Returning Player (been back 2 weeks'ish)

Hi, I am returning to UO after a long hiatus, and I lost just about everything, and kind of glad I did, it's fun to replenish and such..
So I got into doing the Going Gumshoe Quest (pleasant distraction, and loved the little artwork pop ups that went along with the quest, really kind of nice to see UO getting some nice touches like this), and I was wondering around the Lost Lands trying to find the base camp, and found a BEAUTIFUL looking horse, I've never seen one like it in UO ever before. I tamed it, and put in the stables to start the bonding process, but I am wondering if anyone has seen or heard anything about new horse types?

 I can put a picture up if needed. The horse looks so good compared to the other art work in the game it's like it doesn't even belong.


  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Ya going to need a Pic hehe

  •  I have never seen this in game before, maybe I'm just not remembering?
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited October 2018
    It is new. I don't know when it came about though. It looks odd when I see someone on it. :)

    and... Welcome Home.
  • Thanks.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    They came in with the Animal Training update in publish 97

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    so what shard is home?
    Remove Trap = Bad News
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  • SableSable Posts: 248
    Welcome back!
  • NamelessJourneyNamelessJourney Posts: 133
    edited October 2018
    @Drakelord I have family on Sonoma, and played mostly on Atlantic, but I'm browsing around. I don't do pvp so much, so I've been trying to get mining and other crafts up again (I lost all my soulstones) to try the new cadellite crafting and Khaldun stuff. I've got characters on Lake Austin and Siege Perilous also. Not really sure where I will wind up. Actually my Siege main is pretty skilled up as a tamer, needs some help with the supplementary skills though, but I'll probably wind up walking around naked 99% of the time lol.

     The things I don't like about less active servers than Atlantic is the difficulty getting say a rare recipe like scrapper's compendium, without the intrinsic grinding to get them, or the time investment of getting materials for imbuing. But it gives me something to do, and kind of like the first post, I wander around more because I'm trying to figure stuff out again and find cool things like that pretty horse.. (who's gonna get trained up to be a 3 slot beef cake).

     And thanks @Sable

  • XareXare Posts: 124
    My personal opinion, after having been back for ~6 months?  Leave.  Game is still buggy as all hell, new "content" is "grind the same mobs for 5 hours everyday" type, and nothing really ever changes.  Fel peeps still call Tram peeps newbs and idiots, tram peeps think fel is the worst place on Sosaria, and just the whole thing is a giant mess.
  • Well, if you're in such a hurry to suggest leaving, why are you here? And if you're going to leave, I could always use some items > _ >
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    If you ever visit Pacific, just say hi in the general channel of global chat.  If you need anything to help get you settled in, let me know.  Also, for whichever shard you choose, you might be able to find those who shard hop who can bring you back the rare items you need from Atlantic if you can't find it on your shard of choice.  I know on Pacific a few of the regulars makes trips fairly frequently and will usually help out in bringing items back.
  • XareXare Posts: 124
    Well, if you're in such a hurry to suggest leaving, why are you here? And if you're going to leave, I could always use some items > _ >
    I am leaving.  No, you can't have my stuff.  One account is already shut down, the other is just waiting.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    @ Drakelord I have family on Sonoma, and played mostly on Atlantic, but I'm browsing around. I don't do pvp so much, so I've been trying to get mining and other crafts up again (I lost all my soulstones) to try the new cadellite crafting and Khaldun stuff. I've got characters on Lake Austin and Siege Perilous also. Not really sure where I will wind up. Actually my Siege main is pretty skilled up as a tamer, needs some help with the supplementary skills though, but I'll probably wind up walking around naked 99% of the time lol.

     The things I don't like about less active servers than Atlantic is the difficulty getting say a rare recipe like scrapper's compendium, without the intrinsic grinding to get them, or the time investment of getting materials for imbuing. But it gives me something to do, and kind of like the first post, I wander around more because I'm trying to figure stuff out again and find cool things like that pretty horse.. (who's gonna get trained up to be a 3 slot beef cake).

     And thanks @ Sable

    If I can be of any help on Sonoma Let me know
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    Treasure Hunters
  • @Xare sorry you're not having a good time with the game gov. I hope whatever it is that is keeping you from enjoying it is fixed in the future. I think for what UO has in it, and the low bar I set for myself, it can have a few coins from me a little while at least. I think part of what's kept me plugging macro buttons away happily is kind of half way doing hunts and just connecting with various people from different servers, and trying to level skills I lost on soul stones or just didn't have to begin with.

