Veteran Rewards

Should they add Veteran rewards to the store for us to buy?

I have 3 accounts and I need new ethereal mounts, alchemy station, writing desk, sheds, teleport tiles and much more! My main shard never has any of these items for sale plus I don't really like paying in game gold for said items, plus it would help them make a bit extra £$

Obviously the account would need to be of age to buy these items as to not flood the market, but what could hurt?
  1. Should we be able to buy Veteran rewards in the store?57 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No



  • LexLex Posts: 38
    Adding this to store would diminish the value of old-timey accounts where people have saved up for years and loyaly played. It's quite unfair to those who kept their points for years, or only picked one every 4-5 years.

    No I dont think this should be added.

    However, what they should do is add a separate line of item to the store that can be bought. Windrunner is a good option as a pet.
  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    I think this is a bad idea, so No. This is a form of income for some players coming back or needing gold and doing this will pretty much crash that market by flooding it

  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    So, for example - My next reward choice is 8 months away, Europa has Zero Alchemy stations or house tele tiles for sale and there has been none for sale for the last 5 weeks, I need both them items and I have to wait 8 months to choose. 

    I understand where you guys are coming from and it is just a opinion but we're not exactly over populated with enough players to buy these items in game. In fact I cant even remember the last time I seen a 10+ year vet reward for sale.

  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    No to buying them, that kills the whole point honestly. I wouldn’t be against a trade in system. Or even changing the values. Like for instance a first year statue shouldn’t be costing as much as a 18th year reward. Why would anyone pick that? You can buy them for 200k! Or even more rewards per year. Or rewards moratoriums. Like every 5 years earlier rewards cost 1/2 or are even free. So if your year 6, you can choose all first year rewards one time for free, then after they cost regular. I don’t know I’m just spit balling ideas. On a different note I don’t think the statues should even be rewards. They should of been 1:1000 drops from the Mobs they are of with different hue variations. Would keep you in game collecting that full set. It would of been much easier to add hundreds of different variations. Some people actually enjoy collecting quite a lot.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    One thing they should put on the store IMO are the Shard Transfer Shields. They are already Account locked, so put on the Store a nerfed version of them if you want. Let's say 5000 sovreigns cost for a single Shield that produce only 1 Transfer Token weekly? Limit the number of how many STS a single Game Account can buy: lets say max four STS buyable by the same Game (or even Mythic!) Account? This is a number of reacheable Shards that IMO will satisfy the needs of almost all the not-speculat... ehr, I beg your pardon, I mean not-TRADER players... >:) :)
    2000 sovreigns for a single Shard Transfer Token in the Store is IMO hyenously steep, and limit the chance to grow only of the low and middle level accounts, the ones that could mostly benefit to be able to move a little more freely between Shards, as Vendor customers, playing chars or, simply as "tourists" wisiting the main Shard of the Char of some friend.
    Just My Two GP.
  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    Cazador said:
    No to buying them, that kills the whole point honestly. I wouldn’t be against a trade in system. Or even changing the values. Like for instance a first year statue shouldn’t be costing as much as a 18th year reward. Why would anyone pick that? You can buy them for 200k! Or even more rewards per year. Or rewards moratoriums. Like every 5 years earlier rewards cost 1/2 or are even free. So if your year 6, you can choose all first year rewards one time for free, then after they cost regular. I don’t know I’m just spit balling ideas. On a different note I don’t think the statues should even be rewards. They should of been 1:1000 drops from the Mobs they are of with different hue variations. Would keep you in game collecting that full set. It would of been much easier to add hundreds of different variations. Some people actually enjoy collecting quite a lot.
    I like this idea, I for one have made some judgmental errors when choosing rewards over the years, like last year when I hit 108 I chose a commodity deed box because there was none for sale at the time A COMMODITY DEED BOX!!!  :'(   :'(  

  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    PapaSmurf said:
    Cazador said:
    No to buying them, that kills the whole point honestly. I wouldn’t be against a trade in system. Or even changing the values. Like for instance a first year statue shouldn’t be costing as much as a 18th year reward. Why would anyone pick that? You can buy them for 200k! Or even more rewards per year. Or rewards moratoriums. Like every 5 years earlier rewards cost 1/2 or are even free. So if your year 6, you can choose all first year rewards one time for free, then after they cost regular. I don’t know I’m just spit balling ideas. On a different note I don’t think the statues should even be rewards. They should of been 1:1000 drops from the Mobs they are of with different hue variations. Would keep you in game collecting that full set. It would of been much easier to add hundreds of different variations. Some people actually enjoy collecting quite a lot.
    I like this idea, I for one have made some judgmental errors when choosing rewards over the years, like last year when I hit 108 I chose a commodity deed box because there was none for sale at the time A COMMODITY DEED BOX!!!  :'(   :'(  

