PLEASE Devs & Mesanna, Make IDOCs SStones ***NOT*** Clean-Up-Points worthy or BBox Them!!!
I posted this yesterday in the IDOC Thread, but I wish to open a Discussion on the Topic too.
I find totally inappropriate that SStones recovered in IDOCs have a so high CUB Points value.
SStones are DAYS of playtime worth for Players, and having the pratical certainty that the ones that comes from IDOCs will be instantly trashed by the... "Usual Subjects" is, IMO, very sad and unrespectful of Players.
Making them to have a 0 CUB Points value, AND/OR putting them automatically in the Player's BankBox if his House goes IDOC would be, IMO, a strong incentive for returning Players!
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Since @Mesanna said we will discuss the matter before goes live, how about she listen what everyone is suggesting and make everything from the house goes into a moving crate and than to account owners bank and later after the person subscribe again, he can recoup his items for a fee. But so far, we had over 10 previous topic open and they were all closed and not a single one the devs came to say something.
Put stuff in the bank. You have 90 days to decide to return.
Franky I don't understand why someone with a minimum of human decency should object to have at least the SStones untrashable and/or automatically & forever "banked" if they are caught in an IDOC...
You can have that discussion in private. Cause it is not one. It is just your opinion.
I never said Soulstones should have cleanup points. I think that is dumb.
The only play style I am against is non consensual PvP. I may not like some play styles but I am for, Players having FUN. I find standing at an IDOC is boring. Sometimes I am sitting at the Bank while we are talking about the IDOC in chat. Sitting at IDOC <Less fun Banksitting >more fun. We have the ability to to many things in UO.
What I do IRL is none of your business.
Sure, none of my businnes, you are right on this. We could discuss about the psycho(logy) of playing a "not a nice guy. He doesn't care about your time" and taking (as it seems to me) pride in doing so, but it would be wasted time I suppose, so have a nice SStons trashing party...
Behind every Toon (botnets beside...) there is a real human, so...
Some days you win, some days you lose. If you come across me and make yourself an easy victim, you're gonna have a bad time. It's my playstyle, I like it, it should make the game more exciting for you.
On this part I could agree (even if is a little in the "blame the victim" category, IMO), at least until you respect my right to NOT having you making my game more "exciting" if and when I don't want it to...
Lol. You don't know anything about me and what I do. You sure do make a lot of assumptions though.
This is SO sad and SO human, American or not (and note that I'm Italian, so this last part of the comment is NOT a "Cicero pro domo sua"). At this conditions, BankBoxing the IDOCed SStones in long term "Deep Freeze" is the only rationale choice, I agree.