Mining CAVES in Ter Mur ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited March 2020 in General Discussions
I do not enjoy mountain mining and prefer Mining Caves... usually.

Question is, where are the Mining Caves in Ter Mur ?

Anyone knows of any ?

Also, talking about mining, why "regular" gems are not stopped from being yielded from mining (since there a LOT other sources for them...) and special gems and Blackrock are thus increased in their chance to spawn from mining ?

Take Crystalline Blackrock, as an example, I find it absurd that players who seek Crystalline Blackrock go hunting stuff that drop them as loot rather then get them from Mining because their Mining yield rate is way too low....


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    To the best of my knowledge underground areas in Ter Mur are Tomb of Kings and The Stygian Abyss.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Thanks, but those are not exactly the best place to drag along a fire Bleetle for Mining and smelting purposes....

    I was more looking for "Cave" Mines, of the type that can be found in Trammel/Felucca, where one can mine without having to worry much for the Fire Beetle...

    Definitively, the Tomb of Kings and the Stygian Abyss do not look to me as places for mining....

    Furthermore, as I mentioned, I hate Mountain Mining because I waste a ton of time trying to pin point the right point where to mine on the side of the mountain and, who knows why, macros "relative mining location" does not work with mountain sides...

    So, I am more looking at "flat" Mining places like those in Mining Caves but in Ter Mur....

    Anyone knows of any ?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So why don't you go find them and come back here and tell us about them without your standard BLAH BLAH BLAH response,  Do you ever wounder why people get tired of trying to help you.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I have been walking around Ter Mur for hours.... but could not find any.... just Mountains.

    Since this cannot be, I mean, I do not see why there should not be Mining Caves in Ter Mur since Ter Mur does is a mining facet, I thought to ask whether anyone might have already found any...

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Have you tried around the Abyss houses?  Their areas are usually spawn free.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    edited March 2020
    If there were any other caves, I would have said so.
    A good place to mine, I find, is around the shrine and on the snowy mountain tops nearby.
    Follow the red arrows, but beware of mining south of the most southern arrow, you might find silver serpents. North is safer.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    In my opinion, Popps made a wordy thread to complain about not finding enough Crystaline Blackrock in his view.  Coimpletly self serving wanting the Devs to add mines where he wants them.  Also no spawn in these mines you make for him.  Im sure they will get right on that.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    In my opinion, Popps made a wordy thread to complain about not finding enough Crystaline Blackrock in his view.  Coimpletly self serving wanting the Devs to add mines where he wants them.  Also no spawn in these mines you make for him.  Im sure they will get right on that.

    Uhu ?

    No clue what you are talking about....

    I only pointed out what I thought is a reasonable issue.... What is the point of getting "regular" gems from mining when these regular gems cen be bought from NPCs, appear as loot in Monsters corpse a go-go and spawn in all chests from Town to Dungeon to Treasure Chests not to mention SOSes ?

    Having regular gems soawn from mining only make the special gems be more rare since the RNG, when it yields a regular gem, I suppose, does not then yield a special gem...

    I only mentioned Crystalline Blackrock as a mere example but, since you bring it up, it makes no sense to me that people used to (the spawn was stopped) hunt Golden Elementals or Rats at the Cavern of the Discarded (this one is still viable) in order to get Crystalline Blackrock rather then mine it ?

    To me, it makes no sense....

    If at all, Mining should be the one activity to get ALL special gems (not just Crystalline Blackrock) and not have "other" ways that would be more effective to get it....

    By the way, talking about Golden Elementals, when their Blackthorne Dungeon spawn was terminated, wasn't it said that they would have been relocated somewhere else ?

