Treasure maps changed level!

KHANKHAN Posts: 510
edited August 2019 in Bugs
WHAT IS GOING ON??????I sorted roughly 1500 Trove and Hoard maps last night, various facets, and put them in several Davies Lockers. I logged in today, to continue sorting, and all of the maps  in 3 out of the 5 lockers turned into Cache maps! The best I can recall, the affected maps were in "new" Davies Lockers (ones that were just redeemed as vet rewards). Is anyone else having this problem? @Bleak @Kyronix The reason for this problem needs to be found, and fixed. Not to mention figuring out how to restore my, and others (?) maps. I'm out roughly 1200-1500 Hoard and Trove maps!!!!! Feel free to PM me to come see the the lockers, and maps.
If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Out of curiosity if you take one out does it stay cache or revert to hoard / trove?
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    TimSt said:
    Out of curiosity if you take one out does it stay cache or revert to hoard / trove?
    It stays Cache. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Hoard turn into Cache, Trove will turn into Hoard if you put them in a newly redeemed davies locker that hasn't gone through a server maintenance.   

    There is no way to revert them back to their original state.

    Best option is when getting a new Davies locker is allow it to cycle empty through a server maintenance then you won't encounter this issue. If you buy a davies locker filled with maps, you might want to empty them also through a server maintenance to make sure they don't adjust in level.  Once a davies locker has gone through a server maintenance the maps will not adjust again.

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Violet said:
    Hoard turn into Cache, Trove will turn into Hoard if you put them in a newly redeemed davies locker that hasn't gone through a server maintenance.   

    There is no way to revert them back to their original state.

    Best option is when getting a new Davies locker is allow it to cycle empty through a server maintenance then you won't encounter this issue. If you buy a davies locker filled with maps, you might want to empty them also through a server maintenance to make sure they don't adjust in level.  Once a davies locker has gone through a server maintenance the maps will not adjust again.

    Well I had Troves that turned to Caches. In any case, I have used Davies Lockers for years, and never had a problem. FYI, this is almost a game breaker for me. @Bleak @Kyronix Can we get some "official" feedback please?
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    Please send over/post the steps you took in order for this issue to happen so we can see about getting it fixed.  Thanks for the report!
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Kyronix said:
    Please send over/post the steps you took in order for this issue to happen so we can see about getting it fixed.  Thanks for the report!
    1) used a vet reward to buy a Davies Locker
    2) placed said locker in a house in the same day
    3) loaded Hoard and Trove maps into the locker
    4) go back the next day and see that the Hoard and Trove maps are now Cache
    5) starts figuring out how to consolidate houses/skills/characters in order to shut down accounts, because of being sick and tired of all the crap that is broken in UO

    ( sorry, I had to include #5, because it's the truth. )

    FYI, In the "other" forum, people are saying it happened to them as well. They probably won't bother to post here though. I know I didn't want to, but I felt it was worth it, to let others know. Then of course @Mariah deleted my post of this, in general discussions (where more people would see it), as spam. ROFL Not sure it was worth it at this point. It's probably about time to start shutting down accounts. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • I am quite sure that there is a flag in the dl which will say, all maps in the dl are converted.
    During server maint each day all maps in a dl where the flag isn't set will be converted. After that the flag is set to true.
    A new dl has this flag not set. Until next server maint.

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    I am quite sure that there is a flag in the dl which will say, all maps in the dl are converted.
    During server maint each day all maps in a dl where the flag isn't set will be converted. After that the flag is set to true.
    A new dl has this flag not set. Until next server maint.

    Ya, not sure what all that means. I'm not a "computer guy". My skill with computers is paying someone to build one, when I want a new one, or fix mine when it needs work. That being said, When I pay for something I expect it to work, or get fixed when it doesn't. Less and less, those things are not happening in UO. In addition, the devs allow the gold sellers and scriptors to run rampant, in violation of UO's ToS. Why aren't they doing their jobs? That's a valid question that NEEDS to be answered.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited August 2019
    I am quite sure that there is a flag in the dl which will say, all maps in the dl are converted.
    During server maint each day all maps in a dl where the flag isn't set will be converted. After that the flag is set to true.
    A new dl has this flag not set. Until next server maint.

    That is exactly how it works.

