Valentine clickys are up!



  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Yes, more glassblown lights!
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited February 2021
    keven2002 said:
    MissE said:
    Hate to see the best game online gradually being dumbed down to where there is absolutely NO incentive for new players to join, 
    Ironic you say the game is being dumb down on a thread where so many people are complaining their V-day rewards WEREN'T the typical backpack reward where everyone just "push the button get a prize".  

    Heaven forbid people actually have to brave the fel facet and use a little thinking to claim their gift.

    I just hope they are worth some good cleanup points so I can throw away all of the extra cupids I've amassed the past few days.  >:)

    Well don't think I am being 'ironic' given I don't give a toss where they put the thing.  I went and got the one on my shard, didn't care it was in fel I play 90% of my game there normally so it was no big deal for me

    (However, that being said, for seasonal gifts I do not believe FORCING people to go to a facet they are NOT comfortable with is particularly intelligent and if you insist on doing that given it is one per account they should of been blessed.  I have always been against the devs FORCING people to go into non consensual pvp areas/or areas where they can be stolen from,  it just shows a lack of respect for their player base, but that is beside the point of my posts.)

    I actually don't think people WANT it to be a push button get a prize either.  Facts are that is what the DEV team has offered us up on pretty much every valentines, easter, and other 'days' for years so what are people expected to do?  They get used to it.  In the past there was always neat stuff to do to get rewards, devs didn't dump down clickies as the FIRST resort.

    If you think dumping the same 'clicky' thing  in a guard zone in fel is 'mixing it up' or making it any more enjoyable then sorry it isn't.  It is still a clicky and the only 'extra' work you need to do is get a hotkey yelling guards, and to insure and then finding a way to get non-built toons on other shards to the location.  Just more a pain than anything else to get your piece of junk, which is why I didn't even bother on other shards, not worth the bother.

    I think people would much prefer some kind of neat event to get their items. 

    Put the blame where it lies on the lack of imagination of the devs NOT the players. 

    You don't need to do a 'dangerous' thing to give gifts, remember that puzzle thing they did with the 'Candle of Love' event way back when where you followed clues with a quest chain and ended up in that maze where you fell in the lava but  you could do it over and over until you succeeded?  Once per character.  There is nothing to stop them doing stuff like that.

    LOL, but you wouldn't actually bother with it to get the 'prize' on offer this time.  I mean it is even worse than the table legs that everyone was 'thrilled' with. It actually doesn't DESERVE more than a clicky to get it in all honesty.

    My actual issue is with the 'gift' to start with.   I mean it was a serious question and something I really would like to know other peoples input on.  Are you really satisfied with a copied cupid that does nothing, looks like a cartoon, has nothing at all to do with UO, has very little chance of being implemented into any realistic deco scheme and is just another totally useless item?  

    I mean most of us have been gaming here for over 15 or more yrs, is this really what you 'want' after all this time?  I mean I would consider that a suitable 'reward' or 'gift' for a 7 yr old, not for those of us who are mostly over 30 if not 40 now.   And if you are gonna give such a lame looking item then at least make it 'do' something.   Give a mana refresh potion once a day for 50 points of mana, or just anything to make up for the crap cartoon art. 

    I honestly do not know why any of you are satisfied with this kinda of thing anymore. If you LOVE this item please say why, I am really interested to know if it is just me who cannot see the point in the devs wasting any time at all to produce this thing unless all they wanted to do was shut people up given they didn't even bother with xmas so they had to toss some junk out for Valentines? 

    How about next year we get something like this?  If you seriously want to encourage people to play together and have a community event.  And make it enjoyable.  (this is only a toss together but you get the idea). 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    ZekeTerra said:
    @ Xris if you had negative karma the black one is impossible to see in your packpack, at least in EC.  I don't recall seeing a message when I received the gift and even the most talented thief can't steal it b4 it gets in your pack.
    I've had that problem many a time in the past with dark objects. Someone finally told me you can change the shape/color of your pack. I use a white fur one.
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    "The Pirates Life may not fit into those but I bet the other three will." I'm hoping it will be a repeat of the Rising Tides event  - with new rewards at the BUCs Pirate -  so I'm out collecting cargo again!
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,836

    @misse To be fair, I understand a lot of your frustration, and for a long time, I said the same sort of things - I myself am a very gear and equipment orientated player. I like useful things ingame.

    For the sake of these gifts, I don't think this is the place to take out this frustration.

    For content going forwards, yes there is stuff I'd love to see, maybe in events and stuff. My best suggestion for you, is to come up with some ideas, and try and communicate them here, we have these forums, hopefully they see some of it.

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • I wish we could get the valentine tree with the animated hearts, I seen these and other really nice valentine deco around the banks. It would have been nice to have another dungeon kill for a few nice items.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Cookie said:

    @ misse To be fair, I understand a lot of your frustration, and for a long time, I said the same sort of things - I myself am a very gear and equipment orientated player. I like useful things ingame.

    For the sake of these gifts, I don't think this is the place to take out this frustration.

    For content going forwards, yes there is stuff I'd love to see, maybe in events and stuff. My best suggestion for you, is to come up with some ideas, and try and communicate them here, we have these forums, hopefully they see some of it.

    Yeah I get it but I don't need stuff to be useful if it is tasteful, I am just as much into deco as the next person.  If it was even somehow slightly related to UO overall graphics it would be fine, why not a Crystal Lattice Seeker cupid or Ethereal Warrior cupid made into a painting or something?   I am not into junk and kids toys and stuff really suitable for 7 yr olds.  How can anyone get excited about this?  I really wanna know. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    Bilbo said:

    New dartboard? :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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