Might be too early but suggestions for next "Treasures of" event (rewards)



  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Quality items that newer players (1 to 5 years) can use and have a reasonable chance of obtaining.  For a mage slayer books, and maybe items like compassions eye and the pendant of the magi.  For the current tears of the dragon event an ice slayer spellbook would have been nice.  Maybe this recommendation has already been addressed, I did not do the Deceit event.  Would have liked more choices at the tears event.

    For events like the invasion a better chance for all players to get invasion spellbooks.  Does not make sense to have the most valuable items looted in the first 5 to ten minutes of a event lasting several hours.

    More events like the treasures of tokuno in which all players with reasonable skills that are willing to put in the effort can get what they want.

  • Could you add the potions of glorious fortune back in please as this saved a lot of my time on the deciet event and it’s a good revenue stream for you 

    I like the idea of themed items as mentioned that fit in with the lore of the event. The lore book from deciet was excellent. In terms of practical items a fast cast gorget would really help me build some different suits. It would also be good if the minor arti arms and armour pieces were a unique colour. 


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 545
    edited January 2021
    A strong mechanism to work together beyond 'this mob is extra hard.'

    The game can tell when separate logins are linked via the master account, paid or EJ. How else would it know that I have sovereigns available no matter which of the accounts I login as?

    If there was a mechanism that awarded an increased percent chance of a drop for every non-master account character in a group to each group member there would be an excellent incentive to team up. You and four other paid account players in a group means everyone gets a 5% bonus on getting a dropped item.

    Especially if this was linked to a dynamic spawn. "The forces of the dungeon sense your party's strength and sends a large group of foes to test you."
  • To go along with the talismans, spellbooks, and dyes previously mentioned, here's some deco ideas:

    • A decorative banner or plaque commemorating the event
    • Statue for the event; dungeon related and maybe drop-hued
    • Alternate versions of usable items (soulforge, anvil, water trough, etc)
    I think it'd be easier to come up with dungeon specific items as well for deco. What I listed is generic stuff. But if I knew if the next dungeon was Fire, Rock, Wrong, etc then it'd be a little easier to come up with ideas. Maybe you could release what dungeons are potentially upcoming?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    Kyronix said:
    We have no plans to remove the Shardbound property from Treasures related drops/rewards.  This was implemented to address what was the single greatest piece of negative feedback related to Treasures events.  We received numerous reports of players feeling as though individuals who visited less populated shards to farm Treasures content to ship back to other shards negatively impacted the entire experience for that particular shard.  Hence, those items are now shard bound.

    Hi Kyronix,

    I must admit, I am slightly bemused by this.

    I get why you did it, and I get that some players said it.

    To be fair, it is not going to bother me, I play on a busy enough shard, I play actively with friends, and I mainly play on 1 shard only, so I'm not fussed either way. I am happy enough to collect shard bound.

    I think a key problem now, is far less items are being farmed, because said "farmers" are not farming anymore, because the trade route has been stopped. What is happening now, is far less items are being generated, and these are staying stuck or stored in the resident populations vaults, never to be seen again. Any newer player, or new character, is not going to be able to obtain them, except for astronomical prices that are beyond most players except users of gold selling websites.

    I do think it creates a problem for Veterans when they shard transfer - especially for PvP, as parts of their suits will go missing, which are basically irreplaceable.

    I think the kickback on this, is going to hurt smaller shards more, less activity, less items, higher prices, more players to Atlantic, because that is where the only worthwhile market is, vicious circle that will eat away at the small shards.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    edited January 2021
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.  When describing gear please be specific.  For example, @Pawain said, "Dexxers could use nice gorgets, chests, or sleeves."  The word "nice" is subjective (and what you consider nice we may consider OP) but some starting expectations helps zero in on a useful item.

    Keep them coming! :)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    How about an event in the inaccessible land mass west of the Royal City in Ter Mur? You would need to put in a sparkle for people to reach it.

    For rewards
    Navrey holes
    grass tiles
    sand tiles
    lava tiles
    water tiles
    wood tiles
    snow tiles
    dirt tiles
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Footwear for the the trade in / collection sets as in "boots of Ice" to make the manikins look complete.

