@Kyronix ; @Mesanna ;
I did what you suggested me and I sent so far 3 or 4 emails to report a major problem, because you said few months ago at the M&G to email you the issue. Well I did email, I also went to TC and spoke with @kyronix and he flat out ignored me. I am just asking now here again if it is not the time to change the plotting system after a house collapse to some sort of raffle stone. anything is better than the current system where the same few people place every single house using the invisible tile exploit.
We all reported already on many different threads, we sent emails, we page GM and so far NO answer from any of the Devs?.
I will use this thread to report again that few people been scripting/placing houses using the invisible tile at the NW corner, yes, the one that will tell when the area is open to plot. you can even google yourself and you will find the sources of the so call exploit. You did an excellent job on changing the IDOC system, now is finally fair to everyone but now is really time to look into the plotting. How about a raffle stone, with 1 entry per paid account, at least this will be fair.


  • TrismegistosTrismegistos Posts: 197
    Maybe that is a reason that only very few people offer New homes for a price nobody can pay. 400 mil and up for a regular tower space home on Atlantic is far beyond my imagination.
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    @Kyronix ; Why you answer others people post and not this one??
    This is happening everyday, same people placing all the houses using this exploit, many people reported, email and yet NONE of you are even capable to respond? I mean really? just plain Ignore? I see you answering other posts and why not comment on the urgent ones??
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    @Mariah ; can you pls ask @Kyronix ; to stop by and at least say something about this matter?
    you know, would be very professional to at least acknowledge that they are aware of the problem? because been silent about, really shows us that either they don't care about or have no idea how to address... 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Thank you for the report and feedback.
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    I believed the patch today was the invisible tile fix?? I heard that today, they can no longer use that exploit?  Thank You @Kyronix ; for hearing our requests!!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Sina said:
    I believed the patch today was the invisible tile fix?? I heard that today, they can no longer use that exploit?  Thank You @ Kyronix  for hearing our requests!!
    Wow, if it is so, I have to say the Developers this time deserve a BIG Thank You !!

    When it is due, it IS due....

    Thanks @Kyronix , @Bleak , @Mesanna !!
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Not after repeated reminders and somewhat "aggressive" demand.

    There are so many bugs reported in the past years, few were resolved. But yet they rushed just to delete some rare decor items from users' bags in recent events.

    I don't understand their priorities, are deleting those non-functional items more urgent and important than the bugs that affect the broader public.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • It's always the same story. I constantly page GM and constantly send emails about Sly, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday who are obviously all the same guy placing houses after idocs down to the split second. Every idoc every day. I am a returning player. I have only been back for 3 months after 10 years. And I was dumb founded when i first found out about this. Astonished when I first saw it in action. Dismayed when I heard that nothing has been done to stop it. The worst part is, it doesn't take an IQ over 70 to see this going on and understand that you just need to ban the account that is placing EVERY SINGLE IDOC EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm not going to get into the speculation that it's really the devs doing it to make more money but I will say that after watching all this inaction it really makes me wonder if I need to wait another 10 years before i pick up UO again.
  • And I don't know what you guys are talking about. I just seen them script the idocs again not 4 hours ago.
  • ViperViper Posts: 3
    @Vanguard i can confirm that sly, wyatt earp and doc holiday are not all the same person i talk to both of them frequently every day and one of them happens to be a family member and the other lives about 12 hours away from me so before you jump to conclusions about scripters you should really do your homework sly and wyatt are lucky to get even 3 houses a month due to the scripter jeffy D out there with that invisible tile script, think about it you look at every house that was recently placed its either owned by jeffy D grandpa jeffy d, terina,or his other alternate accounts so before you accuse someone of being a scripter make sure you have your damn facts straight
  • ViperViper Posts: 3
    we have never used scripts for anything we play the game legit and i know its probably hard for you to understand but we are not cheaters and never will be

  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    Understanding game mechanics can beat a script almost every day. Sure you will not always win but neither will the scripter. Then of course there are several of my friends that just have dumb luck and end up with house plots lol. You know who you are! 

    I will say that yes it is harder now to secure a plot do to the scripting but, it is not impossible. 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116
    Understanding game mechanics can beat a script almost every day. Sure you will not always win but neither will the scripter. Then of course there are several of my friends that just have dumb luck and end up with house plots lol. You know who you are! 

    I will say that yes it is harder now to secure a plot do to the scripting but, it is not impossible. 

    in less than 2 hours of waiting, as soon as the no draw tile (which is invisible) is removed from the game, a team of scripters is always present and manages to place. Obviously, we all know who these people are and that they continue to exploit this. Now the fact is that the devs are not taking any actions and is a real shame as it would give new/old players a chance to be able to place a house in a decent or bad place in the game.

  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    Hmm, seems we don't all know who the scripters are based on the above statements. Viper has a few things to say about that.

    Makes me think of all the PVP'rs accused of cheating that just understand and have done the research to be effective. 

    Capt Norrington has a few posts about beating scripters as well. 

    Maybe just maybe not everyone you believe is scripting is and the Dev's are dealing with the real scripters. I don't know for sure but I wouldn't be surprised. 

    I get you and a lot of other people are frustrated so keep reporting and flagging but keep an open mind that there is always someone who knows how to do something better than you and learn. 

    Saved me lots of frustration over the years once I figured this out. 

    *winks, and settles back into his cozy chair by the fire.*
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    Understanding game mechanics can beat a script almost every day. Sure you will not always win but neither will the scripter. Then of course there are several of my friends that just have dumb luck and end up with house plots lol. You know who you are! 

    I will say that yes it is harder now to secure a plot do to the scripting but, it is not impossible. 
    Probably easier than what it was before the idoc change
  • @Viper
    I have eyes. Both placed the houses at the exact same time and were auto friended to both plots. They/him is a scripter and a cheater. He doesn't even deny it in game when I confront him about it.
  • ViperViper Posts: 3
    @Vanguard i know i was there too its called voice communication and they didnt place at the exact same time  sly put his in first then a few seconds later wyatt put his down it was just simple communication that got them the win and im happy for both of them .
  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116
    I get you and a lot of other people are frustrated so keep reporting and flagging but keep an open mind that there is always someone who knows how to do something better than you and learn. 

    Saved me lots of frustration over the years once I figured this out. 

    I don't feel concerned in this case, this thread was relayed to me and I therefore wanted to clarify that there was indeed an exploit allowing scripters to place and have an advantage.
    Reporting players is certainly not a solution as it will not solve the problem and I do not want anyone to lose their uo account because of being reported.

    In my post, I did not target anyone and it was not in an "aggressive" way. It would be nice if the devs stopped turning a deaf ear because it is an exploit which allows the script kiddies to an unfair way of gaining an advantage over others players.

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