Any ideas on how to fix the dead economy? Get the devs to listen at all?
Any ideas? I heard someone say remove transfer tokens, others talk about making useless skills more relevant, and making crafting more relevant compared to pvm loot.
I feel like if only some tweaks could be made, perhaps it would make inflation less of an issue, and the gameplay would be more player interdependent, and fun.
Also, what are the odds the devs will even listen? Seems like a lot of people have some great concerns and ideas that never get as much as a notice by the devs.
I feel like if only some tweaks could be made, perhaps it would make inflation less of an issue, and the gameplay would be more player interdependent, and fun.
Also, what are the odds the devs will even listen? Seems like a lot of people have some great concerns and ideas that never get as much as a notice by the devs.
Nobody cared, on stratics the thread got moved to "spiels and rants" by the then (thankfully now gone) moderators.
I would also like to see some improvement to the refinement system. Let us be able to get at least 6-7 mods with high resists on armor parts to make armor crafting and runic kits valuable again.
These 2 things alone would make me and probably alot of others happy.
2. Second the idea of a fee per item sold rather than the current vendor cost.
3. Disallow transfer of cursed items - Cry me a river about the price of scrolls skyrocketing on Atlantic - At least you people can buy them. I don't care about the most advantaged players in the game missing out on having access to the best variety of items and getting the best prices. If the game as a whole is going to get better, then yeah Atlantic will probably have to deal with it.
4. Create a merchant skill that rewards players for running vendors - give them item appraisal that allows them to lore an item and receives an average value aggregated from other vendors on the server. Reward players for selling items - merchant artifacts - or something: When I collect gold off one of my vendors give a chance for it to be like "I traded for this mysterious item." As the skill of the merchant players skill increases vendor fees go down and the chance of items goes up. Make item ID worth something again.
The only problems i could see right now is that global loot market is flooded, but that was because of 2 years of botting by a few individuals. Really has nothing to do with the health of the overall market.
On a healthy shard like Atlantic it is not possible to control the market in that way.
Folk who offer a service taking items from shard to shard for other people? Who actually TAKE items to the smaller shards rather than remove them? Who ferry stuff from place to place for friends?
1) the supposedly "healthy" market on ATL is ALREADY controlled by the oligopoly of the Inter-Shards Cabala;
2) "whealty" is a very relative term: until RMT will exist, with a couple thousands RL buck you can buy enough gold to vacuum clean even ATL, if not for a year at last for many weeks or months.
I have no knowledge or experience of any 'oligopoly of inter shards cabala' What is it exactly? or is it just a figment of some cynical players' imagination? I don't play Atlantic, nor have any desire to. On the shards I do play I have no problem finding power scrolls when I need them. From my perspective this is all a storm in a teacup. Am I alone in that view?
The "oligopoly of inter shards cabala" is, IMO, the group of "players" (let still call them this to be kind) that, in the years, bought off a lot of the "discontinued" Veteran accounts of (real) players quitting UO, and that so now own a (too much) large share of the accounts with "free" STS inter-shards transfer means. You say that you don't play ATL (kudos to you!
They are, IMO, even the ones that multibox (and maybe script-cheat) at Events & IDOCs to get the bigger chunck of the stuff. The relations of this people with the RMT can, IMO, easily be inferred too.
You can call it conspiracy theory if you wish: I call it the reality that distorted ATL (and, by reflex, all the other Shards too) to the point to generate the hyper-inflactionary, "2-PP-for-a-Rare-armor" kind of mess that today pass for "economy" in UO.
On the other hand, people vacuum cleaning small shards for long periods of time did actually happen.
Seriously: 2K bucks are, at nowdays RMT prices, about 10 BILLIONS GPs.
Surely not enough to even scratch the ATL market of useless "The Wet Sand of the Litter of the Calico Kitty of Blackthorn" kind of named-Rare items, but enough to vacuum from Shard Vendors all the really useful stuff, as the PS, SoT & SoA for the "good" skills, for weeks.
Try buying up all SoT on Atlantic for example. Let's see how far that 10 plat will get you. I guess you couldn't even recall around all vendors quick enough to vacuum Atlantic.
.. which - to come back to the original topic - is a pretty good indicator for a economy in bad shape there.
read my lips no new sink holes
Do you feel personally attacked by the fact that some shards are in bad shape? I don't get why some try to downplay that fact so hard...