Pet only powerscrolls



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited June 2020
    drindeth said:
    you need to understand is the system dosnt work for you... and that is the only argument you guys are really making. you can say it over and over 100 times 100 different ways its still the same argument.  there are many systems i feel dont work for me in this game but i let it go because i know and understand because it dosnt work for me dosnt mean it should change. especially when there are alternate solutions its not like you are locked out of the content. you just dont enjoy what you have to do to get the things. i dont really enjoy doing roof... so i do other things and just buy drops from the roof..... do i say they should nerf roof i should be able to do it with one account so that it is accesable to everyone? i do not.  it drives me crazy that people cant understand that simple point. 

    and popps. every post you ever make starts with something about cheaters/scripters. please stop. its very sad. your opinions are your own but it makes you seem sad and salty when every post mentions it.
    Because Ultima Online is void of cheaters ?

    Ah, OK.....

    Then all of the duping, hacking, scripting, Third Partying etc. etc. that I have heard being discussed "ad nauseam" over the time that have played UO must have been from an alternate reality....
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Popps, take a spellweaver/necro to a champ,  have a few pixies or imps and summoned undead guard you. Shoukd be hard to be pked when you can have several flamestrikes land on your attacker.
          As for getting heckled at, this is an mmo.
    No game you play online will you find people who wont troll you. For some, the only enjoyment they find is smack talking. Also, any game you play online, people will find a way to cheat.
          If you cant do it solo, then get 4-6 other people and do one. It will go faster, and with a headset, you can communicate faster, and coordinate a defense. There is no bigger rush than running off raiders.

    All that being said, if you are asking for the game to be changed without trying to change yourself(grow, or adapt), then... ::shrug::

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    popps said:
    Merus said:
    Jepeth said:
    I disagree, I think this is a good discussion to have.

    Again, our PVP friends are trying to make the case that the system is working perfectly as-is while the rest of us are trying to explain that tying an endgame mechanic behind a system prone to griefing is really problematic. It just doesn't make for a meaningful, fun experience.

    Your bias is showing, and that is one of the biggest problems to having a productive conversation... Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. The fact that some players do not enjoy that mechanic is not evidence that it is broken. There are players who do find that competing for powerscrolls makes for a "meaningful, fun experience" (as much as one can say that about anything in UO). Those players do not deserve to have the content they enjoy destroyed simply because others do not enjoy the content or because of other players greed over the reward for that content. Consider for a minute this alternative... how about we add powerscrolls to tram and move ALL other drops to Fel. Then you can get every powerscroll you ever wanted by farming spawns non-stop. Do you think that would resolve the issue? No. It isn't about what the reward is... its that people want it with no risk. I am sorry, but I think there should be some desirable rewards for players who are willing to take the risk of fel to acquire it.
    To my understanding, the point is not to want something with no risk but rather, to play a game without having to deal with hacking, cheating, Third Party applications and what not that "at times" are used in PvP.......

    Not to mention, the trash talking and other abusive language that sometimes one bumping in PvP gets to face...

    Why the hell, if I may ask, anyone wanting to play a GAME to relax from work, school and what not should need to risk subject themselves to cheaters and players using abusive language because they need Powerscrolls for their pets or even their characters and this only because there is no other alternate way that they can get them without having to risk bumping into hackers, cheaters or what not or have to see derogative language pop up on their screen ?

    The key word here, is GAME, some people could not care less about being competitive, they only want to RELAX at their keyboard and do something they can enjoy for that half an hour or hour that they may have of playing time....

    Some people enjoy fighting others ? Cool !

    Why do you need an EXCUSE to fight others ?

    You enjoy fighting ? Go for it !

    There is NO NEED, to my opinion, to have an excuse for something to fight over with "if" the one enjoyment is THE fight versus another player....

    If one enjoys PvP, they would PvP whether or not there is Powercrolls or anything else to fight over for.

    Personally, I disagree with a Design that uses items as "baits" to bring players to then become targets to fellow players....

    PvP, I think, should be played by those who enjoy it and regardless whether or not there is anything to win over for..... what the heck, the win is having won over a fellow player, right ?

    That is what "competition" is all about as I understand....

