Dynamic spawn is not working on Lake Superior.
There are too many players everywhere and not enough things to kill. @Kyronix @Bleak @Misk @Mesanna
We had a lot of returners this year and many have stayed because we love to invite everyone to kill stuff in groups. You can run a floor and kill 2 to 4 things because everything is dead. We are very efficient at killing things.
Saturday afternoon on Lake Superior is usually quiet. But this is how it is now. There are players on all the floors. We let new and rookie players do the first floor, It is busy from 10am to 2am on Lake Superior. I go to bed then so don't know after.
There are players on all the floors, they have even invaded the Ram room.(7 ppl in this one shot.) I could put pics of any area with players in them.
1 Increase the spawn rate.
2. let the Black Gate spawns drop these artifacts.
3. open the unmentionable place.

We had a lot of returners this year and many have stayed because we love to invite everyone to kill stuff in groups. You can run a floor and kill 2 to 4 things because everything is dead. We are very efficient at killing things.
Saturday afternoon on Lake Superior is usually quiet. But this is how it is now. There are players on all the floors. We let new and rookie players do the first floor, It is busy from 10am to 2am on Lake Superior. I go to bed then so don't know after.
There are players on all the floors, they have even invaded the Ram room.(7 ppl in this one shot.) I could put pics of any area with players in them.
1 Increase the spawn rate.
2. let the Black Gate spawns drop these artifacts.
3. open the unmentionable place.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
Edit: Guess it picked up since then. I just ran from start to finish. There were 12 things I killed. I got to that room there is a para poison at the door so it is full now also. Took me 2 mins. On way back to top was able to kill 4 things.
Also that room "belongs" to a certain player. He is very vocal in chat. He is not on.
10 mins later I decided to go clear that room since the rest is empty. When I got there, room had new spawn because someone killed the para poison. I cleared it again, it had 2 para lich lords this time.
@AtomicBetty You cant just run down there and stay for 10 minutes to see whats busy or not. I was taking a break when you were there. So do others.
There are probably many shards that a para poison would sit at that door all day before anyone went in.
So you logged on after 1:30 am this morning you can see the time of my last post. I was playing from 9 to 10:30 last night then midnight till 1:30. There were few things to kill. The guy doing the Ram room was back so he keeps the whole 4th floor clear. Then you came on before 9 am this morning and checked. One player can keep the third level clear. 2 can keep the 2nd level clear. First floor is for NOOBs and returners. Yall must not be used to efficient killing.
Check at 5 to 8 pm tonight and tell me how empty it is. Sunday is usually dead on LS. Football day for me.
I was expecting to see 50 players there and was really disappointed to see just 12. But you were all on break kind of gave me the impression that the picture you posted was staged.
I did log on a few other shards right after and greatlakes had more people then LS but they are managing just fine.
I am not going to keep checking your shard because I don't care that much. I checked 3 times during the past 24 hours and never was more then 12. You will be alright and get the rewards eventually just keep at it amd have fun playing with others thats why this is an mmo.
I decided to check it out now. Went from 1st to fourth was able to kill 12 things.
Like I said just because YOU go for 10 minutes and see stuff, it does not mean there is stuff there all the time.
Try now or not just live in fantasy land. I live on LS and have gone nowhere else.
That said, it does seem like when there are more people in the dungeon clearing it that the spawn levels would be higher so running through the dungeon should yield more than 12 kills (at least this was my experience during the soft launch)
Sunday - lots of people and lots of paras. Monday - very few people and very few paras.
So, maybe dynamic spawning is working . . . sort of
i also dont think the spawn is dynamic based on the amount of players in the dungeon/area. The spawn seems to be the same regardless...so more players means less stuff to kill per player, which is what you’re experiencing. I guess its dynamic in the sense that the spawn changes every day or so. Some days won’t have skel mages or poison eles.
So basically4 players can kill everything constantly in 2 - 4 of Deceit. We have more than 5 players on those floors.