animal taiming.. is to hard for new players
animal taiming.. is TO hard for new players
hope they fix this
hope they fix this
There Can Be Only One
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
*guild for new players*
Streamer :
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
While you don't have to buy a token, it does help. You need at least 90 skill for the method to be effective, a bonded pet, and the highest Taming Mastery book you can get your hands on.
Dot explain to us how you go from 50 to 90 fast
Buy a Mythical Token. Otherwise you have to do it the way it has been done for years. Some have the patience to tame a bazillion things. To get to 90.
There may be some funner things added since this was made.
This one has more words to read:
Does no one realise that while you are training a skill you, as a player, also learn how to use that skill to best effect? I always have had no respect for 'cheque book' tamers, bought the token, bought the scrolls, bought the jewels, 120 taming and never tamed a darn thing. No idea how to work with a pet and a nuisance to most folk around them because of it.
That being said most of our new players are just old returning players that remember how painstakingly long some of these skills are.
The mythic token is a lifesaver.
I spent many years at 90s taming. Then when the taming revamp came out I took the original tamer to 120 with masteries. My next 2 tamers never tamed a thing till they were 120.
Training on Night Terror teaches you how to keep a pet alive. Training unbonded Beetles, Kirins, Rams, Lesser Hiryus, etc on the Mage, teaches you how to keep your pets alive.
See, there is a time frame involved when one is a new player and slowly over the passing of t i m e...that they no longer are new players. This time has to pass by. It can vary based on what the person is doing. Like right now, I would be a new player if I played a ninja or a mystic, or a necromancer. I made a cartographer and although I have now GM'd the skill, I am still a newbie at it and die to level 1 chests. It took me many many years to (decide to) make a tamer. But it was very easy. I started a character with 50 and found the stratics post about what to tame at what skill and used a knowledge ball and got my taming to 90 in no time at all. If the new player is on an EJ account, yes they will have to keep at it, but they have no home to decorate so they should have lots of time to tame.
At 90 start using the taming mastery. Do it over and over.