    So, Powerscrolls or ANY other item for that matter, could be well left OUT of PvP, entirely, and let PvP those players who REALLY want it.... not over items, but over who is the best player....

    Like when people go fight in the Arena.....

    Do they do it to win anything ? Nope, as I understand it....

    They just do it for the sake of PvP, to show themselves and to others who is the better fighter....

    That is what PvP land should be, to my opinion, a place where people fight for the sake of it, not to take items away from fellow players, corner a market, create a Monopoly and thus become able to gouge prices up at their free will for those items.

    That is at least the way I see it.
    I have already rebuted your argument against cheating... it is far more prevalent and destructive in Tram.  If you want to curb cheating, you should be advocting to eliminate Tram, not Fel.  I will not respond to further this line of justification as it is totally without merit.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Jepeth said:
    1. You are entitled to the view that all drops should be in Felucca. But as we're discussing game mechanics in an MMO it would mean the whole population would be forced in a playstyle they don't find fun. You saying that I'm arguing to improve the game for me alone, that is incorrect. Have you ever heard the phrase 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?' I believe the game can be improved by making changes to a mechanic that many (as evidenced by the people commenting in this thread and the OP) have suggested does not work.
    2. A player dying to a dragon isn't griefing because the dragon isn't controlled by another player attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities of another. PVP is just that, and again, if that's your bag: great. But why is end-game content locked behind a system I am forced into? They may have built it that way but it doesn't mean it's good.
    3. Plenty of people have made an argument the system does not work. And they change the game all the time to improve the quality of life experience of players. If they didn't this wouldn't be a very fun, or long-lasting game.
    4. I'm happy that the system works for you, truly. But again your experience isn't universal for every player, ever shard. Neither is mine. But game mechanics can be changed to make a better experience for everyone. That isn't powercreep, it's evolution. The game is going to change. Let's discuss ways we can improve it and find equitable compromises.

    Unfortunately your logic is circular. 

    The point is that there should be parts of UO that work for every kind of player, not that ALL of UO should work for one kind of player.  As long as you are willing to destroy what is unique for one set of UO players to suit your own desires, there is likely no getting through to you.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    Powerscrolls and stat scroll are unique and should stay like it is, I agree.

    But this thread is about Pet Powerscrolls being an alternative
    way to let Trammel Players be able get their own. 

    Would a middle ground work? Say they do make pet specific scrolls, would it
    be reasonable to ask for only 105's and 110's drop in Trammel Champs?

    So now the pvp's get all the player type powerscrolls (except the rare Fel map low ones)
    and they get all the pet type powerscrolls of 115 and 120!

    It will still take a long time to reach the 120's via binding, but least we have a chance in it 
    doing the game play style we enjoy.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    edited June 2020
    popps said:
    Because Ultima Online is void of cheaters ?

    no, and i never said it was. so please dont put words in my mouth and please dont get so offended it just gets old hearing about it all the time and u cant let it go. it was a suggestion more than anything.

    i still disagree with pet only powerscrolls imo grace. use a different source of power if its that much of an issue.  use imbuing regs or something instead of powerscrolls then. tho my opinion is if you change it, it is a bad move. 

    i think that tram spawns at one time had powerscroll drops if i remember correct. the ones in ilshnar. i think they took them out because it was completely exploited.

    i hear a lot about " so we can attain these in a way we enjoy"  this is still just opinion of 1 group over another. i would like to have all content be pvp contested.... you dont see me advocating for this tho because i can understand not everyones into it.  its not only pvmers that can have an opinion on things i just wish people would step back and take a look at the bigger picture not the bubble they seem to be in.

    iv said it before you need pvp and pvm for the game to be a success. the powerscrolls being in demand is what brings pvmers out to try their luck. which gives pvpers something to do. its the circle of uo life. its been that way since beta. (not powerscrolls since beta. back in the day it was just simply gold. but the point is there)

    if you cant hang in fel, get a group of friends to go with you. and make a plan. dont all go as pvmers. go knowing that you might get in a fight. try to defend a spawn, play the game. you might actually end up enjoying yourself. 

    i do spawns solo all the time and i always have a pvp chara ready to roll when my samp or tamer goes down. if i win good. if not. oh well i knew the chance was there. i help stuck and leave or walk out. i dont just fresh res and go back to it, that is silly. if your still in the area you are still in the fight. if you want to be out of the fight.... just dont res. swallow your pride and walk away. come back tomorrow and try again
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    drindeth said:
    i dont really enjoy doing roof... so i do other things and just buy drops from the roof..... do i say they should nerf roof i should be able to do it with one account so that it is accesable to everyone? i do not.  it drives me crazy that people cant understand that simple point. 

