Pub 109 - Dynamic Treasures Feedback

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
Feedback for the Dynamic Treasures Event - please note we are NOT looking for feedback on the specific content.  This is a test event that will not be deployed beyond TC.  We are looking for feedback specifically as it relates to THE SYSTEM.  This includes,

Mob spawn density
Mob spawn difficulty
Minor artifact collection
Minor artifact turnin
Reward generation

Again - focus on the functionality of the system and not on the content it has been setup with.  Thanks!


  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904

    The mob has quite a variety so there is a need to keep switching slayers esp. when there is paragon.

    I personally find the density a bit too low - if the spawn is easy type, it can be as as thick as the classic champ spawn or Kotl's. I prefer not to use Blackthorn as a comparison.

    The exchange of artifacts and reward quite similar to existing system, seems like nothing new.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited July 2020
    @Kyronix ;

    Since you are asking for feedback about "The System" and, among it, about "Mob Difficulty", I will throw it there, then you guys see if it is something which could be done....

    One of the issues with games as old as Ultima Online, is that Veteran players usually have their characters all developed and with the highest gear there is...

    Which it means, that the Developers, in order to keep the challenges for these players, they need to make the MoBs increasingly tougher, in a never ending loop....

    Unfortunately, this creates huge difficulties to new or returning players not having either those Developed templated or that end-game gear and weaponry....

    How about, if technically doable, to Design MoBs which would "dynamically" deal with players' templates delivering more damage to the higher end Templates and, the SAME MoBs, delivering instead less damage to the lower end Templates who could then also tackle them and not be left out of these hunts ?

    What could be done, I think, is assign points to the skills that the template has as well as to the gear and weapon that the template has and the MoB will adjust its damage done/sustained to that points rating....

    That is, to higher end templates the MoBs would do more damage while, the same one MoB, to lower end templates they would do less damage.

    Of course, the same would need to be for the damage taken by the MoB, from higher end templates they would less likely take damage (thus making the fight more challenging) while from lower end templates they would still take damage thus permitting even weaker and newer templates to participate to the fight....

    Bottom line is, to make it a mechanics where new and returning players would not be "cut out" from hunting higher end MoBs as compared to more advanced and older Templates.....

    Just a thought.....
  • WarbokWarbok Posts: 4
    Here are my observations so far:
    • A character in vampiric embrace cannot leach life from paragon mobs created by the new system (Mob difficulty)
    • There is no way to tell the boundary of the area where the mobs are spawning in the desert. For past events the mobs were bound to specific dungeons or facets. If that's not the case under the new system, it would be useful to identify the mobs or region. Otherwise players may spend a lot of time in the wrong area killing the wrong monsters and wondering why they aren't getting a drop and blaming it on the RNG. (Mob density)
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
    @Warbok - paragon mobs offer an increased challenge over traditional Treasures mobs, hence they resist a variety of offensive measures.

    re: the treasure area, one thought was to give them an item property to assist in IDing which mobs are viable. Just a matter of settling on a subtitle.  
  • WarbokWarbok Posts: 4
    @Kyronix - Thanks so much for the response.

    Re: treasure area - I like the idea of something in the ID. That would certainly work.

    Re: paragons - I just double checked and vampiric embrace leach life doesn't work for only the paragon mobs generated by the new system. The vampiric embrace leach life works on paragon mobs in other areas of Ilshenar. I agree, it definitely adds more difficulty to the paragons generated by the new system. The question is, was it a feature that these paragons would be different than other ones? Also loot from the paragons generated by the new system seems to be the same as non-paragon versions. Usually the loot on a paragon is bumped up.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
    @Warbok - yes these paragons are more difficult than generic paragons.  The amount of Treasures points that determines your drop chances is increased on paragons, since that's what the real prize is.
  • WarbokWarbok Posts: 4
    @Kyronix - Got it. So the paragon mobs for the new Treasures system is designed to be different. Would we get paragons from the Treasures system outside of Ilshenar too then?

    The reward drop rate seems to be reasonable. I have been able to gather a few a relatively short period of time. I assume the drop chance and treasure points accumulated also increase with the fame of the monster. Since there are lich lords in the area that makes it easier than if just mongbats were spawning.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
    @Warbok - yes, paragons can spawn in any Treasures event region.  Right now we cover a variety of locations with around 40 locations to choose from across the different facets.  The drop rate is in line with other Treasures events.  Luck will also help your drop chances.
  • Lord_BytorLord_Bytor Posts: 58
    edited July 2020
    I liked it. Drop rate seemed okay. You had to keep killing a large variety of things to get a drop. The area was a little rough. Way to many things to get caught on and not be able to move. I really hope that you use that color for the drops come Halloween. That color rocked. On the Bone pieces it really looked like flames in 2d for that hue.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    Can you make the Artifact Trader, a wandering healer?
    would be nice if we didn't have to run to far for a rez
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,785
    @Mesanna heard us there at the Orc Dungeon and set the Trader to also Rez people that wonder out in grey.  Now can we turn the Paragons down a notch or two?  And lets put a leash on them, sucks when someone runs out with five or six paragons after them, it would be great if those paragons popped back where they belong.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    I feel trader as "healer" is fine, minus the "wandering". 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • I'd like to request that paragons revealing be toned down. Those little speedhackers chase me down and I invis so I can heal/cure myself or my pet. Since they're always by your side they instantly reveal you and almost always re-target you just as fast.

    There's already code to reduce drops if hidden so it'd be nice if we could hide ourselves when needed for survivability.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    Seth said:
    I feel trader as "healer" is fine, minus the "wandering". 
    they don't move.
    I knew they had made the turnin person outside Kotl City a healer, so after my 3rd death & running down the mountain, thats why I asked. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    On the first day, some of us were fighting at the first area. I could cast blade spirits and help heal. But often we had to duck out the entrance, because there were too many paragons. I'm sure if i had a worked up tamer, my pet could have done major damage. But the amount of paragons that were spawning were crazy. And I was told they were coming in from the next level.

    I did manage to get 2 drops but I didn't get looting rights for that paragon. And one of those I got while i was dead. 
  • Feline_UnitFeline_Unit Posts: 3
    edited August 2020
    Kyronix said:
    Feedback for the Dynamic Treasures Event - please note we are NOT looking for feedback on the specific content.  This is a test event that will not be deployed beyond TC.  We are looking for feedback specifically as it relates to THE SYSTEM.  This includes,

    Mob spawn density
    Mob spawn difficulty
    Minor artifact collection
    Minor artifact turnin
    Reward generation

    Again - focus on the functionality of the system and not on the content it has been setup with.  Thanks!

    My opinion: 

    Definitely increase density
    Decrease paragon difficulty slightly

    Mob difficulty based on distance from entrance/res location should be more noticeable

    Run weekly/monthly rolling schedule & not sporadic, similar reward types would be acceptable.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Needs an end boss.  If it just dropped a guaranteed turn in piece, that would be good idea, IMO.

    Most liked the Khal Anker event.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Could it be, that generated Mobs cannot be lored?
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