Trade windows.

LegolasLegolas Posts: 4
Have a brand new computer, I installed UO, for 5 days i could use trade windows, this Friday morning anytime someone opens a trade window with me it crashes my UO. I have uninstalled and reinstalled UO completely, twice and it still won't work. I tried trade window in EC and have had no issues, seems to be only CC. Anyone have this issue before? and know any fixes?


  • StephenStephen Posts: 2
    This might seem like an odd suggestion, but try changing (or install) English (United States) language pack in Windows.. I remember there being an issue with localization format in regards to the trade windows a few years back, for whatever reason.. Might be the same issue, that has not been fixed.. Worth a try at least..
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I crash quite often trading and so do others 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Right click yourself and see if trade window is disabled.  Try switching them back and forth.  You may need to delete the char file on your HD for that toon.
  • LegolasLegolas Posts: 4
    Stephen said:
    This might seem like an odd suggestion, but try changing (or install) English (United States) language pack in Windows.. I remember there being an issue with localization format in regards to the trade windows a few years back, for whatever reason.. Might be the same issue, that has not been fixed.. Worth a try at least..
    Hello! I believe this is the setting i had it set to originally, to be sure i downloaded the uk version, tried it with that and then again with then united states pack, neither has worked, but thank you for the suggestion!
  • LegolasLegolas Posts: 4
    Right click yourself and see if trade window is disabled.  Try switching them back and forth.  You may need to delete the char file on your HD for that toon.
    I've tried this a couple of times, as well as completely purging everything uo related including uoa, uoam and even ec and redownloading it all, nothing has seemed to work.. I also tried downloading my old macros from old computer hoping that it would work that way but wasn't so lucky, but thank you for the suggestion!
  • StephenStephen Posts: 2
    *scratches head*

    What I find odd, besides the bug itself, is that worked for you.. And as far as I know, there hasn't been an update to UO.. So I keep coming back to it being OS related.. Had Windows just been updated?? If so, a rollback could be another attempt??

    Hehe.. Am sorry, grasping at straws here! I do hope you figure it out, and when you do, I would be keen to know the "fix"..
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Is it 1 toon, 1 shard does the other client work?  Does your other computer work ok?
  • ZurGothZurGoth Posts: 2
    I have the same problem. Haven't tried anything yet except two different accounts, every time I try or someone tries to trade with me I crash to desktop with the Classic Client. Trading works fine with the Enhanced Client.
  • ZurGothZurGoth Posts: 2
    More info! My wife have no problem trading with the CC (older installation, still running Win7). I have a newer computer since november running Win10. I also started UO without UOA, still the same problem. Every time I try to trade, crash to desktop.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Ya trade windows have been going wonky for at least a few weeks now they lock up or crash clients on both ends 
  • MrNiceMrNice Posts: 29
    It has been crashing clients for quite a while. An issue that has always been there but never quite acknowledged or addressed. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Lately I’ve been crashing a lot when using house to house teleports 
  • TecloTeclo Posts: 28
    same for me, brand new computer, Installed UO CC , and as soon a tradewind opens I crash, 
    I removed the instal, and tryed again, same happens again
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Windows10 now has many "versions" do you know what feature version you're using?
    If you type in "System information" in the windows search bar, it should tell you. 

    Also, does it generate a crash report? maybe you could post the report or email it to
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

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