Commission vendors only for House Owners?

I see that the bankers sell two types of employment contracts for house owners but only the non-commission type for rental contracts. Doe that mean co-owners and those that rent vendors cannot use the new commission vendors?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    that is correct. That was discussed during testing.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    The reason for this is the Commission Vendor (CV) counts toward house storage. It wouldn't be fair to the house owner should rental vendors take up all their house storage.

    I like the trade-off, and kinda makes people have vendors in their own house(s) which encourages exploration. I've already found several new and interesting vendors through Tram and Fel on Pacific.

    Vendor Search kinda eliminates the need for a central mall in any location (Luna, Yew, etc.). And with the CV added into the search, I really don't need the Auction Safe anymore either.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     I like the new vendors, I can see where they would not be workable for a single acct and house that is tight on storage/lockdowns  but I suspect single account holders at max storage are the vast minority now days.
  • Open acct.
    Plop down house
    put up contract vendors
    let acct expire
    60 days later renew it
    and so on

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    Kirthag said:
    The reason for this is the Commission Vendor (CV) counts toward house storage. It wouldn't be fair to the house owner should rental vendors take up all their house storage.

    I like the trade-off, and kinda makes people have vendors in their own house(s) which encourages exploration. I've already found several new and interesting vendors through Tram and Fel on Pacific.

    Vendor Search kinda eliminates the need for a central mall in any location (Luna, Yew, etc.). And with the CV added into the search, I really don't need the Auction Safe anymore either.
    The reason for this is the Commission Vendor (CV) counts toward house storage. It wouldn't be fair to the house owner should rental vendors take up all their house storage.

    That I can remember, when putting up a Vendor's Rental Contract, the parties can agree and select several options....

    Then WHY NOT make the number of Lockdowns available and "set aside" for that Rental Vendor's contract be something which the 2 parties could discuss, agree upon and then select for that particular Vendor ?

    At that point, say that for that given Rental Vendor the number of "reserved" lockdowns was set as 50, those 50 lockdowns, whether the owner of the Rental Vendor was to use them or not, would be "deducted" from the total of available Lockdowns of that given House....

    Of course, the Rental Vendor owner, could not put more then 50 items on that Vendor....

    Why something along these lines could not be done ? @Kyronix ?

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited September 2019
    We have been waiting a long time for the commission vendors, and I am really enjoying them.

    I do wish they could be rented out; not everyone on my shard wants a public house. The owner of a shop has absolute say in how many of the new vendors they will allow, and who is granted the privilege to rent that storage space. Even so, vendor malls are not in danger, imo. Vendor Search is nice if you know exactly what you are looking for, but malls are great for window shopping and discovering new things or being reminded they exist.

    I have already seen a nice increase in items - at both ends of the price spectrum - that would never have been put on vendors to rack up fees before now. I still use classic vendors, and I still use auction safes - all have a place. Variety is the spice of life.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited September 2019
    Kirthag said:
    The reason for this is the Commission Vendor (CV) counts toward house storage. It wouldn't be fair to the house owner should rental vendors take up all their house storage.

    What do you even mean? This makes no sense.

    It's absolutely fair to the house owner. If these vendors were rent-able, when you go to rent one out, you know EXACTLY what you're getting in to: the vendor can use up to 125 items of your house storage. You clearly wouldn't be renting these vendors out to random stranger players and everyone/anyone that would want one. Even if you did, you know vendors are not permanent? You know you CAN cancel vendor contracts at any time....

    I seriously see absolutely no reason why these shouldn't be able to be rented out. Ridiculous! 
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
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