    Merus said:
    The point is that there should be parts of UO that work for every kind of player, not that ALL of UO should work for one kind of player.  As long as you are willing to destroy what is unique for one set of UO players to suit your own desires, there is likely no getting through to you.
    drindeth you are not locked out of the roof by other players. I'm sorry, but that truly is the heart of the matter. The arc of this game's history has been adding more consensual systems atop of the sandbox. 

    Merus I'm trying to discuss ways the game can be improved for everyone. Do you have suggestions other than 'the status quo which works great for a certain few people at the expense of others?'
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24

    drindeth you are not locked out of the roof by other players. I'm sorry, but that truly is the heart of the matter. The arc of this game's history has been adding more consensual systems atop of the sandbox. 
    i never said i was...... i said i cannot personally do it with one account so i do other content for gold then just buy the rooftop stuffs cus its easier that way. 

    either you didnt understand the point or i failed to make it. either way hope u get the comparrison now
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Merus said:
    I have already rebuted your argument against cheating... it is far more prevalent and destructive in Tram.  If you want to curb cheating, you should be advocating to eliminate Tram, not Fel.  I will not respond to further this line of justification as it is totally without merit.

    Oh I am trust me, lol, I have been for a long time. :)

    But guys, good posts!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Jepeth said:
    Merus said:

    "... The arc of this game's history has been adding more consensual systems atop of the sandbox. 

    Putting 90% of the games rewards systems into a risk free, exploitable, ungoverned environment was certainly not consensual to me...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Norry said:
    Popps, take a spellweaver/necro to a champ,  have a few pixies or imps and summoned undead guard you. Shoukd be hard to be pked when you can have several flamestrikes land on your attacker.
          As for getting heckled at, this is an mmo.
    No game you play online will you find people who wont troll you. For some, the only enjoyment they find is smack talking. Also, any game you play online, people will find a way to cheat.
          If you cant do it solo, then get 4-6 other people and do one. It will go faster, and with a headset, you can communicate faster, and coordinate a defense. There is no bigger rush than running off raiders.

    All that being said, if you are asking for the game to be changed without trying to change yourself(grow, or adapt), then... ::shrug::

    You know, if all of the people across mankind history who saw things they did not like had not stood up to voice their differing points of view and tried to ask for changes to the "status quo", we would still be in the middle ages era or even before then with Overlords having life and death power on people, Unions not existing, Civil Rights being unknown of and on and on....

    Sure, it is a game, so what ?

    If there are things that one thinks are working wrong to their opinion, I think that nonetheless they are in all rights to voice up for changing that status quo to something better for that game....

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited June 2020
    Grace said:
    Powerscrolls and stat scroll are unique and should stay like it is, I agree.

    But this thread is about Pet Powerscrolls being an alternative
    way to let Trammel Players be able get their own. 

    Would a middle ground work? Say they do make pet specific scrolls, would it
    be reasonable to ask for only 105's and 110's drop in Trammel Champs?

    So now the pvp's get all the player type powerscrolls (except the rare Fel map low ones)
    and they get all the pet type powerscrolls of 115 and 120!

    It will still take a long time to reach the 120's via binding, but least we have a chance in it 
    doing the game play style we enjoy.

    And Grace - due to having far less players then previously, or far less newer players, the powerscroll market had almost died prior to the Pet expansion. Having Pet Powerscrolls would be a direct take-away from the Scroll Market, and quite a huge one probably. I don't think there is much middle ground to be had. That is probably why the Felucca T Map solution is so tough.