     When patch hit, all davies lockers that were deployed got their maps converted at server maintenance/time the patch was applied and the flag set. Davies lockers that weren't deployed, their maps weren't converted. So when placed, their maps weren't the correct level, so you would/could end up with a bunch of unreadable level 6 and 7 maps as level 6 and 7 no longer exist. Server maintenance checks for the flag and corrects the davies lockers that weren't flagged so people didnt end up with unreadable maps. Unfortunately no flag is set for newly redeemed davies lockers or lockers they may have never been deployed but were empty..

    This can affect Cache, Hoard and Trove put in a new davies locker before server maintenance . Cache to level 2s, Hoard and Troves to 3s.  (I incorrectly posted Troves would be hoard, but they would drop two levels because the code thinks they are old level 5 cache)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,672
    Violet said:
    I am quite sure that there is a flag in the dl which will say, all maps in the dl are converted.
    During server maint each day all maps in a dl where the flag isn't set will be converted. After that the flag is set to true.
    A new dl has this flag not set. Until next server maint.

    That is exactly how it works.

     When patch hit, all davies lockers that were deployed got their maps converted at server maintenance/time the patch was applied and the flag set. Davies lockers that weren't deployed maps, their maps weren't converted. So when placed, their maps weren't the correct level, so you would/could end up with a bunch of unreadable level 6 and 7 maps as level 6 and 7 no longer exist. Server maintenance checks for the flag and corrects the davies lockers that weren't flagged so people didnt end up with unreadable maps. Unfortunately no flag is set for newly redeemed davies lockers or lockers they may have never been deployed but were empty..

    This can affect Cache, Hoard and Trove put in a new davies locker before server maintenance . Cache to level 2s, Hoard and Troves to 3s.  (I incorrectly posted Troves would be hoard, but they would drop two levels because the code thinks they are old level 5 cache)
    And you chose not to post a warning about this?  Why?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited August 2019
    Violet said:
    I am quite sure that there is a flag in the dl which will say, all maps in the dl are converted.
    During server maint each day all maps in a dl where the flag isn't set will be converted. After that the flag is set to true.
    A new dl has this flag not set. Until next server maint.

    That is exactly how it works.

     When patch hit, all davies lockers that were deployed got their maps converted at server maintenance/time the patch was applied and the flag set. Davies lockers that weren't deployed, their maps weren't converted. So when placed, their maps weren't the correct level, so you would/could end up with a bunch of unreadable level 6 and 7 maps as level 6 and 7 no longer exist. Server maintenance checks for the flag and corrects the davies lockers that weren't flagged so people didnt end up with unreadable maps. Unfortunately no flag is set for newly redeemed davies lockers or lockers they may have never been deployed but were empty..

    This can affect Cache, Hoard and Trove put in a new davies locker before server maintenance . Cache to level 2s, Hoard and Troves to 3s.  (I incorrectly posted Troves would be hoard, but they would drop two levels because the code thinks they are old level 5 cache)
    How did you know about this? Who told YOU? And why didn't you see fit to warn anyone????? Are you given information "normal" players don't get? If so, WHY? Please respond. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix any chance of getting this fixed???????????????????????????????????????
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    KHAN said:
    How did you know about this? Who told YOU? And why didn't you see fit to warn anyone????? Are you given information "normal" players don't get? If so, WHY? Please respond. 
    I believe this happened when the map conversions took place. 

    There were a lot of loooong threads related to issues with the new Tmaps and Lockers - my eyes crossed reading them and I vaguely remember something about this for non-deployed lockers. I'd go hunting but my eyes will explode again. 

    I had lost maps on TC during the testing, so just left my prodo lockers alone - they were deployed and full of maps at conversion time and I didn't see any issues so figured this was handled. 

    Is this a continuous issue now for full, older lockers that were not deployed at patch as well as brand new lockers? 

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Who knows, no official word from the powers that be.

    The cone of silence has descended.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    I am a software developer (not at BS) and what @Trismegistos and @Violet said is quiet possible.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Who knows, no official word from the powers that be.

    The cone of silence has descended.
    This is what I have been what I have been hinting about the last couple of days. Come on Devs, Update something. For gods sake, it takes 30 seconds to say something like "We hear you and are investigating". Is that so freaking hard? At this point you look utterly clueless, is this the case?

