recap on the event last night?

My sone was born yesterday, so i just wanted to get a jist of the storyline


  • EM MalachiEM Malachi Posts: 63Event Moderator
    Congratulations on the birth of your son!

    Summary of Royal Spy Mission "Pretty Bauble" -

    The Royal Spies met with the gargoyle seer, Naxatilor, who asked them to recover an important magical artifact called the Ethereal Ring to help the human king. During this meeting, the area was attacked by upset gargoyle refugees riled up by outcasts from the Abyss. Naxatilor sent the Spies to the Tomb of Kings. He also asked them to look out for his friend Mariah during these times. 

    The Tomb of Kings was protected by mystical guardians, but no ring was found. Instead, a mysterious stranger who referred to himself as "Tim Shade" told the history of the ring, from its creation by a great king during the gargoyle golden age to its theft and current location in Nujel'm. He also warned that recovering the ring would require a sacrifice: a princess to save a king.

    The ring was in the hands of a man named Martingo who was using it to "help" the Sultan's youngest daughter in exchange for gold and power. This upset many and resulted in the use of force to oust Martingo from the city. The gargoyle ring was recovered, but the princess was found to be in a fugue state. 

    During the debriefing, it was decided to bring the princess to Britain for treatment and try to understand the Ethereal Ring before giving it to King Blackthorn. 

    Let me know if you have any questions. 

  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    Thanks. Just didnt want to miss the story. :)
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