CLEANUP Britannia & Order of the Dragonfish Quest Book : WHY it has no points ??

@Kyronix, @Bleak

It is already extremely annoying, after doing all of the work to gather fishes, crabs and lobsers, as well as having to sail from one location to another, which gets time consuming, to receive as a Reward a useless Order of the Dragonfish Handbook.... but WHY does it have to be totally useless and good for nothing, not even for CLEANUP Britannia points ?

I mean, as it is now, when one gests from the Fishmonger Quests these Handbooks, they are a TOTAL waste of the time invested in the Quests that give these Handbooks as a Reward.

Can you PLEASE make these books get a use and be good for something, since it takes time to get them?



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Points given for these were stopped due to an exploit.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited September 2019
    Mariah said:
    Points given for these were stopped due to an exploit.
    Thanks @Mariah for the clarification, I did not know about it.

    Nonetheless, considering how ending up with an Order of the Dragonfish Handbook from the Fishmongers Quests currently results in wasted fishes, wasted crabs and lobsters and, most importantly, wasted time involved in gathering the fishes, the crabs, the lobsters and the sailing back and forth the locations involved with the Quests which resulted in an Order of the Dragonfish Handbook as a Rewards, I think the Developers should either come up with : 

    A ) - Either a different Reward usefull to Fishermen to replace the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks ;

    B ) - Or fix whatever exploit caused the Order of the Dragonfish Handbook not be possible to have points for Clean Up Britannia turn ins;

    C ) - Or Make the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks usefull for something else..... like being a necessary ingredients to craft special baits for fishes, needed in some other Quests to obtain items that could be usefull for Fishermen, whatever.....

    My point being, that as of now receiving an Order of the Dragonfish Handbook from a Fishmongers' Quest is a CURSE because it is clearly a total and royal waste of the time it took to gather the resources and do that quest.

    And it should not be like that.

    PLEASE, please, please, @Kyronix and @Bleak , give some good use to the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks to stop making the Quests awarding them as a reward be a total waste of players' time....

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Mariah said:
    Points given for these were stopped due to an exploit.
    He did not like that answer. Make up a new one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    edited September 2019
    I agree with Popps on this one.

    It would be nice if they deleted the book as a prize and replaced it with a "bill of lading" to turn into a fishmonger worth, say 10k just like turning in a pirate.

    Doubt anyone will do this just for the gold, but it would be nice to have something to show for the efforts instead of the book option.

  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    Agree to remove this useless book. We shouldn't be given trash given the hard work required to turn in a fish request. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Aragorn said:
    Agree to remove this useless book. We shouldn't be given trash given the hard work required to turn in a fish request. 
    Personally, I would rather prefer that, instead of getting outright removed, it was RESTORED to be able to give CLEANUP points high enough to value the Fishmonger effort that it takes to obtain them.....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    The books are, in fact, useful to those fishers that are new to the quests. My preference would be that they be removed from the loot table when the fisherman progressed from orders requiring 10 of each fish to orders requiring 15 of each fish.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    The books are, in fact, useful to those fishers that are new to the quests. My preference would be that they be removed from the loot table when the fisherman progressed from orders requiring 10 of each fish to orders requiring 15 of each fish.
    Indeed, they are helpfull to Fishers new to the Quests and that is why I would not like them to be removed.

    Removing from the loot Table ?

    This would not even be necessary IF they were to be given some usefullness to those Fishermen getting them over and over in exchange for the Quests' Crates which they turn in....

    And some Order of the Dragonfish Quest books, "eat up", so to speed, hard to get or time consuming Fish like Dungeon Fish besides Deep Water Fish as well as named Crabs and Lobsters which, we all know, take quite a lot of time to be gathered and also cost quite a bit for the Traps that one needs to buy to catch them....

    So, AT THE VERY LEAST, @Kyronix , @Bleak , make these Books give something in return to players who spend time and resources to get them....

    As they are, they are a total and utter waste of one's own time, gold and efforts.

    Whatever caused them to be taken off the List of items possible to be turned in for Clean Up Points, please get it fix and put them BACK as items which can be turned in for Clean Up Points...

