MONTHLY FISHING CONTEST - September 1 to September 30

EM MayhemEM Mayhem Posts: 132Event Moderator
This month's fish: Reaper Fish

Deliver your fish caught between Sept. 1st and Sept. 30th to the mailbox at the Hall of Champions in Malas by midnight Sept. 30th. The fish with the highest weight will be the winner! (If fish tie, the earliest date will determine the winner.)

The winner will be announced on the LS Facebook page and have their fish made into a trophy which will be displayed in the Hall of Champions.

EM Mayhem


  • EM MayhemEM Mayhem Posts: 132Event Moderator
    Congratulations to Glyphis as the winner for September with a 172 stone Reaper Fish caught on the 30th! A trophy has been placed in the entry of the Hall of Legends.

    EM Mayhem

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