    Also if it isn't already.
    Since it is a limited time event and may be never to be repeated. NO rare drops from the sets. I've gotten over 200 "of Ice" and even with that limited sample I have many duplicates of some items and none of others. Given the number of posable items random chance should have given few if any duplicates. The same for the statue type rewards. 

    PS Thanks for the statues they were a really nice idea. Now if only I had been able to find the last one I need for the set at a reasonable price.  :'(
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    @Kyronix since all is shardbound...why not letting people in turn in reward getting the em drops from the last year from the shard. I dont say for cheap like 150-200 turn in for each one...since when people come to event 80 percent of the em drops arr going to atlantic and the em history items going away from the shard...some people cant attend at em event on their because of the time the event occur because of many reasons... I will be a good way for them to get a shard bound version of the em items from their shard
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    I don't see us introducing EM drops as turnin rewards.  They are their own beast and I'd rather not see the two content streams mingle.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited January 2021
    Kyronix said:
    We have no plans to remove the Shardbound property from Treasures related drops/rewards.  This was implemented to address what was the single greatest piece of negative feedback related to Treasures events.  We received numerous reports of players feeling as though individuals who visited less populated shards to farm Treasures content to ship back to other shards negatively impacted the entire experience for that particular shard.  Hence, those items are now shard bound.
    On the other hand this is my feedback:

    Shard bound for Treasure related drops / rewards made a busy shard more busy and a dead shard more dead. Why? There is simply no point to keep farming on my home (dead) shard one i've got what i need. I sell drops for 500k per piece and no one is buying it. I wanted to trade / buy for a few pieces of platemail / bone armor and no one is responding in general chat / discord.

    What do I do? I go to Atl to continue farming because I can trade and sell there easily. So on my home shard, you hardly find ANYONE in ice dungeon, either people are not participating the event once they've got what they need, or like me moved to Atl for the rest of the event. 

    You know what's the end result? Once I've collected a considerable amount of shard bound items on Atl, I will simply migrate myself to Atl, and leave the dead shard for good.

    What you've been trying to do is to encourage local shard trading (e.g. the virtue stone event), but reality is you can't break the supply and demand rule. There is simply not enough demand on a dead shard to support a healthy economy cycle and satisfy the suppliers there. Once the suppliers have left, it hurts back the buyers.

    Shard bound is not the answer to the problem. As I said in the other thread, you need to balance and regulate supply and demand. Not put a boundary to supply and demand. Global shard market place is the answer but I'm sure it won't be implemented. 

    Are those players happy, seeing a dead shard more dead now? 

  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    Kyronix said:
    I don't see us introducing EM drops as turnin rewards.  They are their own beast and I'd rather not see the two content streams mingle.
    @Kyronix please make em drops shardbound since we have to deal with treasures being shardbound. 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    EM event items are outside the scope of this discussion.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    How about a Treasures of Zipactriotl? It would need to be located outside of the Eodon facet so the Time of Legends pack would not be needed.  Turn in rewards would be the recipes, a completed power core, and a moonstone crystal.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited January 2021
    Kyronix said:
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.  When describing gear please be specific.  For example, @ Pawain said, "Dexxers could use nice gorgets, chests, or sleeves."  The word "nice" is subjective (and what you consider nice we may consider OP) but some starting expectations helps zero in on a useful item.

    Keep them coming! :)

    On the left I can make.  If I had more patience I could eventually make dex +5 Stam +10 and lmc +10 and have 3 other properties.
    On the right is what we can find.  Neither of these are expensive or highly sought after pieces.

    Has to be bone, studded or hide. There are no dexxer artifacts/rewards for sleeves, chest, gorget.
    The one I can make has 6 properties.  This legendary has 12. (7 properties  plus 5 resists).
    I would be happy with something like I can make with 5 dex 10 stamina 10 LMC.
    But make the resists higher does not have to be like the legendary, could be 12 to 15 in all resists.
    Then add 3 or 4 more properties.

    So, I am asking for 6 or 7 properties, 3 are max, 5 dex 10 stam 10 LMC.
    The 3 or 4  other properties need to be useful.  Like Regens or +Mana or + HP or str.
    Many would like the dex stuff with HP or str.  Make a Dex/Mana version and a Dex/Str version.

