Robins Roost decorated.
Bottom lvl I made some extra walls to make a kitchen and dining room.
Some extra walls but smaller on next lvl .Crafting areas only.
Next floor is for the family , nothing extra there , just some myrmidex glyphes dividing a room.
The roof..Just some stone fence to keep the farm animals in place.
If you wonder ower the colours, I use sooo much small deco items its eary to make a flee market look with striking items sticking out everywhere. I try to use as few and soft colours as possible, that was the hardest challange . Also the fruit trees and some other trees still makes shadows in all rooms under them and everything looks dirty. So *sigh* no real fruit garden up there.
If anyone want to see it in real its Europa S of Skara mainland.73S -30 E (infront of the three punpkin patches )
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433