Shatter Potion Trolls

I know this has been brought up many times but figured I would start it up again! There are a few people who only play this game to be on a stealther to run around pvp areas to shatter peoples potions and hide right away. You continue to pvp only to be shattered again 1 minute latter the worse part is it destroys even the post important potions like super novas! Can we please please get this fixed!  Make it only destroy 8 potions at max and not destroy super novas or stat pots.


  • Yeah after cooldowns for pots this would be great.
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    Yeah after cooldowns for pots this would be great.
    You come across as someone who either A. Doesn't pvp or B.  Is really bad at pvp.

    Shatter pots are garbage and mostly just trolls use them.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    If this discussion is to continue, rule 1 of the Terms of Service must be adhered to.
  • CrunchCrunch Posts: 7
    Why does every mod/game developer have to be 100% brain dead? No one likes these things or wants them in game. They are 100% for troll use only. Get rid of them. Everyone agrees on this.
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Get rid of them. Everyone agrees on this
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    What they said
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Crunch said:
    Why does every mod/game developer have to be 100% brain dead? No one likes these things or wants them in game. They are 100% for troll use only. Get rid of them. Everyone agrees on this.
    So you know everyone that plays UO do you, didn't think so and the MODs and DEVs also know it.  The TROLLS DO NOT agree with you so you are %100 wrong on your %100 that everyone agrees to get rid of them.
  • Nothing wrong with shatter poitions,  Novas shouldn't exist.  Noone should get a free 20+ damage potion that requires zero skill.  There is way to many consumables in this game, shatters are the only balance to it.  Only thing that needs fixed is to remove the interrupt that shatters do against mages.  Rest is fine.
  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    Id like to see the numbers where a nova does 20 damage to you. maybe same tile but adding the delay on novas fixed this issue

  • +1 to get rid of shatter potions
  • So its ok to abuse nova potions but not ok to abuse shatters.  Its that type of thinking that has gotten pvp to this level broken and has been broken for several years.    People need to have a grown up conversation about it instead of saying nerf what they are doing and buff what I am doing mentality.
  • have you ever really used super novas? They take way more timing to use these days which balanced them. Before that nerf I would agree that they were somewhat op. They're fine now.
  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Pretty simple. Have shatters count as a used skill delay. So after throwing you have to wait 8-10 seconds before using a smoke bomb or hiding.
  • LearnMeLearnMe Posts: 43
    ^ this and can't be used in animal form.  Hell, add in a mount timer too so it's not just a nonstop running around in form and throwing them on timer.
  • im fine with that if you cant use any potions in animal form, otherwise its a ridiculous idea.
  • Paithan said:
    Yeah after cooldowns for pots this would be great.
    You come across as someone who either A. Doesn't pvp or B.  Is really bad at pvp.

    Shatter pots are garbage and mostly just trolls use them.
    Cute.  You don't use potions?  Is that the professional alphaomega PvP way to do it?  

    Most people I end up in fights with seem to.  Must just be bad luck on my part only coming across people that don't know the true path of the PvP enlightened.

    Seems useful in my situations, not sure how they fare in the fields of yew, I'll yield to your professional opinion on that.  I'm assuming that's where the legions of ninja shatterers are.
  • Seems a lot of ideas in here are to keep the status quo, but ruin their opponents gameplay.  This is why we cant get stuff fixed right in pvp.  Almost they don't want enough changes to actually balance pvp in anyway, just keep any advantage they have over others.  More logical conversations need to be had.
  • TailTail Posts: 70
    Shatters are an Important part of the game. I was wondering if we could get an Area Shatter Potion that hits multiple targets at once. I think this would balance pots a little better.
  • they just need to delete it and everyone will be happy
  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    Also mentioned in the pvp thread @Cetric made in August. 
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