Dev's Definition of Multi-Boxing Please

There's an ongoing argument on a shard that I play about the definition of multi-boxing. I searched posts here and the other forum and can't find a thread on it. Could someone please provide the current definition and status of multi-boxing please?
Thank you.


  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited October 2020
    I beleive multi box what is illegal is when you have scripted or automated action when you arent on that specified client.
    For exemple, you can multi client , but as long as you dont have a single action automated ( not controlled) thats when it becomes illegal, so if you switch with alt-tab between your clients to do the actions you are fine, but the second you do one non controlled action its considered multi box, pls someone correct me if im wrong
    edited October 2020
    Here is what was going on, that brought this up. A char was running through the dungeon with 3 clients going. The other two chars/clients where following the primary char exactly same foot steps, spouting out a bard song that had sparkles on all three chars. When I brought it up in general chat, the person said that he only had the other two chars set to follow the main char's and that it was legal. Now considering the other two chars where automatically helping the main char. I said it was auto boxing. *shrugs
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited October 2020
    It's called AUTO-FOLLOW option : hold alt+left click.

    It's a ingame option no script involved, if you report because you see characters following exacts same step thats what he's doign and it's completly legal I got paged on for that and I told the gm its the auto-follow option and he let me go. Now if the auto following characters are doing auto-target+attacks actions, now thats illegal and you can report for only that part , not the auto-follow part, you follow me ?

    But if they are doing nothing else than just following, and maybe shooting targets with archery on the mobs that come to them, or giving bards buffs exemple, all of that is completly legal, im sorry
  • What I am asking for is the Dev's definition.

  • That cool Quickblade, I was not sure to be completely honest. I know that auto-following a Satyre (think that's how its spelled) once discorded to train skills is not legal, this was kinda the same thing. Your using a buff from another char and dragging them through a dungeon but not having any input of the char thats doing the buffing. I'm pretty sure that goes against the game mechanics. *shrugs. 
  • So if a following character is running a barding script via UO assist which is a approved 3rd party program, another following character is a stealth tamer running with pet etc, another following character is an archer in war mode and another following char is a  etc, etc etc....and you're only controlling one character, that's all legal? 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    CFCMAGIC said:
    That cool Quickblade, I was not sure to be completely honest. I know that auto-following a Satyr (think that's how its spelled) once discorded to train skills is not legal, this was kinda the same thing. Your using a buff from another char and dragging them through a dungeon but not having any input of the char thats doing the buffing. I'm pretty sure that goes against the game mechanics. *shrugs. 
    How is auto following a Satyr illegal
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,362Moderator
    Running more than one client is allowed, but not supported - you do it at your own risk, don't complain if it crashes your pc. While each instance is controlled seperately you are not in breach of rules
    Multi boxing involves using 3rd party software to control multiple instances of the game with the same mouse/keystrokes. In such an instances you will see multiple characters cast the same spell at the same time and attack the same target.
  • Mariah said:
    Running more than one client is allowed, but not supported - you do it at your own risk, don't complain if it crashes your pc. While each instance is controlled seperately you are not in breach of rules
    Multi boxing involves using 3rd party software to control multiple instances of the game with the same mouse/keystrokes. In such an instances you will see multiple characters cast the same spell at the same time and attack the same target.
    But aren't you controlling three characters with one mouse input for movement?   
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    CFCMAGIC said:
    Mariah said:
    Running more than one client is allowed, but not supported - you do it at your own risk, don't complain if it crashes your pc. While each instance is controlled seperately you are not in breach of rules
    Multi boxing involves using 3rd party software to control multiple instances of the game with the same mouse/keystrokes. In such an instances you will see multiple characters cast the same spell at the same time and attack the same target.
    But aren't you controlling three characters with one mouse input for movement?   
    With Multi-Clienting you have to switch between clients and repeat your commands but with Multi-Boxing you do not need to switch clients and only give one command and the 3rd party app will send that command to all clients at the same time
  • Mariah said:
    Running more than one client is allowed, but not supported - you do it at your own risk, don't complain if it crashes your pc. While each instance is controlled seperately you are not in breach of rules
    Multi boxing involves using 3rd party software to control multiple instances of the game with the same mouse/keystrokes. In such an instances you will see multiple characters cast the same spell at the same time and attack the same target.
    So if this turns out to be legal, I'm gonna tag team two bards with inspire casted on my dexer to get up to 80% dmi on top of my over 100 DMI already. Swing away! 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,478
    Good luck with that. What will you do when your bards get targeted by a paragon lich lord, ram or poison ele?
    Also, you can't have 2 bards running the same mastery, only one will have an effect.
  • Good luck with that. What will you do when your bards get targeted by a paragon lich lord, ram or poison ele?

