Fog of War and 'not so *Hidden*' Guild members and Allies

Wouldn't it be magic if while running around a facet that deprives you of stamina when you push through beings, you could avoid the 'hidden' ones on your side? Could it be worth pursuing the idea of *ghost grey* guild members or allies that are hidden? how about thieves in your guild stealing your stuff in trammel? war yes, guild or ally, no. too far? i think its long overdue. 

I also noticed a stink-less change to spawn not attacking you through walls. perhaps its time UO introduced the 'Fog of War'? Why can we see through walls? FOW would add a sense of reality and discovery. 

what do you think?

  1. Should we see our allies *hidden* as grey dudes?14 votes
    1. yes
    2. no
  2. Should we introduce the 'Fog of War'?14 votes
    1. yes
    2. no


  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited April 2018
    I voted no to 1. (bodies are bodies: why physics should be differentiated?) and yes to 2., with the caveat that this kind "inverse CoT" should me made de/activable by players.
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282

    The coding to make allies visible while hidden would be far to easy to abuse. I'd have to nix that idea.

    Fog of War sounds interesting but in a top down game (perspective) as old as UO, the coding would have to be completely revamped. I suspect the task wouldn't b worth the effort(time),

  • damn it would be easy to abuse the client coding? that sucks. I figured the line of sight stuff exists already and there has been creatures that use hiding for a while now, would it be that difficult to apply one with the other?  you could very well be right however despite abuse which will happen regardless, the effort applied would surely be an investment in the future of the game in my eyes.
  • DerajDeraj Posts: 88
    Visible-while-hidden may be better suited and more useful for players in a party rather than guild/alliance. Fog of war would truly be awesome but it seems an unlikely change.
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