    Something that I could make if I kept trying that has a little better resists and an extra property.
    That would be a starting point IMO.  Would allow the casual player to have a nice piece that they can build a suit around.   There are players with better items than I am trying to get as a reward.
    My mystic thrower needs LRC plus dex, mana or HP on his pieces so those are hard to find.

    Want to get crazy add LRC and 200 Luck to a nice piece!  That's what players would buy. 

    Since you probably wont add the LRC or Luck, players would still want to upgrade that item slot with legenaries they have to loot.

    temp.bmp 135.6K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited January 2021
    @Kyronix ;

    Instead of Bane weapons make a potion to add bane to a weapon we already have.  Whether looted or crafted.  Make it cost no more than 100 points. Most PvM use reforged and imbued weapons.  It is rare to find a useful Weapon as loot.  I carry 8 bows on me all crafted.  Others carry more weapons. So, either we would need ability to get a lot of points or make the cost 50 each.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited January 2021
    Kyronix said:
    Building out the next dynamic events now, so if there's something you'd like to see let us know!
    @Kyronix ;

    Not sure if you saw this Thread https://forum.uo.com/discussion/7906/does-the-new-dynamic-tot-spawn-tool-permit-events-on-a-larger-area-then-a-dungeon but it would be nice to see the Event not be secluded into only the close surroundings of a Dungeon, but across an entire Map, thus involving Multiple Towns at once (not 1 at a time like with the Anniversaty Invasion) and all of the Land in betwee....

    Also, please, think about Tamers being forced on foot with their 5 slots pets and thus be the ones, together with Mystics (Rising Colossus is also a 5 slots summon), who are the most affected by Paragons' ultra fast speed and their continuous retargeting... tone this down, please, limit their retargeting and slow their speed....

    Also, i sure hope that in future Events you are planning also other Templates to be able to join in, with same, equivalent chances at drops like Warriors or Tamers.... I am talking of Bards, Rogues, Spellcasters and so forth.

    As in regards to Rogues, keep in mind that a fully rounded Rogue Template has no fighting capabilities (120 stealing, 100 snooping, 100 Lockpicking, 100 Hiding, 120 Stealthing, 100 Remove Trap, 100 Detect Hidden = 740 skill points already, 20 over the 720 CAP and no magery to even be able to recall....) so, if you leave things as they are, with Paragons revealing a go go ultra fast, and killing in 1 hit or so, Rogues won't be able to play...

    For example, say that you decide to have turn in for points drops be stealeable from Monsters, from Paragons, revealing from some 12 tiles away it would be an impossible steal, not to mention how bad they hit.....

    If you decide to make turn in for points drops spawn in hidden chests to be revealed with Detect Hidden for Rogues, again, if a Paragon is anywhere around one of these chests, it would be impossible for the Rogue to approach the chest.. they would have to wait for the Paragon to move away, which could take a lot of time, and by then, the hidden chest could have vanished..... or, at the very least, the finding of turn in for points drops could be abysmally low for Rogues, having all of these dead times and waits to have to make before being able to pick the lock of a chest, remove the trap, and get the drop to turn in for points.... you need to think about all of this and make the Template feasible and efficient or, I guess, players will keep using Warriors or Tamers to get their drops to turn in for points because being Templates that are far more efficient....

    What I am trying to say is, that if you want to give some love to Rogue in upcoming Events you need to keep in mind that they have no offensive capabilities, and can only count on their stealthing and hiding abilities to not die.... but that is hard, as things are now, with Paragons as they are...

    Keep up the good work !! Looking forward to seeing the future Design for Events.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Kyronix said:
    We have no plans to remove the Shardbound property from Treasures related drops/rewards.  This was implemented to address what was the single greatest piece of negative feedback related to Treasures events.  We received numerous reports of players feeling as though individuals who visited less populated shards to farm Treasures content to ship back to other shards negatively impacted the entire experience for that particular shard.  Hence, those items are now shard bound.
    Well said !!

    Shardbound has been the best things you Devs have come up with to protect the Low Population shards against being exploited to farm items and take them elsewhere to sell.

