Fishing Contest for September and October

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
Greetings everyone

Fishing Contest for the months of September and October – Dates to turn in your fish are Sept 1st till Oct 31st.  We are after the Reaper Fish which can be found in the Dungeon Doom.  Please turn in your fish in the mailbox at the House of Commons North of Britain Moongate.  Two submissions per fisher and if we have a tie the winner will be determined by the earliest date caught.  Heaviest fish wins and the winner will have their fish mounted at the House of Commons for bragging rights.  Good Luck everyone


  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    Greetings all,  I wanted to say thanks for all the fishers who braved dungeon Doom to grab hold of a Reaper fish.  We do have a winner for the contest.  Coming in at 168 stones was Lord Gumon Mashoe.  I will be mounting your fish at the Britain House of Commons for bragging rights.  Please stop by and check it out.  Congratulations to Gumon Mashoe.  
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