High Seas Bosses Bugged

PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 654
edited September 2019 in Bugs
The High Seas bosses are currently bugged. Just did Charybdis 1x, Osiredon 3x, and Corgul 1x within the past hour and a half, with 20+ people, and each time the corpse would disappear upon death, and we got no corpse loot. Noone got any pack drops either. When Corgul died, neither was there a shower of Ethereal Sand upon the island (like how the Roof/Champions shower the area in gold piles). Last time i did Corgul yesterday, he showered the island with approximately 87k Ethereal Sand upon his death.
@Kyronix @Bleak So currently, the High Seas bosses are only filling Ethereal Soulbinders. No loot off of them.


  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    We did a Corgul with a group of 8, everything worked as expected. Maybe it is a bug with larger groups, or multiple groups on the same boss?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    Thanks for the report - we need some more information in order to try and address the issue,

    What shard did this occur on? 
    What time did this occur at?
    What bosses specifically you experience the issue with (your original post outlined a couple but specifically which one happened when  - this will help us search for errors)?
    What was the general makeup of the party that killed the bosses?  

    Please be aware - as you can see this is something that isn't always happening so it makes it that much more difficult to track down the issue.

    Thank you for the information!
  • Kyronix said:
    Thanks for the report - we need some more information in order to try and address the issue,

    What shard did this occur on? 
    What time did this occur at?
    What bosses specifically you experience the issue with (your original post outlined a couple but specifically which one happened when  - this will help us search for errors)?
    What was the general makeup of the party that killed the bosses?  

    Please be aware - as you can see this is something that isn't always happening so it makes it that much more difficult to track down the issue.

    Thank you for the information!

    This occurred on Atlantic. I've heard of it occurring on Catskills as well. https://stratics.com/threads/charybdis-and-scalis-bodies-are-disappearing.412220/
    The Charybdis was killed around 6:15 PM (PST) on Wednesday, September 18.. The 3 Osiredon and Corgul were all killed within an hour of that.
    This occurred with Charybdis, all 3 Osiredons, and Corgul. All of them failed to leave a corpse after being killed. Corgul even failed to do his Ethereal Sand rain upon death. The only thing any of us got out of it, was filled Ethereal Soulbinders.
    There was Tamers, Mages, Spellweavers, Mystics, Archers, and Throwers at all of the boss kills. This was with UWF, the largest guild in UO, so we easily had 20+ people at each boss kill. Almost none of us were partied up.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    Thank you for the reports - we have successfully reproduced the issue (thanks to your reports!) and have a fix going through internal testing.  We hope to release a batch of hot fixes sometime next week to address this issue.  Thanks again!
  • Kyronix said:
    Thank you for the reports - we have successfully reproduced the issue (thanks to your reports!) and have a fix going through internal testing.  We hope to release a batch of hot fixes sometime next week to address this issue.  Thanks again!
    Thank you for not letting us wait 4 months this time :) 
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
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