    The guy that was doing it, seemed to be doing fine, but I see your point. I'm thinking more about fighting other stuff in general. 

    "Also, you can't have 2 bards running the same mastery, only one will have an effect."

    That makes sense. 
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited October 2020
    So if a following character is running a barding script via UO assist which is a approved 3rd party program, another following character is a stealth tamer running with pet etc, another following character is an archer in war mode and another following char is a  etc, etc etc....and you're only controlling one character, that's all legal? 
    There is no need for a script for the bard songs, you cast them and they last as long as you dont get hit by more than 25-30 dmg, or run out of mana, in that case your spells get interrupted and you have to alt+tab on your clients to recast them manually, but like Petra Flyde said, with a Lich Lord paragon chasing you with a ram or two disarming you, sometime it's not that easy to control 3 clients.

    Also yea how is auto-following a satyr illegal @CFCMAGIC ? Very curious here, usually when poeple go get discorded at satyr, it's to afk maccroing skills, which that is illegal just because they are usually unnatended, but the simple fact of auto-following isn't illegal at all in any way, it is an in-game option, doesnt make sense.
  • Thanks all for the clarifying input. The brain cells were having a hard time distinguishing between auto follow/auto attack and multiboxing which apparently requires the use of illegal 3rd party programs.
    So it's perfectly legal for me to run with 10 accounts, 9 of the 10 in auto follow/auto attack mode and the 1 be the sheepherder/healer of the 9.
    The army of Amber Witches begins....
    The army of Amber Witches dies....
    The army of Amber Witches runs out of gold in the first 5 minutes....

  • Thanks all for the clarifying input. The brain cells were having a hard time distinguishing between auto follow/auto attack and multiboxing which apparently requires the use of illegal 3rd party programs.
    So it's perfectly legal for me to run with 10 accounts, 9 of the 10 in auto follow/auto attack mode and the 1 be the sheepherder/healer of the 9.
    The army of Amber Witches begins....
    The army of Amber Witches dies....
    The army of Amber Witches runs out of gold in the first 5 minutes....

    I will be right there with yah Amber! Thank you all for the clarification. 
  • So if a following character is running a barding script via UO assist which is a approved 3rd party program, another following character is a stealth tamer running with pet etc, another following character is an archer in war mode and another following char is a  etc, etc etc....and you're only controlling one character, that's all legal? 
    There is no need for a script for the bard songs, you cast them and they last as long as you dont get hit by more than 25-30 dmg, or run out of mana, in that case your spells get interrupted and you have to alt+tab on your clients to recast them manually, but like Petra Flyde said, with a Lich Lord paragon chasing you with a ram or two disarming you, sometime it's not that easy to control 3 clients.

    Also yea how is auto-following a satyr illegal @ CFCMAGIC ? Very curious here, usually when poeple go get discorded at satyr, it's to afk maccroing skills, which that is illegal just because they are usually unnatended, but the simple fact of auto-following isn't illegal at all in any way, it is an in-game option, doesnt make sense.
    I was "warned" about a year ago by a GM that it violated the intended mechanics of the game (not sure if that was the exact words), being discorded by the Satyr and then training skills, it may be very possible that he/she was blowing smoke. I was just warned because I was not unattended and was mashing keys non my keyboard. 

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