Clarification Regarding Charybdis Hunt



  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Seems to me for a peerless level encounter we could really stretch the envelope here and provide 1 guaranteed drop for the fisherman AND 1 guaranteed drop with the chance split to the remaining worthy participate list.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I have done many a random hunt with random people whom I know nothing about. It is one of the best and most interesting ways to meet people in an MMO, for me. I certainly don't trust them, though! Adding a lil tag that IDs the item dropped would definitely improve the Charybdis experience.

    And while it can be argued that the fisher is needed in order to spawn the boss, I would like to point out that your average fisher could not solo the beast. If he could, then the entire question would be moot. Thus, the other members of the group are equally valuable.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    Tanager said:
    I have done many a random hunt with random people whom I know nothing about. It is one of the best and most interesting ways to meet people in an MMO, for me. I certainly don't trust them, though! Adding a lil tag that IDs the item dropped would definitely improve the Charybdis experience.

    And while it can be argued that the fisher is needed in order to spawn the boss, I would like to point out that your average fisher could not solo the beast. If he could, then the entire question would be moot. Thus, the other members of the group are equally valuable.
    Yeah, my fisher for sure wouldn't be able to solo.

    Having never been on this hunt. but after gaining an understanding of how it works and having time to think about what's been posted here. I do see why it was structured this way.  And while I think it's great the fishers were thrown a bone here, I think it's going to be tough to get hunts together for this.

    As mentioned by others, I think a guaranteed drop for the fisher as well as possible drops for other participants makes sense as an enticement. Especially if what else I'm hearing about the effort you have to go to for this hunt is true. You need 4 boats and need to corral the monster? Two boats get blown to smithereens? I realize there's probably more than one way to skin a Charybdis but I'm told if you don't corral it in this way it's really difficult to chase it down to kill it. 

    Based only on info gathered rather than personal experience I can only speculate. My guess is if the average player isn't successful at finding a group willing to go out and do a number of runs, taking turns on who gets the drop, the new content is going to remain out of their reach for the majority. Unless of course they buy the items for lots and lots and lots of gold. Which isn't nearly as much fun as going on an adventure.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,086
    edited September 2019
    Merus said:
    @ Kyronix
    Seems to me for a peerless level encounter we could really stretch the envelope here and provide 1 guaranteed drop for the fisherman AND 1 guaranteed drop with the chance split to the remaining worthy participate list.

     That is an agreeable suggestion !

    The Fisherman should surely be recognized his/her fundamental and indispensable contribution to the Hunt.

    No FIsherman = no Charybdis summoning for the Hunt !!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,086
    edited September 2019
    Tanager said:
    I have done many a random hunt with random people whom I know nothing about. It is one of the best and most interesting ways to meet people in an MMO, for me. I certainly don't trust them, though! Adding a lil tag that IDs the item dropped would definitely improve the Charybdis experience.

    And while it can be argued that the fisher is needed in order to spawn the boss, I would like to point out that your average fisher could not solo the beast. If he could, then the entire question would be moot. Thus, the other members of the group are equally valuable.
    Equally valuable but not "as indispensable" as the Fisherman is.....

    Without a Fisherman, there would simply be no Charybdis hunt....

    So, everyone is valuable in the group only, the Fisherman is "more" valuable as any other participant and, therefore, deserves the recognition for that indispensable and unique contribution with a reserved drop.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    This hunt reminds me of the old D&D days, when a party needed a variety of characters to succeed. You could not make it thru a dungeon without a rogue, and a warrior, AND mage - all. I like the fact that fishers specifically got some love when this boss originally came out. I like diversity of groups. After all, most of us have 7 character slots to play with. Feeling useful and needed is one of the best incentives for some one to level, play, and enjoy any class of character.

    This idea that because the fisher is needed in order to summon the boss, that player/character is therefore the MOST important and thus the ONLY one deserving of a drop is ... unpleasant. That fisher would be worthless on his own, which means other players are every bit as indispensable.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    Tanager said:
    This hunt reminds me of the old D&D days, when a party needed a variety of characters to succeed. You could not make it thru a dungeon without a rogue, and a warrior, AND mage - all. I like the fact that fishers specifically got some love when this boss originally came out. I like diversity of groups. After all, most of us have 7 character slots to play with. Feeling useful and needed is one of the best incentives for some one to level, play, and enjoy any class of character.