    Thanks !!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Teclo said:
    Kyronix said:
    Building out the next dynamic events now, so if there's something you'd like to see let us know!
    how about the new haven dungeon?
    with alot less paragons, and some usefull rewards for newer/returning players, to get some decent armor as a new or returningplayer, you are most in the hands of other players good will,
    This is a good idea.

    The current dynamic ToT Event spawns (Paragons, most notably), are quite prohibitive for a new or returning player.

    Having one, elsewhere from the "main" Event, "tailored" for New and Returning players thus giving them still the chance to get drops and items, would be great.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I hope new items will not be shard bound, ran out of time to play recently. I wished I can shop all shards and find the best price. Now I expect inflated price any shard, and u can only use there. Time to remove character transfer.

    I am very upset with shard bound wearables.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Also this has Really caused zero motivation to push and pay my second account to 14 years.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    I would like boots and earrings with Luck and SDI on them.
    book of lore for the current event would be awesome.

    if the event will start in February...
    put something in thats love themed.
    like The candle of Love
    have it red or pink
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 545
    edited January 2021
    For a lore item consider that there is a:
    • Dupre's Sword
    • Jaana's Staff
    • Gwenno's Harp
    • Iolo's Lute
    • Katrina's Crook
    • Shamino's Best Crossbow
    But there are no minor artifacts named for Mariah and Julia. Maybe something like a spellbook named for Mariah and square tinker's box for Julia?
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Not quite on target but since shard bound went into effect I have seen more players on my shard than I have in previous years.  Have other players on low population shards noticed this?

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I like Cinderella's idea - earrings with sdi on them.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Arnold7 said: 
    Not quite on target but since shard bound went into effect I have seen more players on my shard than I have in previous years.  Have other players on low population shards noticed this?

    Result of Covid. They did not return because they heard about items being shard bound.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Arnold7 said:
    Not quite on target but since shard bound went into effect I have seen more players on my shard than I have in previous years.  Have other players on low population shards noticed this?

    Yes, I also have, never seen the Deceit and Ice Dungeon as full as in these 2 Events...

    Clearly, this is thanking to the Shard Bound, if players need/want a given item on a Shard, Low or High Population that it might be, their only way is to get it there, or buy it there...

    As I said, Shard Bound items are a blessing for Low Population Shards, to my opinion.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    popps said:
    Arnold7 said:
    Not quite on target but since shard bound went into effect I have seen more players on my shard than I have in previous years.  Have other players on low population shards noticed this?

    Yes, I also have, never seen the Deceit and Ice Dungeon as full as in these 2 Events...

    Clearly, this is thanking to the Shard Bound, if players need/want a given item on a Shard, Low or High Population that it might be, their only way is to get it there, or buy it there...

    As I said, Shard Bound items are a blessing for Low Population Shards, to my opinion.

    This conclusion is a prime example of how you can make an observation and draw the incorrect conclusion from it.

    I honestly don't think we should keep banging on this particular drum, The Devs have stated their position and why, this topic is not on topic for the thread, which is having some really good input on the main topic. This is one of those occasions, where we play our game, and just watch the small shards die, then I will be back to say I told you so, can you now fix this also.

  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited January 2021
    A weaker version of this shield maybe as a [Replica]
    maybe with : 
    Spell channeling
    3 Faster cast recovery
    no -1 faster cast
    10-15  spell damage increase ( there are none sdi shields in game right now I believe)
    15 defense chance increase
    and maybe some lower reagents cost 10-20%
    10-20% poison resist

    It would make both a great pvm and pvp item and opening alot of builds with the 3 fcr

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    A weaker version of this shield maybe as a [Replica]
    maybe with : 
    Spell channeling
    3 Faster cast recovery
    no -1 faster cast
    10-15  spell damage increase ( there are none sdi shields in game right now I believe)
    15 defense chance increase
    and maybe some lower reagents cost 10-20%
    10-20% poison resist

    It would make both a great pvm and pvp item and opening alot of builds with the 3 fcr

    Lol, I never knew that shield existed, what is it's history?

    That is now my new target for my Mages SDI suit. :)

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