    Be Proactive...not Reactive. Look like you have done this before!
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    @jelinidas  The dev Kyronix did respond earlier in the thread asking for repro instructions.  That makes it pretty clear that they are investigating the issue.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited August 2019
    How did you know about this? Who told YOU? And why didn't you see fit to warn anyone????? Are you given information "normal" players don't get? If so, WHY? Please respond. 
    We are given the same information as everyone else. We derive our results from testing repeatedly and basic logic. It became obvious how the system worked after a little observation and testing were done. I submitted a bug report privately to the developers about this issue once it was discovered.

    This particular issue has the possibility to be exploited (not to mention someone on Stratics has already posted that they are intending to do so) and we do not post about exploits. However you had already given enough information on how to reproduce it.... 

     If I were to take a guess, I would say you have private messaged and talked in game to Kyronix much more than anyone in our guild combined ever has.  I still cannot get someone to spawn me another freaking drone for testing~
  • What should I say?
    I live from imagination.
    I am also in the it business. I had no more information than others. The essential information was that new dl had thoose problem when they hadn't a server maint yet.

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited August 2019
    Here's a question:  I've played on a couple of shards where I had a deployed Davies Locker with some maps in it.  I stopped playing on those shards a few years ago and deeded the Davies Lockers and stuck them in bankboxes of characters that are on accounts that are still active and paid up. If I decide to retrieve those Davies Locker deeds and use them again on those shards or transfer them to other shards, what will happen to the maps in those lockers when the deeds are used to deploy the lockers? I've just assumed that the maps were converted to the new levels when the publish went live, even though they were in bankboxes within a deeded locker.  Is that not accurate? 
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Im thinking you better put the lockers down, and remove the maps immediately, until a server has cycled a time or two...

    But perhaps someone else has some better advice.

  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Margrette said:
    Here's a question:  I've played on a couple of shards where I had a deployed Davies Locker with some maps in it.  I stopped playing on those shards a few years ago and deeded the Davies Lockers and stuck them in bankboxes of characters that are on accounts that are still active and paid up. If I decide to retrieve those Davies Locker deeds and use them again on those shards or transfer them to other shards, what will happen to the maps in those lockers when the deeds are used to deploy the lockers? I've just assumed that the maps were converted to the new levels when the publish went live, even though they were in bankboxes within a deeded locker.  Is that not accurate? 

    No that is not accurate.  In order for THOSE maps to be properly converted you have to place the lockers down and let them go through a server maintenance.  Otherwise you could end up with a locker full of unreadable maps because the old maps did not convert properly.

    The issue ONLY occurs when you put an old deed or newly redeemed deed down and  put ALREADY converted maps(like those gathered after patch, bought from a vendor or from an already converted davies locker) in it before it's first maintenance cycle.  After it's gone through that maintenance cycles you are fine.  you can redeed, replace and transfer across shards without issue.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I stand corrected =)
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Violet said:
    Margrette said:
    Here's a question:  I've played on a couple of shards where I had a deployed Davies Locker with some maps in it.  I stopped playing on those shards a few years ago and deeded the Davies Lockers and stuck them in bankboxes of characters that are on accounts that are still active and paid up. If I decide to retrieve those Davies Locker deeds and use them again on those shards or transfer them to other shards, what will happen to the maps in those lockers when the deeds are used to deploy the lockers? I've just assumed that the maps were converted to the new levels when the publish went live, even though they were in bankboxes within a deeded locker.  Is that not accurate? 

    No that is not accurate.  In order for THOSE maps to be properly converted you have to place the lockers down and let them go through a server maintenance.  Otherwise you could end up with a locker full of unreadable maps because the old maps did not convert properly.

    The issue ONLY occurs when you put an old deed or newly redeemed deed down and  put ALREADY converted maps(like those gathered after patch, bought from a vendor or from an already converted davies locker) in it before it's first maintenance cycle.  After it's gone through that maintenance cycles you are fine.  you can redeed, replace and transfer across shards without issue.
    If I ever deplay those lockers, I think I'll just take all the maps out immediately and throw them in chests or character backpacks for a few days. 