    And, PLEASE, give them a sufficiently large amount of Clean Up Points commensurable to the Fishmonger Quest that awarded them.... if it was a Crate for 5 or 6 Lines of 20 count Dungeon Fish and named Crabs and Lobsters, which take time and gold to get, they should award a good and large amount of Clean Up Points....

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Learn about the exploit.  Just stop with the constant flannel.

    when you actually engage in a bit of research you will realise why we cannot have turn in points for them.
    if I remember right they had a value of about 50 points anyway so who cares 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited August 2020
    More importantly you should be asking why a 120 fishers keep catching boots and shoes. And why 80% of lobsters and crabs caught in traps are useless. There should be a reason to be legendary.  If you want to catch boots or worthless lobsters keep fishing skill low  you are legendary for a reason 
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited August 2020
    Let them work like a BoD bribe. Single click the book and from the context menu target the chest in your hold. The quality and amount of fish goes up for the chance at a better reward.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Learn about the exploit.  Just stop with the constant flannel.

    when you actually engage in a bit of research you will realise why we cannot have turn in points for them.
    if I remember right they had a value of about 50 points anyway so who cares 
    I do not see why that exploit could simply not get fixed and so it be then possible to let the Order of the Dragonfish Quest books, the ones that actually are Rewards for the Fishmonger Quests, be again possible to be turned in for Clean Up points....

    As in regards to the 50 points, yeah, that is really insufficient considering the considerable amount of time that it might take to fill up the Quest Order Crate that then yielded that Book.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    More importantly you should be asking why a 120 fishers keep catching boots and shoes. And why 80% of lobsters and crabs caught in traps are useless. There should be a reason to be legendary.  If you want to catch boots or worthless lobsters keep fishing skill low  you are legendary for a reason 
    There should be a reason to be legendary. 

    But I would like it to me way more then just a thing not to get boots or generic crabs and lobsters...

    This is what I would like Legendary Fisherman to be made able to do....
  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 26
    Make them worth 100 cleanup points to match the points given for the various items fished up before getting the chest from a MiB. It's not a crazy amount of points but is still worth something.
  • DinoDino Posts: 27
    For a time consuming quest like this it would be the best way if we could choose between 2 or 3 different rewards.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    and did the pots get nerfed?  I seem to be remember years ago 2/3 crabs would drop out of a trap, now only 1?

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    One per bob of the trap.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Marge said:
    One per bob of the trap.
    Yeah, but the problem is, that the more the bobs the higher the chances that the trap sinks....

    At 3 bobs I found it as VERY likely that the trap would sink so, I usually pick them up at only 2 bobs.

    Too bad, though, that at 2 bobs most often inside I can only find regular crabs and lobsters, no named ones...

    And, thus, it takes FOREVER to fill up a Fishmonger Quest crate of its order for named Crabs or named Lobsters and a whole lot of regular, useless crabs and lobsters are fished up in the process....
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    One per bob of the trap.
    Yeah, but the problem is, that the more the bobs the higher the chances that the trap sinks....

    At 3 bobs I found it as VERY likely that the trap would sink so, I usually pick them up at only 2 bobs.

    Too bad, though, that at 2 bobs most often inside I can only find regular crabs and lobsters, no named ones...

    And, thus, it takes FOREVER to fill up a Fishmonger Quest crate of its order for named Crabs or named Lobsters and a whole lot of regular, useless crabs and lobsters are fished up in the process....
    Like I say, they need to get rid of ordinary lobsters and crabs like they do with fish, when high seas came out and you are gaining fishing skill you catch the named fish.  So please @mesanna remove the plain crabs and lobsters 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    they need the books to be in the same format as the books that you get from the traders quest.
    Only one of each book per char and make them worth cleanup points.
    Not everyone collects books and Its disappointing when you get a book you've already gotten before.

    I like how one of the rewards is a Junk Proof Hook. You apply it to your fishing pole and you don't fish up shoes. Since this is a possible reward... why can't we get a Junk Proof Lobster Trap as a reward? Let it have 50 uses and you are guaranteed a named lobster or crab every time.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Junk Proof Hook, also why does it have to dye your fishing pole when applied?
    I like having a poppie white fishing pole
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