Available graphics for macros

DubhDubh Posts: 28
edited July 2020 in General Discussions
The graphics available for EC macros are pretty uninspiring and don't often match what I'm looking for. There's also no way to search for them, and the little 4x4 picker is torturous.

I'd love a few more options, or a simple way to add my own. A search would be nice, too. A simpler addition might be to let me pick an item from my backpack or an action in the macro to represent it.

My current problem is finding one that looks good for "chop nearby wood," which is literally a single action. Being able to set it to an axe, some logs, or even something custom would be great.


  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I use that one for wood chopping.   But yeah that 4x4 picker is torturous and it would be better to have some more options.

    Cheers MissE

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  • DubhDubh Posts: 28
    Not bad! Any hint where I can find it? (Even top half/bottom half!) I was thinking even as I was posting this that there was probably one available, I just couldn't find it. :)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,387Moderator
    It helps to understand the order of the icons. The first 'batch' are the icons for magery spells, followed by necromancy, chivalry, bushido, ninjitsu, spellweaving and mystic. The next batch are skill icons, and it's the lumberjack icon that Miss Echo has posted above.Then there are bard masteries, virtues, communication and other groups that relate to the various 'action' lists and frequently used activities such as placing lobster pots, tending plants etc.

    It is possible, if you understand how, to add your own 'custom' icons, and I remember doing that, replacing some of the numbers, however my understanding was minimal and I've forgotten how I did it. Perhaps someone who did custom icon sets before Pinco's became the 'default' user crafted UI would post instructions how to achieve that?
  • DubhDubh Posts: 28
    I did find the axe chopping icon eventually, but I'm still interested in finding instructions for adding custom icon sets.
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