UO needs a rotating HIGH risk vs reward dungeon (felucca)



  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Tim "LIKE"  If it were not for PSs and DBL Resources Fel would be totally dead.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    edited March 2018
    Bilbo said:
    @ Tim "LIKE"  If it were not for PSs and DBL Resources Fel would be totally dead.

    LOLOL, That's the point you just stated.  Why do you think were asking for more content?  Is it fair there is 5000 drops in trammel and only 1 (specific to facet) in felucca?  Noone really cares about dbl resources, they could remove that without anyone noticing.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bring it all to Tram so all can enjoy it and not just a select few, problem solved.  You do understand that you are more than welcome to come on over and do all of those 5000 drops without putting up with a bunch of PKs and there foul mouths when you do step into Fel.
  • I’m just responding to the thread title:

    There was someone who tried a rotating dungeon idea and players ended up hating it. It is an idea that looks good on paper but in reality it is just a huge inconvenience and does not create fun.
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Ok back to the original topic new content for Fel to entice more players PvPs.
    no fun :( 

    How about a game of last man standing. The room/dungeon opens at a set time once or twice a day as a safe zone (no pre killing) everybody who wants to play touches the altar then spreads out or hides. If you don't when the event starts you are put into ghost observer mode. When the game starts no one leaves and its last player standing wins. With only one winner it would cut down on the I brought more friends then you did tactic. Prizes scaled to the number of contestants and a maybe banner or t shirt for the top winner with X  came and I was the last 1 standing.

    If just decor items and bragging right aren't prize enough how about high end items like maybe the pre nerf Soul Seeker but only useable in fel. Then they could give you items unavailable elsewhere in the game but not have to worry too much about balance issues or introducing  any more "must have but only available in Fel" items. This top drop only if the number of contestants were above say 15 or 20.

    I would be interested in this to at lease come and watch. Maybe even talk myself into joining in.
    I think they could use the Despise engine for this with out too much programming.

    Since I'm usually the only one who can follow what I'm talking about the high points of my proposal are
    1. only a couple of times per shard a day to avoid burn out and allow more players or spectators at a single time (the new town crier should help with this)
    2. point #1 would also make it easer for shard hoppers to show up.
    3. Observers so non PvPs can see whats going on and maybe decide they want to try it.
    4. Top prize for winner only but something for everybody scaled for number of kills and the number of players.
    5. maybe also a drop based on the number of times you compete.
    6. I had thought about making top prize a dark father or shadow guard drop but I think it would be too easy for a multi boxer to game this. If they go with a special Fel only item there should be less incentive to cheat. (note I said Fel only not shard bound)
    7. since this is Fel Observers get a safe recall out.  >:)
    I'm really interested in what the true PVP community thinks of this
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Tim the true PvP Community left when AoS came in and it turned into EvE.  Alls that is left is PKers that want more items to loot.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    How about we let the fel-based players decide this?  We don't need input to felucca from someone who doesn't understand the playerbase there.  There is nothing gamebreaking about powerscrolls in felucca, you don't have to have anything in UO to play the game.   Basically everything that Bilbo posts is completely false and is nothing but troll attempts.  There is no reason we cant have something that is felucca only and can be used by everyone just like PS added.   would be nice if the moderators stop the trolling in the fel based discussions.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    How about we let all the UO players decide this.  This affects all of UO like it or not.  Maybe I should ask the DEVs to put PSs to Tram and use your logic on them and %1000 you and every Fel player would be there screaming.  LOL Play UO without PSs now that is funny.  Please give us another high end item so we can control it to make more gold, right.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    I believe some players have asked for pet specific power scrolls.  Those could be added to Fel as well.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I don't want Pet only PSs I think it is time Tram had PSs added
  • DavoDavo Posts: 46
    VVV and EC has destroyed the fun my friends and I had for PVP. cant compete so GL. 
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    thinking about it more, im not sure a fel-only dungeon with high end mobs would entice people to pvp - people would end up needing to bring pvm templates to effectively work it, and they'd be easy pickings for those who showed up with pvp templates. it'd really only be a victim lure and not a springboard for better pvp. 

    Some sort of last man standing or team battle arena on a timed basis might be better, where players are actually rewarded for fighting each other instead of for farming mobs or ganking some poor sampire. I miss the old faction stronghold raids / defends, something along the lines of that might be interesting - have it last an hour or so and run it a couple times a week, winning team gets an item or a week-long bonus or something. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    North_LS said:
    thinking about it more, im not sure a fel-only dungeon with high end mobs would entice people to pvp - people would end up needing to bring pvm templates to effectively work it, and they'd be easy pickings for those who showed up with pvp templates. it'd really only be a victim lure and not a springboard for better pvp. 

    Some sort of last man standing or team battle arena on a timed basis might be better, where players are actually rewarded for fighting each other instead of for farming mobs or ganking some poor sampire. I miss the old faction stronghold raids / defends, something along the lines of that might be interesting - have it last an hour or so and run it a couple times a week, winning team gets an item or a week-long bonus or something. 
    First paragraph - that's my interpretation of what some pvpers want, not opponents, but victims.

    Second paragraph - That is almost already there, in the arenas. How about this idea:
    take the list of the Trammel town bonuses, add it to the arenas. Players, or teams, select which bonus they're fighting for, the winner gains that bonus for a set time period (a week?, a month?) for his/their guild. So if a team of several different allied guilds fight and win, the entire alliance gets the bonus.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    @Petra_Fyde yeah, that sounds pretty good to me. I'd like to see the arena expanded a bit to include a stronghold defend / raid type scenario, and maybe a few other scenarios as well. maybe a capture the flag event or something similar. these scenarios could run on a scheduled basis so everyone knows when their favorite event is and can make sure they're there. It would definitely need to be more than just a boring 20x20 tile dirt arena to hold peoples attention.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420

    Id like to see factions come back and have it updated then do anything in VvV.   Bring back factions, with shorter stat timers, shorter corrupt sigil timers and add like 4 more faction bases to equal 8 choices of factions.  Also what needs to happen is remove the town bonus choice from governor's, Id like to see it become strictly based on the town itself.  Like FC1 should be in moonglow always and instead of people donating gold to the stone, the player should walk up and pay for it themselves everyday (50K-100K).  This will also act like a great gold sink which this game is lacking very badly.  Also allow reds to get the town bonus as well that way people will play reds again.  I can see maybe a shorter timer on bonus or something as a demerit for being red but other then that reds should be allowed access to it.   Allowing one person the control of a bonus is completely ridiculous, besides the massive voting issues that go on now due it would cease to happen if the bonus wasn't attached to governor.

  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    More events should be held in Fel as well.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    8 factions would probably be too many with current shard populations, even in their prime you'd usually only see two competitive factions out of the four. if anything i'd say knock it down to two and institute some sort of balancing system that shuffles players / guilds between them weekly based on number of members in each, number of kills, etc.  Wouldnt be much fun if one faction was consistently dominant and all the others were empty.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    My idea about the 8 factions is to have more areas to fight in then just the old four bases.  I also think if all of the above ideas were taken in consideration it would increase the amount of people pvping overall and therefore give them more options to play from.
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