Pirates March.............................1 ?

Hi Need some points of view on this new event about to start thats like 1 week or so away,  I am holding my breath for March 1st  ya! server restart,  ( I can dream  :))

So I am trying to see which dungeon this would happen at or in or around?  or a few islands, or we already have pirates on ships, I can't see them crossing the event with the pirates with cargo??

Any input anyone has that would work for this be appreciated.  I am wanting to try and be a bit prepared, I only came back to UO about 10 months ago.  So missed many events over the years.  Experience you have would work greatly here :)

I hope that theres a cool pirate theme to the turnins.  I am still looking to get a broken table top for broken table legs, ( bar fight  pirates do that)   hummm look really cool in my carpentry area of my house 


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,134
    edited February 2021
    Goldie said:
    Hi Need some points of view on this new event about to start thats like 1 week or so away,  I am holding my breath for March 1st  ya! server restart,  ( I can dream  :))

    So I am trying to see which dungeon this would happen at or in or around?  or a few islands, or we already have pirates on ships, I can't see them crossing the event with the pirates with cargo??

    Any input anyone has that would work for this be appreciated.  I am wanting to try and be a bit prepared, I only came back to UO about 10 months ago.  So missed many events over the years.  Experience you have would work greatly here :)

    I hope that theres a cool pirate theme to the turnins.  I am still looking to get a broken table top for broken table legs, ( bar fight  pirates do that)   hummm look really cool in my carpentry area of my house 

    I SURE HOPE that this upcoming PIrates Event will be on the Seas and NOT a Corgul Island clone ....

    Maybe new Pirates Ships, maybe with a varied Crew and new loot or different Pirates to need to capture and bring to jail but still, versus Pirates Ships and strictly on the Seas and across them.... do not make it a Corgul Island clone PLEASE.....
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I'm thinking it will probably be mid March before it's out. If I'm remembering right, the march publishes have been mid month.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    edited February 2021
    Marge said:
    I'm thinking it will probably be mid March before it's out. If I'm remembering right, the march publishes have been mid month.
    This would also follow the other 3 dynamic events which started roughly mid month. 

    @Goldie - They are adding new rewards to the black market in March (at least that what the newsletter says) which could be involved with some high seas dynamic content but I'm leaning towards it won't be that. The Devs have already mentioned in a previous thread something about the dynamic events kind of being held within a certain area versus a complete global event. Which means you would get drops from pirates in Tram (for example) but not in Tokuno which makes me think would just make people complain.

    My thoughts are that the Pirate life content will actually be a champ spawn located possibly outside of Bucs? That said, it's all purely speculation at this point. 
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    edited February 2021
    suggestions are all good, get the wheels thinking.

    So pirates are human maybe a responded weapon. But there is room for other spawn pirates do have parrots, killer birds             bird slayer  hummm  all thoughts to think on

    I didn't really think bucs, but its a good place :)   I was thinking south trinsic those islands beside serpent hold.

    As for the start if they did start it on the 15th and went 1 month, it cross over to the next month april can't remember what its called.  Then the next event, there is like 3 events lined up 1 each month. over lapping or to follow 1 after the other.

    This is all thoughts nothing more :)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Pirate crew on ships and beacons are Orcs.  So Orc slayers work. Dread Pirates have no slayer pets kill them fast.

    I have a feeling a lot of players are gathering cargo now and we will be disappointed if the upcoming event does not include that.

    Rising Tide kicked off the things in the Seas that we have now.
    Here are some links for info:



    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    here are spoilers from uo-cah
    some fun stuff
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2021
    Name one person who has ever seen a pirate holding a damn shield....sigh. Pirate Chest, yeah I'm down with that and it looks cool.. Pirate shield ? Do you guys play UO , or umm, did you see any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies ? Btw I just googled it and you would be hard pressed to convince me with the Buckler as your evidence...

    From Google: Pirates have existed since antiquity, so they definitely have used shields. Now, if you think of stereotypical Pirates-of-the-Carribean 18th century pirates, then no - shields by that time were rendered largely useless by firearms.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Name one person who has ever seen a pirate holding a damn shield....sigh. Pirate Chest, yeah I'm down with that and it looks cool.. Pirate shield ? Do you guys play UO , or umm, did you see any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies ? Btw I just googled it and you would be hard pressed to convince me with the Buckler as your evidence...

    From Google: Pirates have existed since antiquity, so they definitely have used shields. Now, if you think of stereotypical Pirates-of-the-Carribean 18th century pirates, then no - shields by that time were rendered largely useless by firearms.
    I role play my pirate and he wears a luck suit i sacrifice a little luck to wear a pirate hat but i do carry a shield because mods give he a Hook hand with mods and i would use it ;)
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    @Kyronix ; Lets get this thing going!
    We are practicing Gabby style on LS.

    3 at a time.  I think we killed 7 total like this tonight on LS.  Lots of fun!
    Was like an EM event, Bodies everywhere!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    edited February 2021
    McDougle said:
    here are spoilers from uo-cah
    some fun stuff

    There could be some really nice stuff in there, I'm going to hold my breath and try not to lose it between now and then :D

    *fingers crossed*.

    I've never done High Sea's stuff, I've got the boat and stuff, never used any of it, don't know how to, I may need an expert to show me the ropes :)

    Ahh - thank you for the Links @pawain , and @mcdougle .

    Question is, how to fit it all in, in between pvp :)

  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Shame about mid-march, I was getting hyped up for March 1st. Being marooned at home during this pandemic, UO is a welcome diversion from reality.
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