    That’s what I mean. I spent the first 5 years collecting absolute rubbish. I collected over 10 ethereal llamas throughout my older accounts because the characters riding them weren’t old enough for something else. It just seems like maybe a 1:1 ratio for mounts or even maybe a 3:1 ratio for say early statues or something. Nevermind the wasted gold and rewards on reward clothes. That’s a joke in itself. Back when bless 3AR was key it made sense, but the devs never reviewed them. Literally nobody ever wears them anymore. Why not add a single clothing reward, where you pick the color, the stat or stats and slot ie: robe, cloak. Make/female/elf/gargoyle etc. with a reset deed that’s rare or somehow bought or attainable. Would make them more sought after and not just a wasted container slot.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I am at the point where anything and everything should be for sale in the Store.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Veteran Rewards are sold in vendors consistently.

    If Vets are already willing to part with their rewards for in-game gold, I doubt the validity of any supposed threat to the veteran aspect of their veteran account.

    If Vet rewards are so sacred, they should be non-negotiable, non-tradeable, etc.

    Further, I think it is a great idea to make available things to people who never had a chance to play the game long enough to acquire these things.  

    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • Veteran Rewards are sold in vendors consistently.

    If Vets are already willing to part with their rewards for in-game gold, I doubt the validity of any supposed threat to the veteran aspect of their veteran account.

    If Vet rewards are so sacred, they should be non-negotiable, non-tradeable, etc.

    Further, I think it is a great idea to make available things to people who never had a chance to play the game long enough to acquire these things.  

    "Veteran Rewards are sold in vendors consistently" that is very much an Atlantic view point. Any other shard you will find that is certainly not the case. Now if Mesanna reverses herself again about what she wants to do about shard shields... maybe.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

  • I think it would be fair either to reduce the age of getting the shields up to 7 years or to link the age of the account by the rewards to the age of creating the account. And the receipt of rewards as well - for years paid for.
  • BubblegumBubblegum Posts: 41
    • I voted yes, but with the ONE EXCEPTION, "Account would need to be of age" to be able to purchase said item. 


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Bubblegum said:
    • I voted yes, but with the ONE EXCEPTION, "Account would need to be of age" to be able to purchase said item. 
    I like that idea.  And so do others.

    Should we be able to buy Veteran rewards in the store?21 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    Being able to buy back lost months up to the account creation date is a far better solution than all the rest

  • Archnight said:
    Being able to buy back lost months up to the account creation date is a far better solution than all the rest

    I would "Like" that but I can't :P
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    Bubblegum said:
    • I voted yes, but with the ONE EXCEPTION, "Account would need to be of age" to be able to purchase said item. 
    Yes, absolutely yes! That would have to be the case  :)

  • I imagine adding the account age feature to the store would take like another 3 years to pull off :)
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Easiest way to implement this would be to sell “reward picks” that would be added to your account.  This would keep the “old enough to claim” restrictions in place while leaving the actual selection and generation of the reward item as it currently is.
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    I would rather see these items sold in the official in game store than see people buying gold thru illegal sites and then buying the items at inflated gold prices. This at least provides some security and revenue to BS. 
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    As far as i can see, Vet reward stuff will be for sale in the cash shop not long after EJ is launched.
    It makes no sense to have items that people on the "free" accounts cannot get due to restrictions (ie they dont earn time)
    Once the free-loaders.....hmm sounds too harsh for this forum......
    Once the "freeplers" start to see bits of vet rewards, they are going to want them...but they will not be wanting to subscribe up for 10 years before they get said item...
    Ofcourse they are going to start selling this sort of stuff in the cash shop. ;)

  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    Lex said:
    Adding this to store would diminish the value of old-timey accounts where people have saved up for years and loyaly played. It's quite unfair to those who kept their points for years, or only picked one every 4-5 years.
    Not really. They will still hold a gold value. Look at things like the forged tool that you can only buy from the store. It still commands a decent in game price. Soulstone tokens would be another example. Some people like to pay for stuff with in game gold, some like to use real money via the online stores.
    Merus said:
    Easiest way to implement this would be to sell “reward picks” that would be added to your account.  This would keep the “old enough to claim” restrictions in place while leaving the actual selection and generation of the reward item as it currently is.
    This would be the best way to implement it. I agree.
  • SwordofExcaliburSwordofExcalibur Posts: 95
    edited March 2018
    Veteran Rewards are sold in vendors consistently.

