank it is always my first choice.
    The only reason I like luna is the fact that I can pick up all my bods quickly. 
    I played UO from 1998-2006. Just came back about a month ago. So running up to brit bank and accessing it always takes me back.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Please leave the gates and put ones on all shards in Britain.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Pawain said:
    Please leave the gates and put ones on all shards in Britain.
    where the like button?
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    If the Brit bank gets the deco removed (which I got to say I don’t like what’s on ATL personally) I think the bank shouldn’t exactly go to how it was undecorated... a completely bland rectangle.  That would negate its colorful history. Maybe gold trim on the top and some light deco. Something minimal but prestigious. Something not heavy handed but eloquent. 

    Maybe variations of this new minimal design can go to each shard. 

    I think it was a cool idea to have deco contests for the Brit bank back in the day but it’s true a lot of deco is pretty ridiculous for a bank. Maybe they could have chosen designs that made a little more sense for the town at the time. Maybe they could do that now. Idk... but I do support a change. I just don’t want to see it go back to the bland rectangle after years of being so decorative. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Is this different on every shard?  Our British bank just has a couple benches and a couple of plants on the ground level.  I like the way it looks. It’s certainly not excessive.  It has some stuff crafters can use on the roof but I don’t see anything wrong with that.  Not sure why this is an issue. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Drakelord said:
    Pawain said:
    Please leave the gates and put ones on all shards in Britain.
    where the like button?

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Seth said:
    Drakelord said:
    Pawain said:
    Please leave the gates and put ones on all shards in Britain.
    where the like button?

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Keep the decorations at the Pacific Trammel Bank. I like the picnic tables and the waterfall area on top of the bank. The lack of decorations at the Felucca bank makes the area look bleak and uninviting. 

  • Can't speak for other shards but WBB on Atlantic shows signs of true life a good bit.. not just afk bank sitters like in Luna.

    But... things like commodity deed boxes etc decreased the foot traffic and that type of traffic will hardly ever come back. The more 'from home' conveniences you add the less foot traffic that happens at banks. To snatch the deco away from the bank (including the moongate) due to it not being a major hub of player activity is kind of like throwing the baby out with the bath water imo. Want outlying banks to have people at them more frequently? Throw invasions and the ability for people to lure named skeletons from somewhere TO Luna Mint like WBB and other towns have to contend with. Level the playing field...
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Some of the shards have very nice Brit banks and it would be a shame to have them revert to plain ol' stone rectangles. I play on Chessy and well personally, I think Mesanna made her decision to remove all deco after seeing our abomination of a West Brit Bank. I kinda can't blame her for wanting to clean up Brit.
    But, it does sounds like she wants ALL banks reverted which would mean losing Chessy's Ice Cream Goblin Parlor in Luna. I know there are other shards with nice deco in Luna and it means something to the people of that shard.
    I reread the newsletter and only reason I see as to why she wants to remove the deco is that people don't use the banks enough. Removing all the deco surely won't bring more people to them so what exactly is the harm in leaving them? There are also a few shards I've visited and have seen people use Brit bank. Great Lakes comes to mind - I always see people there chatting.
    As long as the deco isn't harming the game (ex. causing client crashes or massive lag), I see no harm in leaving it. I would think the amount of people getting upset by wiping out a shard's history would be more harmful.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Marge said:.
    I reread the newsletter and only reason I see as to why she wants to remove the deco is that people don't use the banks enough. Removing all the deco surely won't bring more people to them so what exactly is the harm in leaving them? There are also a few shards I've visited and have seen people use Brit bank. Great Lakes comes to mind - I always see people there chatting.
    As long as the deco isn't harming the game (ex. causing client crashes or massive lag), I see no harm in leaving it. I would think the amount of people getting upset by wiping out a shard's history would be more harmful.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    @Kyronix / @Mesanna - What exactly is the "issue" with just leaving things as they are? It's actually less effort to just leave it alone (so you can focus on NL Shard) so unless it's breaking something what's it harming? I started my UO life in Brit and personally have all my runes marked for that bank since we can bank and use the gate. I'd ask that you guys take the path of least resistance here and just leave Brit Banks are they are.
  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 252
    almost every time someone asks them to look into something they almost always respond with they are to busy with New Legacy, but yet some how they have time to be concerned and mess with Brit bank? I cant speak for other shards but on Atlantic there is nothing wrong with Brit bank the way it is now, and it gets used ALOT for more then just the pentagram. And instead of putting energy into something that isnt broken and is just fine the way it is, how about you guys put some effort into fixing bugs that been around for years, like constantly having to close and open my bag because half of it dissappears, or fixing pets life bars, because if you leave the screen for even a split second they stop updating.
  • The issue maybe non common Code.
    I assume that NL plays also a role to have similar Setups.
    I love thoose Individual styles of servers, but i think the devs have a other view to it than people which plays the game on a regular base over decades.
  • PitrPitr Posts: 191
    edited April 2021
    Dear Marcus, I disagree with you.
    I believe we should respect the work that some veterans and past devs/EMs have put in the decoration of each bank.
    Some aren't with us anymore and that is their Legacy.
    Respecting the layers each generation of players, devs and EMs left behind is a sign of respect and gratitude... it got us here.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Just don’t see what the issue is.  One group of players meets in Britain and another meets in Luna. Neither bank’s appearance has changed, except for certain holidays, for the two and one half years I have been playing.  Have been to a number of banks in different towns and although they all reflect the architecture in that town none really look out of the ordinary.  Think the moongates near the Luna and British banks belong where they are.  So why the sudden desire to change things?  Players don’t congregate at these banks to look at the decor.  They go there to be with other players.  Like the benches and couple of plants at our bank in Britain.  Think they make the atmosphere a little more friendly.
  • AstolfoAstolfo Posts: 8
    Two thoughts:

    First, the decorations look nice but aren’t within a theme that makes them congruent to their surroundings. They should go, but the gate should remain/ be added on all shards. 

    Second, this “idea” seems to have surfaced because @Mesanna is irrationally irritated when anyone ask about placing a moon gate by the bank on shards that do not have them. Instead of taking a few minutes to add a moon gate she would rather take more time to delete them from all shards. She constantly insists man hours are not available to address player’s concerns but apparently she has the time to devote to “fixing” a non existent problem to appease herself?

  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    I think it's a good time to think outside the box.

    Personally I don't really care what a bank looks like. I do have respect for a shard's history. Many people today haven't a clue who the person was that won the design contest. Nor do they care. To me the history of a shard is what ties you to the shard. Too often history has gotten wiped out without care. Since the beta buildings I've seen it happen time and time again and every time it happens we loose what makes us feel like a part of a shard. Shards are like a living, breathing organism made up by a incredible cast of characters. Each shard has their own personality and when you kill that you're killing a part of the player.

    The Brit banks were designed by players who won contests on their shards for redesigning what were at the time boring and ugly banks. Many people today haven't a clue who the person was that won the design contest. Nor do they care. People complained for years that the bank was ugly and boring. This contest was in response to the voice of the players. Go take a look at that bank and imagine what it looks like without all the decorations. Problem is people have gotten use to it, now the short attention span wants something else. Everyone has their own idea of what nice is and if it's not your version of nice then it's ugly.

    Personally I say to hell with Brit bank. I'm tired of the focus being on Brit. There are many cities in Sosaria. Why should all the other city banks be ignored? If we're talking about banks let's address ALL banks. ALL Banks are dead. Bags of sending and Wall safes have seriously contributed to that. ALL city banks, in my opinion, need easy access to a moongate and a stable. Make ALL city's banks on par with each other. Make ALL banks work. To me there's absolutely no reason to just focus on Brit.

    If you want the cities to work, if you want to bring people back to the city I think a good place to start would be a serious revamp of the Governor program. Give me the option of rewarding my citizens for banking in Moonglow, hanging out in Moonglow, attending an event in Moonglow, being a part of Moonglow. Let the City Governor program do something. With the recent changes of being forced to sit through ridiculous 'meetings' for an hour or lose the Governorship, being forced to have player events that no one attends because there are no uber rewards like the EM events everyone now expects or lose the Governorship there's little motivation to being a Governor.

    Make events happen in the cities. Run quests from city to city, just in the cities. Run a ' Build A Moongate In Your City' event. Something where players have to jump through hoops so many times to build a Moongate. Do the same for a stable. Let players participate in building something, that they can have ownership of. Just don't, in 2 years yank it all down because you're tired of it. Unless you want to have another 'jump through the hoop' competition to replace it. Change is good, as long as it's to build the community, not just to tear it down because someone is complaining that they don't like it.

  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    How about moving the spellweaving circle to a new bank the first of each month.  It will get people
    to visit towns they don't see often.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Why?  I really to not care to visit other cities and all the others who help with a focus would need runes to them.  A lot of players have accounts just for a Focus on their main toon. It's hard enough to get a Focus sometimes now.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Abit of side track, can someone confirm again the Britain SW circle is supposed to give 6 strength with just 2 x 120 SW with mastery T3? 

    This does not work this way on my shard. It requires 3 players same as any circle. If so I am going to call the GM to resolve this too.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Yes it should.  What is it giving?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233

    It seems to me people stopped reading after the *I want to remove all decorations* statement...

