house placement scriting issue after idocs

presently 90% if not more of the house who fells are placed by the same tried to fix idocs loot but now with the covid-19 and mass demands for house on atlantic they switched to house placement...easy fix for that will be to raffle them after they fell.


  • LeonidasLeonidas Posts: 30
    @Mesanna and @Kyronix and @Bleak

    ^^ This ^^

    3 times I went to TC and I spoke with @Kyronix and told him about people using the "invisible tile" to place houses.

    The information and scripts are posted on many websites and dont take more than a simple google to find.

    We already reported this "Junk" person 100x and this guy place All houses all the time, total unfair.  We all know they go to the SW side of the idoc to "read" the so called invisible tile and they know the exactly time to script placed the house.

    What else we need to do??? To have your attention @Mesanna ???  Time to change the way house placements work, time to put a raffle stone. But DO something.
  • LeonidasLeonidas Posts: 30
    I hope @Mariah dont close this thread. We need to make all players aware and the devs not to be silent anymore about this problem. I probably emailed Mesanna 10x already regarding this matter and she never, ever respond 1 single one.
    This UO Junk person post on forums, ICQ groups and discord everyday, how proud He is to place 99% of the houses All the time. It doesnt take 2 min to people search on google for the things that He is using. But I dont think is fair to the entire UO population been hold hostage from this guy. Many people paged GM, many emails sent and nothing, silence only.
    I showed @Kyronix on TC and his answer was shocking, saying that they will not address this matter anytime soon.
    So basic we have 3 options only???? Buy from this guy all the time or just google and do the same???
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Seen this on Pac as well 
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    What the heck is an invisible tile? 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • LeonidasLeonidas Posts: 30
    What the heck is an invisible tile? 

    When the house collapse an invisible tile is placed at the SW corner of the previous , also known as "no draw" tile.
    That tile contain the info of when the area will be available to replot. There is quite a few people using a script that can read that tile and when the tile vanish, they can replot the house in .0000001 sec.
    This information leaked from the elite, was recently made available on other forums amd how to use and all, than fre months ago, people like me and others went to TC and showed @Kyronix ; and he WAS aware and he said that nothing would be addressed on that matter bc they were too busy working on the Idoc revamp and we even asked why not address both at the same time, since 1 is related to the other. So there you have Nabin. A normal player can only dream about place any 18x18 or keep and Lunas and Castles, nothing is currently done manual and this uo junk guy is plotting them all and he dont even care about... so I hope that by now , making these kind of posts public, the Devs can finally find some time and address the issue. So far the best idea I heard from players is to raffle the plot, just like the New Mag system, back in the days.

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    automatic 1 hour raffles after the house fell thats it. if the person dont take it in 30 minutes go to next winner untill someone won raffle pay for the house
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Sounds like an Atlantic problem.  We don't need raffles on most other shards.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    Pawain said:
    Sounds like an Atlantic problem.  We don't need raffles on most other shards.
    Really wished we had like buttons! 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    AMEN @Pawain and @Lord_Nabin
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    agreed most shard are empty not need this but any active shard needs it for castle-keep and luna house

  • SpellsingerSpellsinger Posts: 1
    edited June 2020
    This has gone too far and beyond. We call on the developers to do something about this and this is a racket hack perpetuating to this very day. This has hampered the interest of returning and new players. Gold is inflated in the Atlantic Shard and returning or new players are automatically marginalized.
  • LeonidasLeonidas Posts: 30
    @Mesanna or @Kyronix

    5 more Idocs last night amd he placed 5 more houses... when this will stop?
    1st all the rewards deleted and now this uo junk places all houses , all day and yes people page on him everyday, but we all know since we have 1 GM for the entite game, is useless to page.
    Please make all idocs houses into a raffle stone, at least will be a faor game.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24

    Please make all idocs houses into a raffle stone, at least will be a faor game
    uhm that wouldnt necesarily stop them from placing..... they would just buy more tickets than every other scrub and increase their chances to win.... this is a classic case of "dont hate the player hate the game" there are so many bad systems in this game housing should really be the least of their worries. if you want a large home go to one of the numerous empty shards and place one.....or alternatively.....stop posting on message boards and get in the game, make some gold. then buy the home from the guy.....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    edited June 2020
    Or don’t buy any homes from him. Pretty easy to blacklist. At some point he won’t want to pay for 40 accounts to hold houses no one is buying.  

    Glad I don’t play ATL. Just sell junk there and take gold home. 