    If Vets are already willing to part with their rewards for in-game gold, I doubt the validity of any supposed threat to the veteran aspect of their veteran account.

    If Vet rewards are so sacred, they should be non-negotiable, non-tradeable, etc.

    Further, I think it is a great idea to make available things to people who never had a chance to play the game long enough to acquire these things.  

    "Veteran Rewards are sold in vendors consistently" that is very much an Atlantic view point. Any other shard you will find that is certainly not the case. Now if Mesanna reverses herself again about what she wants to do about shard shields... maybe.
    Vet or mundane, on low-population worlds, vet rewards not in circulation is the nature of a low-population.  I read it has been determined that altering that solution by combining all worlds is not feasible to the history of the game; players and Dev alike generally agree.

    And making Vet awards available in the UO Store, which was the point I concurred with to the OP, only would help your arguement as well, lol.

    However, from a non-player standpoint, Vet accounts with a reward system would make said rewards a bit more uncommon than usual, so that gives incentive to a player to keep an account active over a long period of time, as opposed to a one to three month account consuming all the game production in a short amount of time and moving on to something else. lol  

    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Actually a very simple way to settle this for both worlds would be to just make the Vet rewards bought from the store Account bound and shard bound.
    This way rewards earned thru playing are still x-ferable and will command higher prices than their shard-bound counterparts.
  • You have my vote.
    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • QikdrawQikdraw Posts: 8
    Bubblegum said:
    • I voted yes, but with the ONE EXCEPTION, "Account would need to be of age" to be able to purchase said item. 
    This is the stipulation I would agree with as well. I would also like to see a limit to how many you can purchase, or charge each new reward token based on how many you've bought before. Say five are the same price, six would be $5 more, Seven would be $10 more, etc. That way we don't see a flood of stuff hitting the market.
    ICQ 691 986 903

    My Signature picture from the original UO Forums.
  • I was on the fence but in the end voted no to the idea of the original OP.  However, I kinda like the idea of they can be available (but not until at least a year after they have first become available or even longer) and they must be account-bound.  I do not want people buying from the store and then selling for in-game gold.  If you want to replace your rewards by buying them with real money and then sell for gold then that is okay with me.  And I definitely think there should be a delay between first introduction and introduction through the store.  Thus the old accounts that get them first will still be useful.  The idea of being able to "buy account age" is also intriguing but I need to think on its implications more, my first thought was maybe that would be good but the more I think about it the more I have reservations. 

    But perhaps it would be even better if they updated some of the rewards, like those old resist cloaks.  And make them something that would be more worth having.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I say yes because it’s not like Ultima Online is going to make it onther 20 years, 
    so new players starting now would never get the rewards we get unless they buy them from the in game store or the illegal online vendors. So why not support UO.... have them buy it here......
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    I am all for new players having access to buy rewards from the store.  If we don't let them do it from the store, they will just find other ways. May as well generate revenue for Broasaword. 
  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    I was on the fence but in the end voted no to the idea of the original OP.  However, I kinda like the idea of they can be available (but not until at least a year after they have first become available or even longer) and they must be account-bound.  I do not want people buying from the store and then selling for in-game gold.  If you want to replace your rewards by buying them with real money and then sell for gold then that is okay with me.  And I definitely think there should be a delay between first introduction and introduction through the store.  Thus the old accounts that get them first will still be useful.  The idea of being able to "buy account age" is also intriguing but I need to think on its implications more, my first thought was maybe that would be good but the more I think about it the more I have reservations. 

    But perhaps it would be even better if they updated some of the rewards, like those old resist cloaks.  And make them something that would be more worth having.
    I like the idea of them being account bound if you buy them from the store.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I don't understand why some people are still so dead set that they are better than someone else simply because they've played longer. I have not once, ever, played this game for anyone else but myself, but it has never once, bothered me that someone else had something that I had, regardless of how hard it was for me to get, or how long it took. I don't think I'm special, I just think some of you think you are.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
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