    This idea that because the fisher is needed in order to summon the boss, that player/character is therefore the MOST important and thus the ONLY one deserving of a drop is ... unpleasant. That fisher would be worthless on his own, which means other players are every bit as indispensable.
    Well put!
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    More simply Popps You can't do it without help, so for at least you... NO help = No Hunt or Charybdis, making the fisherman worthless.  SO why is it that the fisherman deserves the only drop?  Or even a guaranteed drop for that matter in a group?
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Tyrath said:
    More simply Popps You can't do it without help, so for at least you... NO help = No Hunt or Charybdis, making the fisherman worthless.  SO why is it that the fisherman deserves the only drop?  Or even a guaranteed drop for that matter in a group?
    Can I get an Amen?!

    As a 120 fisher - even I think those that help kill the beast deserve a chance at a drop.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,505
    The fisherman can continue to get drops from their category.  The rest should have a chance at another set of drops that include the Mempo. Or the boat owner should get a drop for having to repair from scuttled.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Sometimes I think my fisher is a little overkill for Fishing.

    120 Fishing
    120 Magery
    120 Spellweaving
    120 Mysticism (100+20 from ring)
    120 Eval Int
    120 Focus (some from equipment)
    50 Med (some from equipment)

    What the suit lacks in luck (only 500 or so) it has in max LRC/LMC/FC/INT/MR, and substantial amounts of DCI/FCR/Casting Focus/HPR and over 100% SDI if I use my city bonus.
    When I have fishing stoned off I have GM Inscription and 20 more med - but the last time that happened was a few months ago when I wanted to make some books for someone.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,086
    edited September 2019
    Tanager said:
    This hunt reminds me of the old D&D days, when a party needed a variety of characters to succeed. You could not make it thru a dungeon without a rogue, and a warrior, AND mage - all. I like the fact that fishers specifically got some love when this boss originally came out. I like diversity of groups. After all, most of us have 7 character slots to play with. Feeling useful and needed is one of the best incentives for some one to level, play, and enjoy any class of character.

    This idea that because the fisher is needed in order to summon the boss, that player/character is therefore the MOST important and thus the ONLY one deserving of a drop is ... unpleasant. That fisher would be worthless on his own, which means other players are every bit as indispensable.
    @Merus suggested in his Post , that perhaps, in addition to the Fishermen's exclusive drop, an additional drop could then be created to go at random to someone else in the group.

    I think it a good suggestion since it would not hurt the Fishermen's specialty role in this particular hunt.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,824
    edited September 2019

    We completed it with the guild today, 9 of us, it was pretty easy, the loot was highly disappointing for the effort - basically we got nothing, except a kilt of virtuous epiphany. I enjoyed doing the hunt with my guild, I don't really care about how loot is distributed, they are my guildmates - yes it does go to the fisherman - but then he arranged the entire hunt.

    Overall, I would not see the point of ever going again - due to zero loot.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,505
    I think Ill take a big ship next time. Will the cannons do damage to them? Let the passengers have fun firing while the tentacles and waves are there.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,505
    edited October 2019
    @Kyronix ; I can not find the thread where you said the reasons the fisherman would not get a drop.

    I fished up Charydbis tonight.  I was using a Brit Ship. Fisherman stood in middle of deck took enough damage to get a meager soul but the drop went to another player.  Fisherman did not die and did not leave encounter. 100.2 fishing.  Kept the pole and oracle on him.  Missed out on a necklace...

    Thanks @Cookie The bigger ship works great and cannonball does 1200 damage to the beast.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    Thanks @ Cookie The bigger ship works great and cannonball does 1200 damage to the beast.

      Brit ships suck for most things, they really shine and stand out for other things.
  • AenianAenian Posts: 30
    G evening to all. Yesterday -for the fun of it and for experience - i went on to summon charybdis alone. My fishing skill was at 107.3. As you guessed i spent my precious 5 baits to bubbles but no charybdis. I wonder if chances above GM are the same as if i was 120 at skill. Also i used no fishermans suit. Any ideas?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,505
    I have 101 fishing and have always summoned him by the third try.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 415
    Aenian said:
    G evening to all. Yesterday -for the fun of it and for experience - i went on to summon charybdis alone. My fishing skill was at 107.3. As you guessed i spent my precious 5 baits to bubbles but no charybdis. I wonder if chances above GM are the same as if i was 120 at skill. Also i used no fishermans suit. Any ideas?
    Per the wiki, grandmaster or higher has a 25% per cast to summon.

    Unfortunately your answer is this:  RNG is RNG. Sometimes luck with be in your favor and you will summon Charybdis from the leftover bait on your fishing pole after a successful summons.  Sometimes you will go through all 5 charges of a bait with no success.

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