
After returning I see this new lovely skill so I went and bought up to 40 skill.  After reading numerous training guides they say to unravel items to get to around 75.  I am at 40 and managed to get to 40.8.  My problem is whether I hunt high or low level mobs I get about 1 out of 15 items that don't say "your imbuing skill is not high enough".  

This can't be the way to train this.  What am I missing?  


  • SytySyty Posts: 12
    Oh... and I thought about just imbuing my way out of it.  Just get high enough that I can start mad unraveling, but quickly realized that I would need the essence that I would get from unraveling.  
  • stockpile the ones you can't unravel for later unraveling when your skill is higher.  Have tons of those bags full for when you get there.

    In the mean time, things like easy named creatures or treasure hunting can net you a lot of low level items to unravel.

    Otherwise yeah, just grab some gold crafted samurai armor and imbue cheap stuff on it for gains if you aren't hunting.
  • SytySyty Posts: 12
    Thanks...  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't absolutely doing something wrong.  I am down to New Haven mine earth els and 90% of those drops are even too much for me.  I'll keep grinding.  I am in fact storing the others so whenever I hit the magic number I should have plenty to run through.  
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2020
    I just trained from 0 to 120 Imbuing a couple of months ago. I got all the way into the 80's from unraveling before I got impatient and began imbuing items. Here's what I remember and what I have in notes:  

    There are only three "difficulty" levels for unraveling:
    <45 skill (items that give Magic Residue only) 
    45-90 skill (Can now unravel for Enchanted Essence in addition to MR)
    >90 skill (Can now unravel for Relic Fragments in addition to MR/EE)

    But, only loose correlation between Magic Item name and resource returned when unraveling:
    Magic Residue: ~Minor/Lesser
    Enchanted Essence: Few Minor/Lesser, some Greater, some Major
    Relic Fragment: a few Greater, some Major, all Artifact

    Below 45 skill, you want to look for items that only give Magic Residue. So Minor/Lesser magic items are what you're looking for (somewhat - a few Greater/Major Magic Items might only yield MR as well). I saved up all the Minor/Lesser in a bag (until there were about 100 items), then unraveled the bag. Anything that didn't unravel would go in a bag for 45-90 skill.

    Once you hit 45 skill you can unravel anything that won't give you a Relic Fragment. I was expecting a difficulty curve and kept saving items for when I got to higher skill, but nope, anything I couldn't unravel at 45 skill I couldn't unravel until 90 skill. Moving up through the skill toward 90 sucked, because anything that would give a Relic Frag I couldn't unravel. Turns out there are a few Greater Magic Items, and a lot of Major Magic Items that have properties or intensities that will yield a Relic Fragment when unraveled. Have to save those until 90 skill. That's a lot of storage. I gave up and switched to actually imbuing stuff.

    My advice would be to hunt really low level stuff that drops mostly Minor/Lesser Magic Items and take all of those items you can get your hands on. I think it will only take a few bags (100 items per bag) to get to 45 skill. Think skeletons, brigands, orcs, lizardmen. 

    After you get your Imbuing to 45, still unravel all the Minor/Lesser you can (gains from MR last until...mid 50's maybe?), but look for things that give Enchanted Essence. You can look through the imbuing menu to determine which properties require Enchanted Essence and just collect bags of items with those properties. Make sure those items don't also have a property that yields a Relic Frag, those will need to wait until 90 skill.

    Good luck!
  • SytySyty Posts: 12
    Still at 40.8.  Just lined up one greater, one minor and one lesser.  Individually tried each and all said that my imbuing is not high enough skill yet to unravel these.

    I then thought it might have something to do with a calculator I found, but no.  I failed on a lesser and a minor with 2 1% items on it, but succeeded on two others with 20% items on it.  

    I am just going to continue to burn bags and try the rest later.  
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    The written rating on a weapon is a clue to what it might unravel into, but not a rule.  Several months ago I was wondering the same sort of stuff, but once your skill gets to 45 you will gain the ability to unravel the large majority of items.  For now, have your guys hunt easier monsters.  The ants in the caves near wind is a good spot.  Not only do you get loot which will usually be unravable, you'll net yourself a supply of the gems you'll need for imbuing as well.  Also, the zoogi fungus they all have is worth a lot.  On my shard there is a commodity broker in Magincia paying 500gp apiece for each zoogi.  At that price it doesn't take long to get the 2000 zoogis for 1,000,000gp.

    BTW, nobody has room in the template for it, but the one thing the Item ID skill is good for is pre-identifying what an unraveled item will resolve into.  No, I didn't bother building this skill, but just thought it was worth mentioning.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2020
    Rock said:
    BTW, nobody has room in the template for it, but the one thing the Item ID skill is good for is pre-identifying what an unraveled item will resolve into.  No, I didn't bother building this skill, but just thought it was worth mentioning.
    Huh, didn't know that Rock. I have Item ID on a stone somewhere. Will have to check it out.

    Syty said:
    Still at 40.8.  Just lined up one greater, one minor and one lesser.  Individually tried each and all said that my imbuing is not high enough skill yet to unravel these.

    I then thought it might have something to do with a calculator I found, but no.  I failed on a lesser and a minor with 2 1% items on it, but succeeded on two others with 20% items on it.  

    I am just going to continue to burn bags and try the rest later.  
    Just saving up and unraveling a full bag is probably the way to go. Did the minor/lesser/greater have any property on them that takes Enchanted Essence to imbue?

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