Ivan the collector of oddities vendor appearing outside and following me through gates in Deceit
On Origin....
Only on my human tamer character, my other garg tamer doesn't see him. Other people on the shard do see him.
He's not there until I walk into the dungeon, then he's inside..and when I walk outside he's outside.
I gated to lvl 4 and he followed me through the gate.

Just curious behavior for an npc
Only on my human tamer character, my other garg tamer doesn't see him. Other people on the shard do see him.
He's not there until I walk into the dungeon, then he's inside..and when I walk outside he's outside.
I gated to lvl 4 and he followed me through the gate.

Just curious behavior for an npc

Just thought that maybe there was a glitch in the matrix or something!
Thanks for all your hard work, looking forward to the next event!
I agree That dog has a special look about it.
LOL But no he's non magical, I put chiv and AI on him, no magic skills at all...well Chiv I guess you can call a magic of a sort....but that's it!