Veteran Rewards
Should they add Veteran rewards to the store for us to buy?
I have 3 accounts and I need new ethereal mounts, alchemy station, writing desk, sheds, teleport tiles and much more! My main shard never has any of these items for sale plus I don't really like paying in game gold for said items, plus it would help them make a bit extra £$
Obviously the account would need to be of age to buy these items as to not flood the market, but what could hurt?
I have 3 accounts and I need new ethereal mounts, alchemy station, writing desk, sheds, teleport tiles and much more! My main shard never has any of these items for sale plus I don't really like paying in game gold for said items, plus it would help them make a bit extra £$
Obviously the account would need to be of age to buy these items as to not flood the market, but what could hurt?
- Should we be able to buy Veteran rewards in the store?57 votes
- Yes52.63%
- No47.37%

No I dont think this should be added.
However, what they should do is add a separate line of item to the store that can be bought. Windrunner is a good option as a pet.
I understand where you guys are coming from and it is just a opinion but we're not exactly over populated with enough players to buy these items in game. In fact I cant even remember the last time I seen a 10+ year vet reward for sale.
2000 sovreigns for a single Shard Transfer Token in the Store is IMO hyenously steep, and limit the chance to grow only of the low and middle level accounts, the ones that could mostly benefit to be able to move a little more freely between Shards, as Vendor customers, playing chars or, simply as "tourists" wisiting the main Shard of the Char of some friend.
Just My Two GP.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
If Vets are already willing to part with their rewards for in-game gold, I doubt the validity of any supposed threat to the veteran aspect of their veteran account.
If Vet rewards are so sacred, they should be non-negotiable, non-tradeable, etc.
Further, I think it is a great idea to make available things to people who never had a chance to play the game long enough to acquire these things.
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Should we be able to buy Veteran rewards in the store?21 votes
Treasure Hunters
I would "Like" that but I can't :P
It makes no sense to have items that people on the "free" accounts cannot get due to restrictions (ie they dont earn time)
Once the free-loaders.....hmm sounds too harsh for this forum......
Once the "freeplers" start to see bits of vet rewards, they are going to want them...but they will not be wanting to subscribe up for 10 years before they get said item...
Ofcourse they are going to start selling this sort of stuff in the cash shop.
And making Vet awards available in the UO Store, which was the point I concurred with to the OP, only would help your arguement as well, lol.
However, from a non-player standpoint, Vet accounts with a reward system would make said rewards a bit more uncommon than usual, so that gives incentive to a player to keep an account active over a long period of time, as opposed to a one to three month account consuming all the game production in a short amount of time and moving on to something else. lol
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
This way rewards earned thru playing are still x-ferable and will command higher prices than their shard-bound counterparts.
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
My Signature picture from the original UO Forums.
But perhaps it would be even better if they updated some of the rewards, like those old resist cloaks. And make them something that would be more worth having.
so new players starting now would never get the rewards we get unless they buy them from the in game store or the illegal online vendors. So why not support UO.... have them buy it here......
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.