    I agree that one of the fun things in game is placing a new house. He’s taking that joy from the average player unfairly.
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    Newsflash as a former idoccer myself (I no longer idoc the new system is stupid boring) i can tell you that the house tile script no longer works the new placement system is retardedly easy to figure out but apparently you guys arent looking in the right places, the house tile system is now broken its a new way of doing it. so your all barking up the wrong tree, you arent going to get help from the powers that be when you dont know how the new house placement system works, I figured it out im sure others have too. no in regards to the crying, i TRIED to warn you guys, the new system is dumber than ever, a person with no script at all can basically loot a house clean and place with minimal effort, and the shouting out of the idocs at the cryers makes idocs even easier, idoccers dont even have to spend hours searching for idocs anymore, they just go to the town cryers and wait for the idocs to be called out and then post the idocs to their favourite location for people to access.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    How is this person making enough gold to keep all these accounts going when with the exception of Castles, Keeps and the Luna houses I am seeing a lot of Atl houses selling for 200m or less.  When was the last house posted here or Stratics for that matter for any meaningful amount.  I am not sure what game time codes sell for using in-game gold so is it really worth it.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I just figured it out, it is not multiple accounts it is the Dark Lady herself doing this as her account has unlimited housing slots and there is not enough gold leaving UO so she is placing houses, selling them for in-game gold and then deleting the gold from UO.
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    a 18x18 on atlantic sells for real life 50 bux
    you do the math
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    How is this person making enough gold to keep all these accounts going when with the exception of Castles, Keeps and the Luna houses I am seeing a lot of Atl houses selling for 200m or less.  When was the last house posted here or Stratics for that matter for any meaningful amount.  I am not sure what game time codes sell for using in-game gold so is it really worth it.
    how come it has to be game time codes? a lot of normal people have this thing called a job. you put in your time and labor and they give you a currency you can spend on items such as food / doctors visits / and video games. perhaps this person has disposable income and does not mind paying ea $200 a month for a video game. in this case the person has every right to own however many homes of whatever size they wish as the accounts will allow. as far as i know there is no law against monopolies in uo..... which this person seems to have. more power to him. guilds and people have been trying to monopolise content for years. remember vip? who could spawn on atl unless they allowed it? not nobody. its a part of uo. always has been always will be. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    drindeth said:
    How is this person making enough gold to keep all these accounts going when with the exception of Castles, Keeps and the Luna houses I am seeing a lot of Atl houses selling for 200m or less.  When was the last house posted here or Stratics for that matter for any meaningful amount.  I am not sure what game time codes sell for using in-game gold so is it really worth it.
    how come it has to be game time codes? a lot of normal people have this thing called a job. you put in your time and labor and they give you a currency you can spend on items such as food / doctors visits / and video games. perhaps this person has disposable income and does not mind paying ea $200 a month for a video game. in this case the person has every right to own however many homes of whatever size they wish as the accounts will allow. as far as i know there is no law against monopolies in uo..... which this person seems to have. more power to him. guilds and people have been trying to monopolise content for years. remember vip? who could spawn on atl unless they allowed it? not nobody. its a part of uo. always has been always will be. 
    LMAO Did you even bother to read the OP, no I didn't think so.   NEXT
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Well this thread has about run it's course.

  • Dark_WolfDark_Wolf Posts: 1
    Sadly, yes the invisible tile method still works, its still there and it still serves the same purpose. We have a guy in our guild who used to write pvp scripts years ago and he confirmed at a trammel idoc keep the other day that the tile method still works but apparently no one can beat this more recent guy placing at all the house spots who is using the tile method. Apparently, his script is better written than every else that uses one. Personally, I wish all the scripting would completely come to and end because I am sick and tired of all of it because those of us who choose not to script get majorly screwed in pvp and house placing.
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    edited June 2020
    the tile method is no longer accurate
    there is 2-5 tiles at a given idoc now and if u dont get the right tile u dont get the right timer there is a much better way of knowing when you can place and it isnt the tile method
    b4 it was 1 tile for 18 or less 2 tiles per keep 3 tiles per castle.
    as far as fel idocs go i tried to warn the new system would totally benefit 1 particular scripter but no one listened, as far as looting idocs now its retardedly simple all you have to do is think a little bit and a very basic script will net you a good % of the loot 

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    This thread is getting dangerously close to discussing exploits. If you know how it works, please report it through proper channels. Do not discuss it here.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Or, perhaps discuss away and give everyone a fair chance? It's only been going on for a long time, doesn't seem to high on the old priority list. *shrugs*
  • TyberiaesTyberiaes Posts: 3
    Seems this is gotten out of hand my friends and I place every house we get by hand nothing extra. Anyone who knows how to use the tool can figure out a sequence before the tool burns out if you take the time. Also as for times since no one seems to have a clue 2Hrs and 5 Mins is 100% placement if it makes you wait the whole time. 5 minutes is the barrel pack up of all the loot if any of you were curious. Literally all you have to do is SIT there and click over and over and over for a certain variable of times on the house tool keeping you from burning it out I use a stopwatch on my phone. Honestly I should not have to educate anyone you should be able to learn this on your own if you call yourself an IDOCer who places houses.I'm not gonna get into how long I have been playing and placing houses blah blah and how much my shoulders hurt every idoc end of story there because none of you care anyway. My group of friends will take a break I guess and maybe the players complaining will take this knowledge and learn how to place a house themselves. Also if your still running a PC from when the game came out your not gonna get a house same goes for slower internet connections. I do not mean to be rude but lets be realistic.
  • PrissyPPrissyP Posts: 24
    Mariah said:
    This thread is getting dangerously close to discussing exploits. If you know how it works, please report it through proper channels. Do not discuss it here.
    Funny that you said that @Mariah , this was reported many many times to @Mesanna ; and @Kyronix and nothing, Many emails were sent about this exploit and just like Nails said on Catskills M&G, She don't answer, She specific ask people to email her and than choose not to answer, special things about this. I emailed her about 5x already about this topic, I went to TC and I spoke with @Kyronix about and nothing.
    Than just like the OP said, We have to come here and speaks things out of the open to see if we will finally get the attention needed. He is using an exploit to plot all the houses and just like the others mentioned, the tile exploit still work and there is others way too. so @Mariah since you have the direct channel with @Mesanna why don't you ask her to look into this? also ask her about the Idea of placing a raffle stone and be done with this.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Could a few more brand new accounts please get created and chime in, you know, so it seems more legit lol...
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • TyberiaesTyberiaes Posts: 3
    Anyway Ill be on Terina Selling the last of the houses I have till they are gone enjoy fighting someone else over a plot.
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