    Quite honestly, the Statscroll Market - ie the Harrower, the pinnacle of Felucca play, is pretty much dead. Like Primers, the Market is full, and complete. A statscroll is worth 6m, you can't sell them. They may have gone up to 10m recently, because no-one does them anymore, no-one even has a team left that can do them in the face of an entire server, we used to, we used to be peerless and untouchable, we can't pull it off anymore, very few can.

    Powerscrolls would not be far off.

    If you actually did this, I believe half of the games players would quit the game, as they would have no challenge or nothing useful or fun to play for.

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Jepeth said:
    drindeth said:
    i dont really enjoy doing roof... so i do other things and just buy drops from the roof..... do i say they should nerf roof i should be able to do it with one account so that it is accesable to everyone? i do not.  it drives me crazy that people cant understand that simple point. 

    Merus said:
    The point is that there should be parts of UO that work for every kind of player, not that ALL of UO should work for one kind of player.  As long as you are willing to destroy what is unique for one set of UO players to suit your own desires, there is likely no getting through to you.
    drindeth you are not locked out of the roof by other players. I'm sorry, but that truly is the heart of the matter. The arc of this game's history has been adding more consensual systems atop of the sandbox. 

    Merus I'm trying to discuss ways the game can be improved for everyone. Do you have suggestions other than 'the status quo which works great for a certain few people at the expense of others?'
    How can you take something, virtually that last remaining thing, away from the pvp players and improve the game for everyone?? You can't.  What you propose is giving something to the group of players that has EVERYTHING else at the expense of the players who only have powerscrolls left.  You have EVERY other drop this game has to offer, but it still isn't enough...  By my count the devs have done more than enough to "improve" the game for the tram based crowd.  

    For the life of me I can't make sense of that thinking other than just flat out greed and disregard for players who enjoy a different playstyle than yourself.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
    PvPrs like to use this excuse, the bottom line is this, if they really enjoyed the aspect of player vs player fighting, they would do it simply for that. That's not the truth. They want the added benefit of being able to take from someone else that's not as equally skilled  as them...period..Change my mind..
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
    Maybe specific skills or playstyles have rewards unique to them... treasure hunting, fishing, crafting, felucca, etc.  Making those rewards available by other means removes the unique reward for that specific content.  Who fills BoD for nothing?  Who would dig up a treasure chest if it was empty?  Fel champs spawns would be pointless if the same reward was available in tram with no risk.

    Every player in UO has exactly the same opportunity to do tram content, your exactly right... every player has exactly the same opportunity to make a fisher, or a treasure hunter, or a BoD filler, or a PvPer.  Some like fishing.  Some like BoDs.  Some like PvP.  Its OK for people to not like everything UO has to offer.... that doesn't mean that Fel is closed to you.

    The simple fact is there is not a single argument you have made about Fel, that can't be applied exactly the same way to Tram.  Some people don't like PvP... we ALL get it.  THAT is not justification for removing the PvP content and rewards ANYMORE, than I can justify removing BoDs because they "don't work for me".
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
    PvPrs like to use this excuse, the bottom line is this, if they really enjoyed the aspect of player vs player fighting, they would do it simply for that. That's not the truth. They want the added benefit of being able to take from someone else that's not as equally skilled  as them...period..Change my mind..
    If the roof had no reward, it would never get done.  If BoDs had no reward, they would never get filled.  If treasure chests were empty, they would never get dug up.  If Mongbats dropped the same loot as Exodus, he would live forever.

    No one forces Fel on anyone anymore than I am forced to do the roof.  If I want a cameo, I have a choice... do the roof or buy it.  If you want a powerscroll, you have the same choice... do the content or buy it.  Fel doesn't need a solution for everyone... nothing in UO needs a solution for everyone... its a sandbox MMO.

  • ArielHardyArielHardy Posts: 26
    I want a Demon Cameo, but i dont want do the roof i think it dont fit my style of play, because that the uo devs need change the whole game and make cameos drop when i chop a tree, because its how i want.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited June 2020
    Merus said:
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
    Maybe specific skills or playstyles have rewards unique to them... treasure hunting, fishing, crafting, felucca, etc.  Making those rewards available by other means removes the unique reward for that specific content.  Who fills BoD for nothing?  Who would dig up a treasure chest if it was empty?  Fel champs spawns would be pointless if the same reward was available in tram with no risk.
    Again, the compromise I and others have suggested is to keep player powerscrolls the way they are and add pet scrolls. The cost of scrolls goes down, PVPers can still prey on those who run champion spawns, and we all get a new mechanic to explore.

