When is the release date for the anvil of artifacts

SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
edited June 2020 in General Discussions
And price ? 


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    And what about more details on what it does and whether it will come or not with charges and how many charges will it have in that case ?

    These informations, I would imagine, are kinda needed to figure out whether or not it will be worth to spend real money on it....
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    @Bleak @Kyronix @Mesanna

    can we get an update on when and how much 

    thank you 
  • popps said:
    And what about more details on what it does and whether it will come or not with charges and how many charges will it have in that case ?

    These informations, I would imagine, are kinda needed to figure out whether or not it will be worth to spend real money on it....
    What it does is well explained and easy to see on the test server.  It lets you assign where the bonus resist points go for armslore and excp bonus.

    Are they 'worth' it?  Depends entirely on price and how much you value time or hate crafting.

    They aren't NEEDED unlike forged metal, you can craft as effectively with out this item.  Its just a time and material saver.  

    If reforging a suit however, you may need 1 to 1000 charges of this to get it right, depending on what you're trying to do.

    If the cost is similar per charge to forged metal then I'd say no, this would not be worth it unless you just have sov or gold to burn.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Can we get an update when this will be released to the uo store please @Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    This item sounded horrible from what I read. All high level crafting is done with this process. Craft for ideal resists -> reforge attempt x5-10 -> imbue -> enhance.  They made a tool which will literally be burned out trying to reforge one piece. Hopefully the delay is to rework this idea into something WAY better. Like "choose your reforge properties" instead of "choose your resists." As it is I wouldnt pay a dime for it. Ill wait until someone else uses one up and buy their 0 charge deco one for 50k in game.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I thought it was to eliminated the resist location guessing/work 
    if it’s how your explaining ya I’d pass on it 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Not only that, if it will also come with too low a number of charges, I wonder how worth will it really be to spend real money on it just to skip a little playing with the RNG instead.....
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    If they don't change it from what was on TC then it should come with 18 charges. Enough to craft 3 full 6 piece suits.  Buy another one and will you be able to reforge those 3 suits. Otherwise craft 2 and reforge 1 of them.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited July 2020
    TimSt said:
    If they don't change it from what was on TC then it should come with 18 charges. Enough to craft 3 full 6 piece suits.  Buy another one and will you be able to reforge those 3 suits. Otherwise craft 2 and reforge 1 of them.

    So you can reforge armor and it only takes 1 attempt to get what you want?

    Please make me a + 5 Dex, +10 Stam, +10LMC +4MR, +8 Mana studded piece in 1 try.

    Ill come get the suit when ready  Thanks  Ill give you a 90 charge Barbed kit for payment, since you dont think it will take more than 1 try per piece.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Pawain said:
    TimSt said:
    If they don't change it from what was on TC then it should come with 18 charges. Enough to craft 3 full 6 piece suits.  Buy another one and will you be able to reforge those 3 suits. Otherwise craft 2 and reforge 1 of them.

    So you can reforge armor and it only takes 1 attempt to get what you want?

    Please make me a + 5 Dex, +10 Stam, +10LMC +4MR, +8 Mana studded piece in 1 try.

    Ill come get the suit when ready  Thanks  Ill give you a 90 charge Barbed kit for payment, since you dont think it will take more than 1 try per piece.

    It only let you set the resists for both crafting and reforging.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited July 2020
    TimSt said:
    Pawain said:
    TimSt said:
    If they don't change it from what was on TC then it should come with 18 charges. Enough to craft 3 full 6 piece suits.  Buy another one and will you be able to reforge those 3 suits. Otherwise craft 2 and reforge 1 of them.

    So you can reforge armor and it only takes 1 attempt to get what you want?

    Please make me a + 5 Dex, +10 Stam, +10LMC +4MR, +8 Mana studded piece in 1 try.

    Ill come get the suit when ready  Thanks  Ill give you a 90 charge Barbed kit for payment, since you dont think it will take more than 1 try per piece.

