What is legal for 3rd party programs now? UOassist?

I have not used a 3rd party client in forever.  I checked into tugsoft uoassist web page and it says its not being updated?  Does it still work?  Is there other clients out there to use legally?


  • TownieTownie Posts: 20
    use whatever you want they don't ban for them.
  • Townie said:
    use whatever you want they don't ban for them.

    I guess I do not know which ones are active?  I searched and very little comes up.  I would like to stay legal though.  Can you point one to me?
  • If you absolutely want to play classic client uoassist still works.
    I strongly advise to switch to enhanced client though. It's simply the better client and 100% legal
  • If you absolutely want to play classic client uoassist still works.
    I strongly advise to switch to enhanced client though. It's simply the better client and 100% legal

    I have both clients.  I just prefer the 2 dimensional.  For some reason the EC is hard to go to because the commands are different.  Little things.  I hate how it locks up randomly.  Sometimes when moving stuff in bank, or in a container, it just freezes.  I do like parts of it and have used it for t mapping and such.  Thank you for telling me UOassist still works :)  I will try EC more to see if it works better now, I have not used it in awhile.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    UOassist is still acceptable, you should also explore the possibilities of the client alone, a lot of functionality has been added over the last few years. Most notably the ability to resize the window and to record arm and dress macros.

  • Mariah said:
    UOassist is still acceptable, you should also explore the possibilities of the client alone, a lot of functionality has been added over the last few years. Most notably the ability to resize the window and to record arm and dress macros.

    Thank you, will check it out :)
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    talking about arm and dress maccro why it s not saving for many keyboard touch, when you logg in back they are erased...;`<¸^ escape and many more
  • RoxoRoxo Posts: 34
    Fortis I had the same issue and it turns out it was because I had it set to a key that already had another macro set to it by default. After switching it to a different key combo it has worked perfectly for weapons and armor. I also had to make sure I did the record macros correctly. 
  • The dress & arm macros do not support several keybinds. We all had to find out this the hard way. For example you cannot use home, delete, page up/down. This is not documented nor have the developers even commented on this to my knowledge even though many many of us complained about the not saving issue. A player found out the key issue and posted about it.

    UOAssist does not have this issue - but its dress & arm macros are slow.

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    edited October 2020

    ridiculous  @messana

  • RoxoRoxo Posts: 34
    Is UOAssist free?
  • No. The fee is not much. 10 or 15 bucks, I cannot remember for sure. Its a lifetime fee.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited October 2020
    Mariah said:
    UOassist is still acceptable, you should also explore the possibilities of the client alone, a lot of functionality has been added over the last few years.

       Why would you say UOAssist is still acceptable, when like 5% of the playerbase uses it, everyone else IS using an illegal program...

    Nothing's done about it, probably because IF something were done, the game would close down once everyone's subs ran out.

    Roxo said:
    Is UOAssist free?

     a limited free trial, I believe it's $15 usd. but it's been a while since I had to buy it.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • RoxoRoxo Posts: 34
    Is there a list of legal 3rd party programs somewhere? If so, will it ever be expanded?
  • MadMartyrMadMartyr Posts: 61
    edited October 2020
    There used to be a list on the EA help site, but that disappeared a while back with their redesign. I think the list is basically UOAssist, Ultima Mapper, and a couple of tools that just send text to the game window (UOCurse and UORudder?).

    Ultima Mapper was the last added approved third-party program, in 2012. I think the last time they had approved a third-party program before that was in 2004.
    UWF Emissary
    Developer of Ultima Mapper
  • It seems that you cannot get them to comment on this subject anymore. A couple of years ago they started listing the number of people banned for macroing, etc in the update notes. People started asking about the legality of certain programs - stuff like UOLoop, etc that even Mesanna has admitted to using. Our inquiries have been ignored.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    CovenantX said:
    Mariah said:
    UOassist is still acceptable, you should also explore the possibilities of the client alone, a lot of functionality has been added over the last few years.

       Why would you say UOAssist is still acceptable, when like 5% of the playerbase uses it, everyone else IS using an illegal program...

    I said it because it is true, unlike your claim that everyone else uses an illegal program.  Many players use nothing but the plain CC client and always have done. I actually play in EC and have no need of any other program.
    The current newsletter clearly states:
    Below are the CS actions for the month of October:

    17 Solicitations
    4 Multiboxing
    66 Macroing
    4 Disruptive Behavior
    1 Naming Violation
    35 Third Party Program

  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116
    edited November 2020
    What CovenantX   said is true

    why people would pay 15$ for an assistant who is not up to date and is useless. It's a shame to sell this product, the default options are still for uo pre-aos...
    the only interesting features are included in the client EC (which has much more than UOAssist).

    For the '35 Third Party Program' please specify that it only includes EJ accounts that was farming/macroing.