    Make no mistake, I think non-consensual pvp is a terrible gameplay mechanic that they've been rightfully chipping away at since the beginning. But, and again this is critical, changing the game does not have to be viewed in a zero-sum frame as you seem to want to focus on. Improving the game for some doesn't ruin it for others. There are plenty of other ways to PVP with each other that does not lock end-game content away.

    As it happens there is a great consensual PVP mechanic with unique rewards. If there were less reasons for people to go to Felucca and deal with a champion spawn I'm sure you all could still find something to do.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Merus said:
    The simple fact is there is not a single argument you have made about Fel, that can't be applied exactly the same way to Tram.  Some people don't like PvP... we ALL get it.  THAT is not justification for removing the PvP content and rewards ANYMORE, than I can justify removing BoDs because they "don't work for me".
    This is utter bull, Factions and then VvV is the only PvP content that UO put in for PvPers.  PvMers do spawns not PvPers and then when the Spawn is almost done or just done then the PKERS come in to kill players set up to kill a spawn and steel the PSs so PLEASE stop with your BS miss-information.  Powerscrolls have absolutely nothing to do with PvP.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.

    If there is players who enjoy engaging in PvP, the way I see it is that they do not need an excuse to engage in a fight !!

    Someone wants to PvP ? Go do it wherever it is allowed !!

    Why there has to be a "bait" to attract other players to where PvP is consented so that they then become the targets of other players ?

    I find the use of items to get players to then become targets of other players and be forced to have to engage in a gameplay style which they do not like nor enjoy, quite disapprovable of.

    The satisfaction of PvP should be winning a fight over a fellow player one has engaged with, not over any given item.

    Those who want to PvP could fight one another as much as they wanted, the point here is that this should not cut players who do not want to PvP, whatever their reasons, out of items or contents which they need, like Powerscrolls are.

    That's how I see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Merus said:
    Jepeth said:
    So let's be clear here: what are we taking away exactly? Is that your supply of unwilling victims? No one is suggesting you can't PVP with other PVP-consenting players all day long. A lot of us are looking for a change in a game mechanic that profoundly doesn't work for us.

    And you also have every other drop the game has to offer. You can play Trammel characters unrestricted. As a lot of us have been trying to explain: there isn't a viable Felucca character solution for everyone.
    PvPrs like to use this excuse, the bottom line is this, if they really enjoyed the aspect of player vs player fighting, they would do it simply for that. That's not the truth. They want the added benefit of being able to take from someone else that's not as equally skilled  as them...period..Change my mind..
    If the roof had no reward, it would never get done.  If BoDs had no reward, they would never get filled.  If treasure chests were empty, they would never get dug up.  If Mongbats dropped the same loot as Exodus, he would live forever.

    No one forces Fel on anyone anymore than I am forced to do the roof.  If I want a cameo, I have a choice... do the roof or buy it.  If you want a powerscroll, you have the same choice... do the content or buy it.  Fel doesn't need a solution for everyone... nothing in UO needs a solution for everyone... its a sandbox MMO.

    It is not the same analogy, sorry.

    People do Roof or BODs or other PvM content for the items.

    PvP, instead, is over who wins the fight, who is a better fighter. That is why often players go to the Arena and fight one another....

    So, while Roof, BODs or any other game content would have no reason to exist if it did not give items, PvP without any item to fight over for, could very well still exist because its reason to exist is not items, but winning a fight over another player....

    Player versus Player..... that is how it is called....

    And Player versus Player it would remain IN FULL, even if there were no items to fight over for, because the reason for this particular gameplay style is to fight other players and show that one can win fello players in a fight.

    It is only a sad thing, to my opinion, that items might be used to "bait" other players who need those items, to have to subject themselves to a gameplay style which they do not like, not enjoy and not want to play, because they have no realistic and reasonable alternative to it to get those items and this, because these players need to become targets for other players to shoot at ?

