Europa down again. Same yesterday and many other days lately. Most often in the mornings when few people are on. It must be the hamster . They age fast.. time for a new one!
right now its evening and my guildies was out hunting at sea when Europa went down. I stayed at my just converted castle waiting for a GM..the histroric banner brooke. The banner hanger is under the house sign and the banner floating just abovethe stairs.Odd the EM didnt show up and fixed it right before the revert!
As a compensation I think the European players should receive 1000 soverigns.
They only gave Atlantic the "better late than never" pirate flag when the large reverts happened there. don't think a $10 gift is in order here but i would support a special towel that said "i survived the great Europa reverts of 2019" or something similar
Sorry for making all these posts, but so far it has not even been acknowledged that the Europa shard has issues. Its been crashing everyday for weeks, nobody even said a word apart from the players.
Oh they said they were aware and Bleak was looking into it several days ago. But if we dont report they might think its all fine now , so better keep on. Thereverys are sooo annoying
The way I see it its a daily event, they take down the shard on purpose, in advance of it crashing, basically its beeing handled. But we havent heard why this is necessary or for how long this will be done. Also at what time, or is it just random time?
Its hard to do anything serious when you always have the possibility of a revert. I know people lost their boat at corgul island before due to this,
EDIT: Shard up again, about 30min downtime, it reverted.
I did some crafting seems I have to do it all again.
Really @Bleak ; and @Kyronix ???? This is getting WAY OVER control. everyday EU goes down 2,3,4X a DAY and No explanation?? Sept 18th you said that you guys were looking into? and left us all in silence? come on man, do a little of Customer service and say SOMETHING, because this Is getting really bad.
was moving rares from one house to another this time... and then the server went down... hopefully nothing was lost... this is pretty bad. i know its gonna revert though and have to do everything again... this is pretty bad when nothing is being done about it... this needs to be compensated.
Not a happy camper - I wish I knew how to find out who/what was causing it.
And again....
Until today, I hadn't noticed, had always been when I wasn't playing.
3 times at least today.
wondering if maybe someone is opening a bunch of them...
sounds crazy but Santa Claus crashed Legends that way.
Just went down.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I know people lost their boat at corgul island before due to this,
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
*guild for new players*
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