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited November 2020
    Gandalf said:
    What CovenantX   said is true

    why people would pay 15$ for an assistant who is not up to date and is useless. It's a shame to sell this product, the default options are still for uo pre-aos...
    the only interesting features are included in the client EC (which has much more than UOAssist).

    For the '35 Third Party Program' please specify that it only includes EJ accounts that was farming/macroing.

       I still use UOAssist, but tbh.. now that there's a faster, better & far more reliable Dress Macro, arm/disarm macro within the default classic client.  I use it for fewer features.

     I use UOAssist mostly for Dismount/Remount and Pots/Apples. (I haven't made pot macroes within the default client yet).  Basically every macro that can be set within the game client is, the ones that can't be are through UOAssist.  

     I personally don't think it comes down to the $15 fee for UOAssist, though.   It's (IMO) because the 'illegal programs' allow you to do far more than what can be done via UOAssist, that often compensates for a lack of skill on the players part.  I'll just leave that there, I don't want to offend anyone with more truth, (no doubt it'll get down to that if I continue further).

    Mariah said:
    CovenantX said:
    Mariah said:
    UOassist is still acceptable, you should also explore the possibilities of the client alone, a lot of functionality has been added over the last few years.

       Why would you say UOAssist is still acceptable, when like 5% of the playerbase uses it, everyone else IS using an illegal program...

    I said it because it is true, unlike your claim that everyone else uses an illegal program.  Many players use nothing but the plain CC client and always have done. I actually play in EC and have no need of any other program.
    The current newsletter clearly states:
    Below are the CS actions for the month of October:

    17 Solicitations
    4 Multiboxing
    66 Macroing
    4 Disruptive Behavior
    1 Naming Violation
    35 Third Party Program

       I'm going to have to go with the pool of information you're pulling from has many unknowns or intentionally omitting information.      

    I mean, when people are "actioned" for unattended macroing, they're likely using an illegal program to macro more often than not.  Mutli-boxing would fall even more into the 'third-party program' category.      You cannot multi-box without using a program to do it. -fact.

    What determines which category these 'actioned' accounts fall into?

     "Third-party program"  seems to be very vague when the Devs use the term, However, in the ToS it seems fairly straight forward. 

    for example, a few years ago there was a bug that allowed players to client-crash everyone in classic client that was in the same General Chat Channel.   it Required the use of a third-party program.  I'll name it here whenever you'd like to know, but the devs already know of it's existence.

    This particular issue required the same program that (based on my interactions with players on several shards, over discord, vent, TS... even screenshots & videos posted) admit or blatantly display using it.    I used it to reproduce & report the bug.  I also said that in my post (back when stratics was the 'official' place to post bug reports, though I didn't post it in the bug report forum... I sent it directly to @Mesanna, @Kyronix & @Bleak via direct message as did a guildy of mine,   because It was an obvious unfair advantage, caused again... an Illegal Third-party Program.
    -I'm sure I still have the private messages on stratics to prove what I'm saying here. if infact You need the 'proof'...
    How exactly do you submit a detailed bug report with the appropriate information for the devs to fix the issue without "Incriminating" yourself?  

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • I think the only thing I use UOAssist for anymore is the ability to create macros on the mouse. If the classic client had that built in I don't think I'd use UOA. The new-ish ingame dress macro is so much better than what UOA offers.
  • The issue with the Classic Client dress / undress / arm / disarm is the lack of keys available to use. Very common keys used for these do not work in CC but always have in UOAssist. Shame on the devs for this, because now you often have to resort to multi-key strokes in the CC to do the same thing (although slower) you can do in UOAssist with one key and basically any key.

  • Personally I don't use my mouse for any macroes, but yeah, a few of my guildies use UOA for mouse-supported macroes, generally all targeting (target self/last target).

    Adding a dismount/remount & finish off all the other potion types with the default client macro list, there would be no reason (other than UOCartographer) for me to use UOAssist at that point.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2020
    I have no doubt anyone can travel from Canada to Mexico by driving a car, it still works. But flying is faster and more efficient. This is the difference between using clean CC and 3rd party programs.

    If you are using CC and not using 3rd party, it is like some guys who has been using Window 95 on a Pentium 486 for 20 years and have not even tried Windows 7 (forget 10) on i7 CPU desktop. Yes, it is fine because you are already used to the speed of running the old Excel on a machine with only 16 MB ram.

    EC is a different story, anyone can play it without 3rd party, however, it is still not good enough, like a forgotten child and lacks support. Sorry to say there are so many bugs that it would become a day job to spend hours to list them all. Try running through the actions and macros, some do not work.

    If you ask me to convince a friend to pay $9.95 for monthly subscription for UO, how do you expect me to explain why the simple EC map dropdown has simple bugs? I think the one-time payment multi-player games have better support - even the ancient Counterstrike.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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