    What happened to this relocation for Golden Elementals ?
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Popps I disagree with you about not getting normal gems from mining.  Yes, they are available elsewhere, but I like the fact that a craftsman type character can earn useful resources in a steady manner.  Plus gems are expensive to buy from jewelers.  If you don't like gems, you can either get marble instead or even choose to get nothing but ore.  As far as I know, miners already do get a chance to receive all special gems except white pearl.  Those fisherman might earn once their skill reaches 80.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited March 2020
    Why do you specifically need to mine in  Ter Mur?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    You get regular gems when mining? I don't think I have ever gotten a regular gem from mining.... am I broken? I get the BIG FAT gems, but never regular gems.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    edited March 2020
    @Gidge Apparently you have never told your shovel what you want.  Right click on any shovel or pickaxe.  A context menu should appear:
    • <current setting>
    • set to ore
    • set to ore and stone
    • set to ore and gems
    • set to stone
    When you finish, it is set for all shovels and pickaxes until you change it to something else.  (At least I think pickaxes are included.  I always mine with shovels because they are lighter.)  Also, this is how it works in the Enhanced Client.  I assume CC is the same, but i do not know.

    Oh, to get anything besides ore, you need 100 mining skill.  I believe it is true skill, so mining gloves or Jacob's Pickaxe will not help.  Since you are getting the big gems, you are already at 100, but someone else who reads this might not know.

    BTW, mining in Felucca not only gets you double ore per swing, but double gems also.  Not the big ones, just the normal ones like you buy from jeweler.  I assume double stone as well, but I'm not sure about that.  On any given vein I get about 2 gems (4 in Felucca).  All 9 types are equally likely to drop into your pack.  My miner is an Elf, so other races might not get as many.

    Oh!  I almost forgot.  Before you can get gems, your GM miner needs to buy and read the book, Mining for Quality Gems.  It can be purchased from a Ter Mur blacksmith for a little over 10k.  (Be sure to buy only one, not 20 like I recently did!)

    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Correct, I am no stranger to mining, I just never knew we got little ones as well as the big ones. I've been hi-ho hi-ho'ing for many years. :)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Gidge I added info to my post.  It's is not quite as simple as I first wrote.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    yeah, see I don't see the little gems on that page either. I am totally missing something.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited March 2020
    Mkay, I found it on another website other than

    You can also retrieve regular small gems after reading the High Quality Gems book, obtained in Ter Mur from the Royal City Blacksmiths for approximately 10,000 gold.

    I always thought that meant the big fat gems, not the little ones, on the context menu.  So I never questioned not getting gems before. :)
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Would be nice to have caves in ter mur also make the waters usable 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Gidge said:
    You get regular gems when mining? I don't think I have ever gotten a regular gem from mining.... am I broken? I get the BIG FAT gems, but never regular gems.
    You need to be GM Miner, have read the Book about Mining Gems and select on your Tool mining for Ore and Gems....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Gidge said:
    yeah, see I don't see the little gems on that page either. I am totally missing something.

    It's there, just after the bullet point for saltpeter:

    The book ‘Mining for Quality Gems’ bought from a blacksmith in Royal City allows normal, jewelry gems, to be found randomly when mining with the tool’s context menu set to ‘ore and gems’.
    @popps, if you don't want the small gems, don't set your tool to find them. Large gems will spawn as normal while mining simply for ore.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Rock said:
     On any given vein I get about 2 gems (4 in Felucca).  All 9 types are equally likely to drop into your pack.  My miner is an Elf, so other races might not get as many.

    After posting, I decided this frequency was too large.  So in this morning's mining sessiion, I gathered her results.  Six shovels were used, with about 500 swings total.  Her mining was done in Felucca, so the gem count would be halved in Trammel and other facets.

    ore: all types except verite and valorite
    rare gems: 4 types, 6 total (no Felucca doubling for these)
    gems: 9 types, 62 total
    blackrock: 3 types, 6 total (also no Felucca doubling)

    Ignoring the doubling, that works out to about one normal gem per 16 swings.  This is a little over half of what I first posted.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:
    Gidge said:
    yeah, see I don't see the little gems on that page either. I am totally missing something.

    It's there, just after the bullet point for saltpeter:

    The book ‘Mining for Quality Gems’ bought from a blacksmith in Royal City allows normal, jewelry gems, to be found randomly when mining with the tool’s context menu set to ‘ore and gems’.
    @ popps, if you don't want the small gems, don't set your tool to find them. Large gems will spawn as normal while mining simply for ore.
    I know that the mining tool can be set to no gems, I was just guessing that the spawning of the small gems might, in some way, reduce the spawning chances of large gems to spawn...

    Like, if the RNG does a spawn check for a small gem, somehow this check reduces the possibility for a larger gem to spawn....
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