Pagan Spellbook
I have been storing my Pagan Spellbook in my bank box and I was trying to put it in my main backpack to see if it has spells in it. It kept telling me I was overweight.
I put it inside my beetle and sure enough it doesn't weigh 1 stone (like it showed when in bank)

because its in my beetles backpack, I can double click it and it opened up.
As you can see I accidently deposited gold inside it
when I pick the book up out of the bank, it doesn't say i'm withdrawing gold (like it did when I accidently did this with a bag of sending)
I put it inside my beetle and sure enough it doesn't weigh 1 stone (like it showed when in bank)

because its in my beetles backpack, I can double click it and it opened up.
As you can see I accidently deposited gold inside it
when I pick the book up out of the bank, it doesn't say i'm withdrawing gold (like it did when I accidently did this with a bag of sending)

Please e-mail Mesanna ( with the account name, character name and shard this has occurred on.
she took the gold out of the book and told me to be careful
until there is a bug fix.
someone trasnferred one of my books from another shard to Atlantic.
I'm not sure when it happened, but somehow gold got into another Pagan spellbook.
(this one only weighs 12 stones, so it's not as big a deal as the other book)
this book was 1 stone before the transfer
Will this bug be fixed in Publish 111?