    If you keep reading though, she says    *I have gotten several emails and comments regarding building additional things to banks that was not part of the original design*

    Maybe if we come up with a standard design they could implement across all shards that might work.

    First on the list seems to be a moongate....

    The spellweaving circle is used quite often, moving it AWAY from the bank would just make it less utilized so I say keep that where it is.

    The reasons for people using Luna is Stable, Bank, BOD's, Moongate.

    The only thing missing at WBB, at least on Origin, is easy access to BOD's other then Tailor which is just a few screens to the East. Putting in every crafting NPC around the bank in some creative way may be an option.

    Just throwing things out there.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Larisa said:

    The only thing missing at WBB, at least on Origin, is easy access to BOD's other then Tailor which is just a few screens to the East. Putting in every crafting NPC around the bank in some creative way may be an option.

    Just throwing things out there.

    Tinker is right behind the bank. Cook is not far. Scribe shop right by commons.
    Have to run a little for a Smith and Fletcher.  The mage and alchemist are furthest away.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Pawain said:
    Yes it should.  What is it giving?

    We are getting only 5 with 2 fully skilled players. Will call a GM then...
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Larisa said:

    It seems to me people stopped reading after the *I want to remove all decorations* statement...

    If you keep reading though, she says    *I have gotten several emails and comments regarding building additional things to banks that was not part of the original design*

    Maybe if we come up with a standard design they could implement across all shards that might work.

    First on the list seems to be a moongate....

    The spellweaving circle is used quite often, moving it AWAY from the bank would just make it less utilized so I say keep that where it is.

    The reasons for people using Luna is Stable, Bank, BOD's, Moongate.

    The only thing missing at WBB, at least on Origin, is easy access to BOD's other then Tailor which is just a few screens to the East. Putting in every crafting NPC around the bank in some creative way may be an option.

    Just throwing things out there.

    Luna is unique because its designed with all vendors cramped inside that mall with bank in center. All other cities have shops spread over a larger area and is unique.

    I don't think it's necessary to make a "Luna" in all cities. There is not enough population, even in Atlantic only Luna is busy.

    Today we still visit different cities for different reasons and not for the banking. Even for Luna, we don't go there for the bank.

    1) We visit all towns for bribing to upgrade bods
    2) get town buff
    3) bucs has black market and osiredon too
    4) magincia for osiredon, crabbing, player vendor, launch pad to sea market
    5) Jhelom for pirate hunting, high seas
    6) Trinsic has Tailor refining, and starting quest for Ararat, etc.
    7) My shard EM hall is in Britain
    8) Umbra has peerless dungeon inside city, Bedlam. And it's near to the lake to Ararat.

    I don't think all these need to change. Moving the moongate to the bank especially Britain should be standard for all.

    Some shards have Britain MG while others don't.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2021
    Pawain said:
    Larisa said:

    The only thing missing at WBB, at least on Origin, is easy access to BOD's other then Tailor which is just a few screens to the East. Putting in every crafting NPC around the bank in some creative way may be an option.

    Just throwing things out there.

    Tinker is right behind the bank. Cook is not far. Scribe shop right by commons.
    Have to run a little for a Smith and Fletcher.  The mage and alchemist are furthest away.
    Without having to go more then a few screens...I know the NPCs are *In the general area* but I said AROUND THE BANK....not *Not Far* Luna....

    And no I am not saying Turn Brit Into Luna.....I am reiterating the fact that people don't use WBB as much anymore because it's not convenient. 

    I am just going off of what she said in the newsletter:

    Looking to live, I would like to talk about Britain Banks.  The original intent to decorate these banks and have the contest was to get people out of Luna and bring life back into a once busy town.  With all the changes in the game the banks have remained unused except for the Spellweaving Circle.  I want to remove all decorations from all banks on all shards.  Before I make any final decision on this I am willing to hear your comments as to why it should stay.   I have gotten several emails and comments regarding building additional things to banks that was not part of the original design.  With all that being said I look forward to hearing your comments.

    1. She did the contest to bring people BACK to WBB
    2. It isn't working as intended now so she wants to get rid of it.
    3. She is open to suggestions regarding other things that can be added to the bank to make people want to use it.

  • About the only thing that can make people use WBB more than Luna is to add what luna has, and then some. She would have to put all different types of NPC's around the bank (fairground style in booths maybe) put a moongate on every shard, the special Focus circle, and whatever else we can think of. other than that, in my opinion, just move the SW circle to Luna and put Brit back to normal.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    I also think the houses with vendors 1 screen away helped Luna be the main city back in the day.

    I never hung around Brit bank in the pre tram days.  I did a little after but left for a break and came back to instant death from the invasions in 2005. So, I haven't afked there since.

    Has no nostalgia for me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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