PVP Builds

Good morning, was curious if anyone want to share some basic pvp builds.  I saw some jazz on bush./chiv/swords/tactics, but still see mostly magery.  I tried the chiv thing, but switched last night back to mage.  Any direction would be highly appreciated.  


  • GeorgeGeorge Posts: 12
    play what you have the most fun playing, then identify how you can tweak your skills to adapt to what gives you the most trouble. it shouldnt be about "this template and build will beat that template and build" it should be "i enjoy this template and build but that other template and build gives me problems but if I adjust my template and/or change how i fight that build then i can better deal with it." because maybe a slight modification to how you enjoy playing will allow you to deal with something that gives you a problem.

    cookie cutters are so boring.
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