My 2021 wishes
So we're turning a page!
Here's what I'm dreaming (because I'm 99% sure it will never happen. Just some fantasies lol) to see in game!
I know there's some ideas that could bring some revenue and that's not what you're looking for but hear me out, this is easy money.
The New Legacy thing isn't the only focus. Prodo shards still need some love.
Here's what I'm dreaming (because I'm 99% sure it will never happen. Just some fantasies lol) to see in game!
- Being able to transfer magic properties to the same slot piece, Like why my ninja can't wear a ninja hood instead of glasses (?). This could be accomplished with some Transmog potions on uostore.
- Animal taming: more rideable pet.
- Animal taming: Vanity mounts. I mean c'mon, why they aren't being able to be trained 5 slots. I wanna use my Lasher 100% phy damage, which is worst damage type of the game. You can limit their stats or put them all the same damage type to prevent an OP pet. We buy them. We wanna use them. I don't understand why Mesana is so against this one.
- Animal taming: when you train a pet, when not have a section where you can add to your pet, for example, the ability to carry stuff like the beetle? Make it 500pts I don't care. Just have different types of those would be nice. An ability to gather things on the ground like the Necro minion. You fix a cost high so the player has to choose between a fighting pet or a support pet.
- Animal taming: FIX PET LOYALTY!
- Boat: why I can't drop cannon balls over cannon balls on my cannon? Same for fuse and powder.
- Boat: Remove or get option to remove player's boat from the tracking. This is really annoying.
- Boat: Being able to bless a cannon to prevent the decay when using it. It can be a new reward from the Cargo market and/or make them more durable. After 3 fights, I have to repair it. It's annoying.
- Boat: Increase spawn locations.
- Bard: Make music great again. What's the nerf on the pet's party? It clearly doesn't work anymore or has been so nerfed it is now useless.
- Character: Add items like a potion belt to bless them, like the first aid belt.
I know there's some ideas that could bring some revenue and that's not what you're looking for but hear me out, this is easy money.
The New Legacy thing isn't the only focus. Prodo shards still need some love.

The last ability to get additional extra House (+20%) and Bank (+25) storage, came in 2010 with the High Seas Expansion.
That is now some 11 Years folks !!
And over these many Years, how many new items to collect have been released ?
LOTS !!!
I would also love to see a Weapons Rack capable of holding 500 weapons but counting as 1 like the Jewellery Box and also an Armor Armoire likewise being able to hold 500 armor pieces but counting as 1 as the jewellery box.
Both, with a search feature like we have for the Vendors' global search whereas we can select various properties and come up with the item that we need.
I would also love to see more items made as stackables... there is still way too many that should be stackable but are not.... as well as see the bugs currently plaguing some stackable items and that made them not stack be fixed....
I have lockpicks which should but do not stack, fish steaks with the same issue and other items as well. Even seeds, unless I put them in a seed box or in my main backpack (which can only hold so much, though), I cannot get them to stack in a secure or lockdown container....
Therefore, this limits much how many seeds I can keep in a stack as my main backpack has a limited weight capacity.
I could go on and on.
Bottom line is, since we are keeping getting new items being released with every new Event, I would like to see some love be given towards players' hurdles and troubles at storing their UO items.
Happy New Year.
I've sent feedback via the contact form, both positive and negative: never been answered... Even though when you are done the site states you will receive an answer soon.
I know they must have more important things to do but some players are very, very passionate about Ultima. It is not necessary but a simple "thank you" would be more than enough.
And answer some questions, not just later, maybe, we will see, radar, soon.
The last line is important. PRodo shards are paying the bills, keep them happy.
If they don't keep us happy on the prod shards now... there won't be many people left to even try to new shard whenever it comes out.
There are plenty of lofty things I'd like to see done but some simple things would go a long way:
1 - BOD Book storage converted to work like SOT books, Recipe Books, Jewelry boxes, Alacrity books and everything else. 1 lockdown per book instead of 1 per 5 bods. Stop having us load up vendors with bods clogging the Vendor Search system to store this crazy number of bods you have created (BS, Tailor, Tinker, Cooking, Inscription, Alchemy etc etc).