    If you have to deed a locker to move it, is it a good idea to empty the maps out of it for a day or two after you set it up again so that the maps don't become downgraded a level when the next maintenance cycle occurs?  I'm really confused. 
  • psychopsycho Posts: 372
    edited August 2019
    Appologies for you to run into this bug.

    I did happend to me too which I pointed out in June 24th.
    Thats a long time ago and I wish it was fixed instead of new content added.
    In my case all Cashe maps turned into something else.

    I dont have any particular steps to reproduce the bug, appart from it happend on a newly picked davies locker vet reward.  I had multiple other davies lockers that were not freshly picked vet rewards, they were OK.

    As an update I can say I still havent paged a GM about this,
    I dont want the maps replaced I just want the bug fixed so it doesnt happen again.

    Thank you
  • Placing an old locker full of information about its old map should convert them on the fly. In the case that server maint cannot touch bank dl stored stuff.
    I believe all old stuff is converted. Only a new dl misses the flag.
    Why they still run this maint code. I dunno. Time has gone, all should be converted. 
    During the hot phase of the publish, it could be that Chars which are under transfer condition couldn't be touched. Maybe their stuff l
    Is on a special server while transferring.
    But nowadays everything should be running under the new conditions.
    To use Ronald R. Words, 'tear down this code'.
    But that's all assumptions.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    @Margrette my advise would be to wait until the bug is fixed before doing anything with those old lockers.  If you really need some maps next advice would be to un-deed one locker, remove a few maps, re-deed the locker, wait until after the next server maintenance, find a public locker, put maps in, write down the coordinates, take maps out.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited August 2019
    Placing an old locker full of information about its old map should convert them on the fly. In the case that server maint cannot touch bank dl stored stuff.
    I believe all old stuff is converted. Only a new dl misses the flag.
    Why they still run this maint code. I dunno. Time has gone, all should be converted. 
    During the hot phase of the publish, it could be that Chars which are under transfer condition couldn't be touched. Maybe their stuff l
    Is on a special server while transferring.
    But nowadays everything should be running under the new conditions.
    To use Ronald R. Words, 'tear down this code'.
    But that's all assumptions.

    It does not convert on the fly, it never has, only during server maintenance.

    I have over 40 davies lockers, I've tested Davies lockers since it was sent to Baja for testing. First day of patch on Baja I placed my davies locker that was transfered a couple days prior to patch. Half the maps were unreadable until server maintenance when the locker was converted.

     Please don't confuse people with how the mechanics actually work or how you feel they should. They are confused enough, even though I have explained.    

    TimSt said:
    @ Margrette my advise would be to wait until the bug is fixed before doing anything with those old lockers.  If you really need some maps next advice would be to un-deed one locker, remove a few maps, re-deed the locker, wait until after the next server maintenance, find a public locker, put maps in, write down the coordinates, take maps out.
    She needs to let the old lockers go through maintenance. The maps will not be converted to the new system and high level maps will be unreadable. There is a reason this code is in place to make sure all prior maps are converted correctly, it just does not have the flag set correctly for new davies lockers and already converted maps cannot be placed in old davies lockers before they go through their first maintenance cycle. It's as simple as that.

     Fix? have a davies locker be able to be placed but unusable until the flag is set that the locker has been converted.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Fix as in undeeding the locker would cause the maps inside to be automatically converted to the new format without having to do a maintenance cycle.  Plus the fix for the issue KHAN is seeing.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    I had an odd issue where ONE MAP a (Tokuno Hoard) became a Cache map after it was decoded, RESET from being in the locker a month, was removed, redecoded, and placed back into the same locker overnight. I had 2 Tokuno Hoards and about 25 Trammel Hoards and 20 Trammel Troves in the locker at the time (most of them having been looted from Cache maps - only about 5 of the Trammel Hoards didn't reset their locations, from being decoded from the first time in under 30 days). Strangely, I also had maps that had been in my pack for 2-3 days (not in storage) that reset locations despite NOT being in a locker or a secure for 30 days, just being decoded for 30 days.

    This locker has not moved since it was placed, and was one of the original lockers (claimed and placed as soon as possible - I don't think we got codes for them at the Fairfax party where they were unveiled, but I was there at said anniversary/announcement party, so I was ready to claim one as soon as they were available).

    The one map was the only one affected. All the other Hoards and Troves stayed the same through the server maintenance.
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