    It only let you set the resists for both crafting and reforging.
    Exactly, then you have to reforge and get random properties and values.  You could make 50 arms and not get what you want.  18 charges is not enough for real $ to get 6 more resists on an attempt that may be useless..
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • No wonder crafting can't get any positive development when all their feed back is from people that don't really know how this games crafting works.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Can you explain to us how this new anvil will help out crafting because I’m confused as to what it does exactly @WornOutYourTool
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    @Skett , The new anvil lets you distribute the resists.  If the developers have not changed the anvil since TC you can specify where 16 resist points go when you make the armor piece and 7 resist points go when you reforge it. If you do it right you end up with more chances to imbue what else you want on the suite.
  • Skett said:
    Can you explain to us how this new anvil will help out crafting because I’m confused as to what it does exactly @ WornOutYourTool
    Say you want to craft a suit.  Ok simple enough. now say its suit with tight resist profile which anything worth while is. Say you're making a leather luck suit which is very tight.  Spined gives a ton of physical and nothing else.  So to make a 70's leather 190 luck suit with good mods and no wasted imbue weight on resists, you need every resist perfect.  Meaning you'll spend hours days weeks crafting to get the right resist layout.  Chest easy, legs, easy, arms harder, neck tons of time, helm more time, getting the gloves right? 

     I've crafted for weeks trying to get the perfect piece at times.  Then you get this perfect piece and try to redorge the stats you want?  Its like a 3% chance to get it depending on what you want.  So it fails that piece is garbage and you start over on the gloves.  

    This tool skips the many hours of trying to get that perfect base piece.  Crafting a suit you may only need it for the last piece or two, but if reforging you may need 1 to 1000 charges of this tool to get the finished item you want.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    So why don’t they give an option when reforging it only takes the charge if the piece is excepted ? In other words a gump comes up and ask if you want this item/piece if not it starts over or creat a new item to put the stats and resist that you want on the item 
  • Skett said:
    So why don’t they give an option when reforging it only takes the charge if the piece is excepted ? In other words a gump comes up and ask if you want this item/piece if not it starts over or creat a new item to put the stats and resist that you want on the item 
    The crafting changes in the last decade were what, some cosmetic belts, the few doom recipes and easier cannon charges... maybe refinements?  Changes to crafting move like molasses.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    If you could use the tool after it is reforged, it would buy it at a higher price per charge. Its not going to give you all 18+ reisists.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    why do we accept any randomness in crafting? apply it to warriors i swing at the dragon no not the mongbat the dragon or casting flame strike no not arch cure flame strike .... we should be able to craft exactly what we want make it hard tell me i need the blood of seven virgins and a dark father skull but enough with random...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited July 2020
    Reforging is random because we can get more Properties at higher values than imbuing. 

    I am fine with that randomness but I don't want to pay real $ for a tool and then have randomness make a piece I dont want.  The forged metal tool is the example.  You pay, you get what you want.
    And looted items can be better than what that tool can make.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Randomness is really the only feasible way to simulate effort.  This game entirely functions because  of randomness.  You get that blaze cu? Its only special because its random limited nature, you proud of getting that last deathstrike off and giving someone a dirt nap?  Randomness.  Getting that cameo? Random.  Getting that last great point in taming? Random.  I feel thats fine, otherwise why do anything if luck and determination isn't involved.  Buy character with max skills, all desired items and whatnot, get bored because most of what we do is in pursuit of things we 'want.

     I'll sit there and pound away at a suit and feel good about it because of my will and knowledge to do it.   If it was just collect x and y material and get what I want then I might as well play wow.

    This item will be fine if its cheap and has tons of charges or as pawain said can be applied after reforge.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    This is what I found while testing on TC1

    For plain leather

    The 7's and 11's are anvil and the 13's, 14's, and 15's are imbues.You are left with 15 available imbues.  And because you did not need to go full intensity on the resists those remaining 15 imbues can have higher intensities.

  • Craft base resist pieces and imbue those, no reason to use two slots per piece for resists.  Barely any reason to imbue resists unless you're not enhancing barbed or valorite.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796

    Love the looks of it
  • BaldemarBaldemar Posts: 10
    Just bought the Anvil today, amazing tool, love it! Helped me craft what’s going to be my full 75 resist suit, with 80 energy! Thanks!
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Baldemar said:
    Just bought the Anvil today, amazing tool, love it! Helped me craft what’s going to be my full 75 resist suit, with 80 energy! Thanks!
    I only managed 79 energy while the rest are maxed out. Just need a few more plate refinement to make it.

    Its so hard to get, when something is popular, the loots are rarer. Always seem to get Samurai armor refinement when we least use them.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Does it let you use the anvil after reforge?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    Vanguard said:
    Does it let you use the anvil after reforge?

    No, that would make it useful.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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