Oracle of the Sea



  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    A limited use crafted one would be fine. After all, there's a big difference between the crafted hitching post and the UO store one.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    The crafted ones have 5 charges. When used, there is a 25% success chance at summoning Charybdis. In theory, you can go thru all this trouble, and burn thru these items with utter failure. Or you can get 5 Charybdis runs.

    Crafted versions (which appear to be the exact same as quested ones in every respect):

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Oracle of the sea can be recharged:
    Oracle of the Seas – Used to find charybdis. The location is good for 1 day. Locating the monster consumes a charge, fish oil made by a chef can be used to bring the charges back.

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited August 2019
    Ohhh that is great to know - thanks! It says locating it consumes the charge, not fails?
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited August 2019
    In my honest opinion, Oracle shouldnt be made craftable, only the Charybdis bait should. BUt if it goes live as it is, both should require a rare recipe to craft at least. Then Charybdis bait should be only 1 charge per craft, and the craftable Oracle version should be a replica and a one time use only non-rechargable, to keep the real Oracle valueable from fish monger quest. @Kyronix
  • If the rewards from Fish Mongers were improved , and/or actually functioning reasonably , something new added , people would actually do the quests and there would be plenty of oracles and baits around. Oh and the lobster trapping ..we mentioned that so many times, its part of the issue why ppl stopped doing the quests. I miss it, but as it is now its no use to spend all that time on it.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I have never done Charybdis due to lack of never getting the bait/oracle after goodness knows how many fishing quests, and even with the oracle being crafted, reading above I will still not be doing it.  Having to burn through so many ancient sos's is not efficient to get an item that 'may' result in you finding the boss which then may allow you to get some .1% chance of getting a drop that  you need.

    I am seriously disappointed in that this is the worst boss in game to make part of any content that has new rewards involved. It is the boss that is the least done on any shard, and the one that is just too much of a pain to get to.  I asked my limited amount of friends and not a single one has ever done it due to the above.  I guess it will fall into the category of a boss that still no one will bother with, maybe once a year at best if someone else has bothered to get the stuff.  Kinda like Cora and Doom.

    Scalis and Corgul are fine, this one, useless,  given the hoops you have to jump through to access it.  To burn thought 18 ancient nets just to crafit it you should be guaranteed a main drop or it is just a serious waste of time and effort.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    With respect, you wouldn't be 'burning through 18 ancient nets just to craft it'. You would be tossing ancient nets to summon Scalis, collecting the resources to craft an aquarium and gathering the resources to craft the Oracle at some point in the future when you had enough.  
    Also, as I posted earlier in this thread, it need not take 18 nets to get the ocean sapphires, I got them with 9 nets.

    Incidentally, the group I hunt with on Europa regularly do Doom, last trip I got the scholar's halo.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Yes well 'with respect' I am only quoting what another said they had to burn through to get the resources to craft the stuff.   All I know is that with 120 fishing that I have had for years on the fishing quests I have never had an oracle nor bait drop so the drop rate from the gazillion possible rewards is pretty poor.   Hence why I have NEVER done this boss nor have any of my alliance mates.  They have had the same experience.

     I have 'googled' what it actually takes to craft the things but not been successful in finding that info, and when scouring the publish notes can't find it.  Although I am sure it is somewhere, but the search feature in this forum is also pretty awful.  So on that basis, again I have relied on what is written in this thread. 

    Would be handy to actually KNOW.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Well, I've made it, so I can tell you where to find the information on how to do that.  I got it from the tinkering menu in game.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited September 2019
    You do not need ancient nets... you need ancient SOS. The items you need for crafting have been added to the loot table in the fished up chests. In addition to common ingredients, Oracle of the Sea needs 3 Ocean Sapphire and the bait needs 3 Salted Serpent Steaks. Most chests have one or the other, and sometimes none. It is RNG. In my case, I kept getting the Sapphire or none, so it took me 18 ASOS to get all 3 steaks. I was not wearing any luck, and I don't know if that effected it. I ended up with an excess of sapphire to make the next set, so I do not need any, and maybe I will get my 3 steaks in the first 3 chests I fish up. Others have more even rolls on the RNG.

    I like that a new path to keying this boss has been added, but not made super easy so that the previous way is worthless. Both have value, depending on one's preferred play style.

    The new Live Rock appears to be a reward in every single ASOS, and I really like that. I also enjoy the new artwork on the chests.

    I would love it if they added a chance for the name on the items/chest to be like the event wood carving and have the player's name.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    @Tanager, sorry it was a typo, I said ' ancient sos's' up top and said nets down below, meaning mibs.  No worries tho, you have solved the question of the salted serpent steaks.  They werent on the cooking menu (that just has grilled ones) so you cleared that up :)

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited September 2019
    Tanager said:
    The crafted ones have 5 charges. When used, there is a 25% success chance at summoning Charybdis. In theory, you can go thru all this trouble, and burn thru these items with utter failure. Or you can get 5 Charybdis runs.

    Crafted versions (which appear to be the exact same as quested ones in every respect):

    Does anyone know whether the 25% chance to summon Charybdis is at 120 Fishing skill with lower Fishing skill having less chances to summon Charybdis ?

    @Mariah , is it known if Fishing 120 is actually a requirement (as it should be, to my opinion) to summon Charybdis (to give Legendary Fishermen a better reason to exist...), or whether being 120 Legendary Fisherman only gets the highest chances (25% ?) at summoning Charybdis, with lesser Fishing skill having much lesser chances at summoning it ?

    Thanks !!

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Charybdis must be summoned by a GM fisherman or higher.
  • Is Leg fisher with fishing suit and some luck ower the top or does the chance increase with all thoose things?

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Mariah said:
    Charybdis must be summoned by a GM fisherman or higher.

    Thanks for the answer.

    Is it possible to know the "ratio" in between succesfull attempts and fails from 100.0 skill all the way to 120.0 Legendary fisherman ?

    Since fails consume charges which need resources to be replenished, it would be interesting to know what ratio there is at any given Fishing skill past GM and all the way up to Legendary so as to reduce the amount of fails and, thus, of wasting resources....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    popps said:
    Mariah said:
    Charybdis must be summoned by a GM fisherman or higher.
    @ Mariah

    Thanks for the answer.

    Is it possible to know the "ratio" in between succesfull attempts and fails from 100.0 skill all the way to 120.0 Legendary fisherman ?

    Since fails consume charges which need resources to be replenished, it would be interesting to know what ratio there is at any given Fishing skill past GM and all the way up to Legendary so as to reduce the amount of fails and, thus, of wasting resources....
    Why dont you just eat the 120 fishing scroll you have or try it yourself and tell us the ratio..
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I'm sorry I don't have access to that level of detailed information.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I'm just catching up reading this thread. I'm excited about the oracle being craftable. Now we'll actually have a chance to hunt for the Charybdis. I've never received an oracle or the bait for the Charybdis before. 

    I'm sure I've not devoted enough time to doing fishing quests to be able to have a good chance at getting these items. But let's face it, fishing quests are cumbersome and time consuming without offering a lot of bang for the buck/time. If you're someone who works full time and your play time is limited these items were pretty tough to come by. 

    There's so much to do in UO. I want to cover a lot of ground doing lots of different things. I don't want to spend too much time in the game doing things that feel like a chore. Fishing quests can definitely feel like a boring tedious chore for me (especially if dealing with the lobster traps).

    I have a fish monger / emporium fishing quests wish list for sure! But I reckon that's for another thread and another time.

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