2 - Jewelry Box - Some rudimentary search. Please. Finding a jewel in a box of 500 that requires a hover over of everyone takes like an hour. Super annoying.
3 - Shard bound items - only makes sense for event items or shard rares. This new content that is bound is dumb. Why force the 89% of the population on ATL to fight over this on ATL only? Spread the volume to other shards. If they want to xfer these items to ATL then who cares? I travel shards with may toons. I don't want to have an item on my suit that doesn't travel with me.
4 - Imbuing - Allow SSI to be imbued on jewelry. Its needed on almost every piece of PVM and PVP jewel which means imbuing jewelry is just about a dead skill without this addition. Nearly all worn jewels are loot now. Crafters still limited by 5 mods - but no SSI on jewels is a killer.
5 - Just like Animal Lore - allow taming gain checks at every tick of the taming process. To wait 8 seconds and then fail on taming makes it super long to gain taming. I know the mastery makes it easy from 90 to 120 but 50 to 90 is still super slow and 10x as long as lore since you can gain multiple lore gains from one tame wheras you can only gain taming from a successful tame at the end. Just allow intermediate gains as well. Taming is still the worst skill to gain.
6 - Vendor Search - Allow filtering on 'scroll type' of Powerscroll, Alacrity, Transcendence. Its 80% of the VS searches and if you allow this combined will skill filtering you can reduce the full text searches on 80% of the Vendor Search queries (terribly inefficient and the source of the VS clogging). This alone will likely fix a good deal of the horrible performance. Right now too many full text searching going on trying to find 'taming Trans'. Just look at the log of your DB queries to see how you are getting killed by not having his filter.
7 - Runic tool combining - Up the cap from 100 charges to 500 or 1,000. With 100 I can only combine 2 DC hammers. There is literally no harm to allowing this to be higher.
8 - Community collections - Update the rewards and have some better turn in items. Mace and Shield glasses takes 90,000 shields? C'mon. Find something that gives 100 points and only takes 8,000 instead of 90,000. You've made it so that either you pay gold or you script it. There is no way someone is getting these things manual. Seriously - these are essentially dead because you turned it into a scripters only situation.
9 - Bod Books again - Add an alphabetical sort and a 'drop all' button that drops all the bods in the current filter to the pack.
10 - Bod bribing - why so much nonsense text from the NPC? Can' it just say 'For 100 gold I can help you out?' The text they spam takes up the whole screen in 2d.
If I could get even half of these it would make my play experience better.
Sell Power Scrolls in the UO store.
I looked in UO a bit of a time ago and I have already pages with notes with "where can I find this or that (information)", "how can I do/change this or that", and so on. Stuff, which should not need hours of (google!) research.
But finally, I think I can break it down to two things which are for me to two biggest problems in/with UO:
- It seems the responsible persons here can do three things: make forum posts, make “Wiki” posts and these moderated events. That is all. Perhaps they can write emails to their supervisors, but these emails seems to be auto-deleted.
- It seems the UO program is like an antique COBOL data base, where no one has anymore any clue how this project evolved and when where what has been done over the time. Any changes can only be done by complex workarounds without knowing the outcome.
These two points have an synergetic effect.
Also, I’m sure there will be never ever “big” changes on the “old servers”. So I’m hoping the somewhere mention “rule setting” for New Legacy allows the responsible persons more than making one or another post.
1 in 10 chance 1mil gold. (10k gold SP)
1 in 25 chance daily rare
1 in 50 chance of Treasures of past prize low end.
1 in 100 chance of treasures high end.
1 in 500 chance of High end drop. (Cuffs, Halo and the rest)
1 in 1,000 chance of SB rare.
1 in 5,000 chance of real Lt sash
1 in 10,000 chance malas keep.
1 in 100,000 chance malas castle.
And last one 1 in 1,000,000 chance of a Custom 12 mod armor or weapon piece where its clean and you pick the mods you want.
EA would love it and so would the pocket books of Broadsword.
Is this what you really want? Then make it so.
Like many things on this wish list, they're just never going to happen because they'll have negative business impacts or have very little return for the amount of effort needed to implement. New Legacy is their focus now. You normally do