Castle competition

WendyWendy Posts: 31
edited September 2019 in General Discussions
One of the developers picks in this round does not appear in the top 20 as far as I can see.  Could someone please provide some directions to where it is please.  I want to go have a look!!!   Pleeeese!!!  It is called Sandstone Fortress of Grand by Grand Bishop.


  • I bet its some misstake. The rules are the devs pick from the remaining 17 when the players voted for the top 3 on  the top 20 list. Maybe they change this error.
    I asked Kyronix during the voting periodd if it was the same rules as last time and he confirmed .

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Assuming you're the Wendy of the built on the ruins castle ? I like the concept. It has a sort of Tortuga feel to it which appeals to my Pirate RP side, although some of the walls are confusing. I'll be switching my production shard castle to it when possible.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The Sandstone castle is in Malas, close to the mountain at the mouth of the second passage east of Luna through to the other side. The penultimate one before the mountain's eastern end.
    Sorry I didn't make a note of the co-ordinates, but this should help

  • All this fuzz is happening bc Llama was not pick? Get a life...
    This game is getting to the point that is everything about "me". 
    I want this, i need that, i dont want this to the game, bc will affect how i play, i dont want vendor cap raised bc will affect me.
    Than we have this castle contest and someone enter the contest with 3 or 4 LS entry and expected to win all of them? And get mad with devs for chosing 1 that was not hers??? Serious? And now is playing the card, i will quit bc my castle was not 1 of the winners?? Wow, this is getting so out of control.
  • ill wait and see if it is a misstake.  Who said anything about quit?

  • ill wait and see if it is a misstake.  Who said anything about quit?

    Someone on Stratics said this was a factor in them quitting. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • aah ok thought I had gone blind 
  • WendyWendy Posts: 31
    Hi Garth-Grey, sadly I must confess to not being the Wendy of the ruins castle.  I too like it though, its very well done ...Great work other Wendy!!!!

    Hi Mariah...thanks muchly....I will head over to check it out shortly.

    Hi Angels Wings.....hmmmm NO I am not cranky about losing anything.....I am merely curious to see what this dev's pick is like.  You never know I might just like it too....once I have actually found it :-)
  • WendyWendy Posts: 31
    It's a very nice design.....the Co-ords are 96 36N 32 12E  Malas.....thanks again for the info Mariah.
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