Wall of stone Cooldown fix

Due to outside programs influencing todays pvp, there is players using a script to cast wall of stone to a relative tile 2 tiles ahead of your character.  A simple solution to this issue is to add a small cooldown to casting wall of stone. (5-10 secs).  Please add this to make pvp better again.


  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    I can´t pity the cheaters enough. It must suck to suck at a game.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    I can get behind this
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited August 2019
    Same.  A well known freeshard had a 30 second cool down on stone walls and e fields, and the ability to do what ur referring to was disabled, and they still had it in place. 

    One of the few times I can agree with a higgs complaint.
  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Cetric said:
    Same.  A well known freeshard had a 30 second cool down on stone walls and e fields, and the ability to do what ur referring to was disabled, and they still had it in place. 

    One of the few times I can agree with a higgs complaint.
    30 seconds was too long of a timer imo, but 10 should suffice.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Put the cool down on every field spell.
  • wouldn't mind a cooldown, the real problem however is the outside programs. What I don't understand is that aparently some freeshards are able to ban entire programs or at least some of their features, broadsword on the other hand can't for some reason.
  • wouldn't mind a cooldown, the real problem however is the outside programs. What I don't understand is that aparently some freeshards are able to ban entire programs or at least some of their features, broadsword on the other hand can't for some reason.
    Freeshards run servers for kicks, this ones one profit.  We all know it.  Pandering mode cranked to 11.
  • No need to do every field spell cause only wall of stone be casted fast enough to ruin gameplay, others are lvl 6 and above.
  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    edited August 2019
    It's ironic that people want an in game mechanic altered because of 3rd party programs. That pretty much sums up the state of pvp. Perhaps that's a big reason no one pvps anymore? People can complain all day long about this and that pvp feature but the reality is the player base is to blame for the state of pvp.
  • Not irony and irrelevant.  Peeps just asking for something reasonable to even the playing field vs players that cheat. 

     Make a thread about how you think PvP is dead and a joke if that's what's bothering you.
  • TecloTeclo Posts: 28
    is it wall of stone that is broken or the 3rd party programs in use
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    The programs.  See the programs are good in many ways, evening up the feature sets of EC and cc, but a few features such as the one used for walls hurt their validity.  I don't see them fixing programs, or allowing programs and then negotiating features to shut off specific commands, so next best thing would be a short cool down on stone walls.
  • Put a cool down of 8 seconds or make any 3rd party program a perma man. I’d love for everyone to be back on uo assist
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    I think you should be able to cast 2 and then cool down til the first one drops.  For multiple purposes.
  • CrunchCrunch Posts: 7
    Don't forget Teleporting to the relative tile to land a melee hit also. Some shitty players also are doing that with the 3rd party programs. 
  • Can we get a small cooldown on wall of stone?  @Kyronix @Bleak
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    To be honest I would be happy with just not being able to cast a second one until the first one falls. I can outplay wall scripts all day, but its much harder when they can KEEP THROWING THEM. At a faster rate than you can physically move/dispel/teleport.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Crunch said:
    Don't forget Teleporting to the relative tile to land a melee hit also. Some shitty players also are doing that with the 3rd party programs. 
    Does blitz know ur trash talkin him here?
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Stay on topic and adhere to the terms of service. 
  • chadchad Posts: 1
    edited September 2019

    Thirty second cool down on walls unless connected to terrain.

    Inside dungeons = terrain
    Touching house wall = terrain
    Touching a mountain side = terrain
    Touching another wall = terrain
    Buildings such as Shadow Lord base = terrain

    Would be extra cool if walling on top of a person blocked the middle tile...like it used to.
  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    Also talked about in @Cetrics pvp thread from August. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2019

    The fault is the 3rd party programs. So why be adjusting ingame mechanics?

    Wall of Stone, in its own right, works correctly and well, helps a clever mage trap, protect.

    If you were to make any adjustment to the timer of wall of stone, 30 second cooldown would not be the right adjustment, that would kill the spell, and just make mages weaker overall.

    If you were to make any timing adjustment, you need to time the time taken for a 3rd party program to cast and place the wall, against a top player doing it unassisted. Then the timing cooldown adjustment needs to be the difference between these 2 figures.

    It would not be fair on me, as a real player, to be affected in any way by this. All I would request, would be that 3rd party program users are slowed down to real speed. It could be 0.25 seconds, 0.5 seconds, 1 second, I don't know precisely, that's why someone would have to time it properly. Remember PvP is fast, and milliseconds count. 30 seconds kills off the spell, 0.25 seconds, potentially puts us all back on an even keel, without me even noticing it in my spellplay.

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