    Excuse me ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I want a Demon Cameo, but i dont want do the roof i think it dont fit my style of play, because that the uo devs need change the whole game and make cameos drop when i chop a tree, because its how i want.
    There is no other item in Ultima Online that is so much a "must have" as Powerscrolls.

    Both for characters AND pets.

    Without raising up skills neither characters nor pets can do much, especially with Monsters always beefed up to "keep up" with items being released in the game always more powerfull (itemization of a game where items gets stronger and stronger and stronger as time goes by).

    So, while one could very well do without a Demon Cameo (and many do play without one), it is not the same when it comes to Powerscrolls, I am afraid.

    And that is the big problem lamented by many.... to have such "must have" items involve imposing PvP onto players even they do not want, like or enjoy it, is what causes so much issues.

    AND, mind you, another detail that is quite important, while with a Demon Cameo after getting 1 a player is done and can get on with his/her UO life, with Powerscrolls 1 is not enough as they are needed for several skills, and then for pets, and then for multiple pets which a Tamer might have...

    I am sorry, but it ain't possible, to my viewing, to compare other items in UO with Powerscrolls.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    Merus said:
    The simple fact is there is not a single argument you have made about Fel, that can't be applied exactly the same way to Tram.  Some people don't like PvP... we ALL get it.  THAT is not justification for removing the PvP content and rewards ANYMORE, than I can justify removing BoDs because they "don't work for me".
    This is utter bull, Factions and then VvV is the only PvP content that UO put in for PvPers.  PvMers do spawns not PvPers and then when the Spawn is almost done or just done then the PKERS come in to kill players set up to kill a spawn and steel the PSs so PLEASE stop with your BS miss-information.  Powerscrolls have absolutely nothing to do with PvP.
    Well said.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited June 2020

    I'd suggest they remove all rewards from Shadowguard, Doom, Exodus, Treasure Maps, Monsters, Abyss, Shadowlords, etc, so we can see through the lie that you are all PvMing and using your Pets just for the sheer bliss and fun of it.

    Because of course that's what you are all projecting you do.

    In my opinion, you are doing it for the rewards, to help character progression etc, help build your accounts and playstyles to achieve different challenges, to gain extra rewards, to achieve other challenges.

    The thing is, your challenges are easy by a PvPers standards, we need something harder. We don't need pre-programmed AI that a repetitive script can be built to beat, we need the best Human AI out there to compete against (yes of course there are cheats on both sides of the coin, can we see through these for a second). But like the rest of you, we like there to be a point, an objective, rewards for winning are certainly part of mans inbuilt psyche.

    I've never ever said I go out to PvP just because, I've always said PvP is like a competitive sport, we go out to win something, you always try and put those words into our mouths, "oh we would PvP for the sheer bliss and fun of it - surely you are to". Let me see you doing that in PvM, and maybe I'll reconsider that it is a possible human characteristic. PvP is a competitive playstyle that we prepare harder for, than PvM. It is the next level of gameplay up, and you all seek to neuter it all the time because you cannot cope.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited June 2020
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    This is utter bull, Factions and then VvV is the only PvP content that UO put in for PvPers.  PvMers do spawns not PvPers and then when the Spawn is almost done or just done then the PKERS come in to kill players set up to kill a spawn and steel the PSs so PLEASE stop with your BS miss-information.  Powerscrolls have absolutely nothing to do with PvP.
    Well said.

    And absolute rubbish. PvP guilds do spawns properly and most successfully.

    PvMers usually do it poorly, usually solo, usually get raided and lose everything, then come running to the forums because they are not doing it properly and cannot cope. Or give up. Oh look, that's what you guys are doing!

    Talk me through the Justice Virtue a second? What does it do, what is the point of it? Ahh that's right, it's so a PvMer can get a second stealth account and get more scrolls. Lol.

    There are only a handful of PvMers that use their brains and navigate Felucca well enough to get spawns done regularly and successfully.

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    This thread has taken a decidedly negative turn. When the discussion devolves into attacks on play style and personality there is little critical information to be gleaned from the thread. Thanks to all that participated. 
This discussion has been closed.