UPDATED - Atlantic - Events for October

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
edited October 2019 in Atlantic

Greetings All – I am sorry to have to do this but I will need to reschedule my events for this month. Due to a terminal illness I am now the primary care giver for my mother. Over the last few days she has taken a turn for the worse and hospice has informed us that it will not be much longer now. I appreciate all of the patience and understanding from you all and look forward to returning when the situation permits. 

As you know October is Hunting Season so we will be in full force tracking down those little critters.  
Here is a list of animals and times when we will be hunting.  Grab your spell book, weapon, bow, or pet and join me for some adventures.  We will be doing little 30-45 min hunts during the afternoons and evenings so all can participate.  We will be meeting at the Huntsmaster in Skara Brae.  Hope to see you there!

October 14th - Alligator - 2PM EDT Afternoon Event

October 16th - Boar - 2PM EDT Afternoon Event 

October 17th - Walrus - 9PM EDT

October 18th - Eagle - 7PM EDT

October 19th - Grey Wolf - 11AM EDT Afternoon Event

October 20th - Governors Meeting - 9PM EDT

October 21st - Grizzly Bear - 2PM EDT Afternoon Event

October 23rd - Scorpion - 7PM EDT

October 24th - Billy Goat 9PM EDT

Gates will be provided from West Brit, New Haven and Luna Banks


  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    Greetings All -  I know some of you know but I am having some family emergencies this week and have a lot of people coming and going till about wednesday.  I am sorry but will have to postpone a few events.  I am hoping to plan them after everyone leaves.  The events that are cancelled are as follows - Friday the 18th, Saturday the 19th, Sunday's Governor Meeting, and Monday the 21st.  I hope you all understand and I look forward to seeing you soon
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