     Mess wise, I know people are complaining alot the development team not knowing their own systems, I kind of find it not so bad at the moment. I do admit I'd throw a fit if I had my heart set on doing something and couldn't do it because of bugs or whatever.. I do want to try this Khaldun stuff at least 1 time before it's over, but we'll see how that goes. Are people really only able to do it once a day?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    that's just the fel side. the tram side you can do over and over again. If you are doing it for the drops, you don't have to do the spawn. You can actually kill the stuff at the front of the dungeon to get them.

    the only difference is that fel you can get power scrolls as drops but they are shard bound. The reason lot of people do the spawn is for the chance of one of the new costumes when the boss dies...

    depending on your char you will need cadellite infused weapon, spellbook or Khaldun tasty treat (for pet) to be able to do damage. 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @NamelessJourney, if you're trying to get recipes, you may be pleased to know you can now get them from treasure chests.  
  • Welcome NJ!  I came back a year ago about 6 months after the taming changes and the game is really good at the moment.

    Don't let anybody feed you their negative vibes.  If the game was so terrible, it would have shut down years ago and it would not have ever been re-imagined by fans.  It has its charm and history and it's one of the oldest running MMO's on the interwebz.  

    It's true that nothing has changed as far as the Trammie vs Fel debate! lol But honestly, it's no different than the Hatfields vs. McCoys feud of the US Civil War era. Feuds go on for generations.  Not to mention the Guild vs Guild feuds in Gen Chat on ATL.  It's all lightly amusing.

    People say that if you need to shop once a month, just shard transfer.  Glad to see others helping you.

    Enjoy your EJ~~~~~~~~
    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • Thanks everyone for the info and greetings.

     @Drakelord I may just hit you up sometime, trying to talk to my family there we live across the country from each other, so hard to hook up all the time. I only get a handful of hours to play at night during the week, at the moment, but I like most of the content available to play so it's not hard to keep my attention when I'm on.
  • So necro post.. did that guy Xare quit and not come back?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    @NamelessJourney which shard did you lose your soulstones on?
    many of the shards have places where they are taken... maybe they are there
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Margrette said:
    @ NamelessJourney, if you're trying to get recipes, you may be pleased to know you can now get them from treasure chests.  
    Not the Valley of Eodon or the Doom ones, though, unfortunately....
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Well, if you're in such a hurry to suggest leaving, why are you here? And if you're going to leave, I could always use some items > _ >
    Well, if you're in such a hurry to suggest leaving, why are you here? And if you're going to leave, I could always use some items > _ >
    Well, if you're in such a hurry to suggest leaving, why are you here? And if you're going to leave, I could always use some items > _ >
    Love it. 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Thanks everyone for the info and greetings.

     @ Drakelord I may just hit you up sometime, trying to talk to my family there we live across the country from each other, so hard to hook up all the time. I only get a handful of hours to play at night during the week, at the moment, but I like most of the content available to play so it's not hard to keep my attention when I'm on.
    @NamelessJourney  you can reach me thru the PAS web page
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • I just might.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited July 2019
    So necro post.. did that guy Xare quit and not come back?
    Username Xare  Joined April 2018 Visits 197 Last Active April 27 Roles Member, Active UO Account Posts 124 Primary Shard Sonoma
    No @Xare just wants to rip UO
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited July 2019
    Bilbo said:
    So necro post.. did that guy Xare quit and not come back?

    you can't post without an active account.  And yes he did quit, closed his accounts.  If you seek to chat with him more you can reach him at this link
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Drakelord said:
    Bilbo said:
    So necro post.. did that guy Xare quit and not come back?

    you can't post without an active account.  And yes he did quit, closed his accounts.  If you seek to chat with him more you can reach him at this link
    Try again because if you look at his acc info it says Active UO Account  and again today  Roles 
    Member, Active UO Account.  Try again @Drakelord.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    maybe he pays more than one month at a time.
    His game time just hasn't run out yet
  • Oh I am actually kind of sad the guy doesn't enjoy UO anymore. I went through bouts of that as well. I guess at some point though I just caved in. Going back and leveling bard and things like that, hoping to be able to just enjoy it while it lasts. Many fond memories of dinking around lumberjacking, then finding outyou can level it faster just using an axe against lizardmen or something like that lol.

    I do wish they';d address the bad RNG problems tho.. I went many years without ever getting big drops, so I finally just gave updoing peerless for a long time.. Until one day I got invited to do some with people I met one night, and got my first expensive hair dye.. then I was hooked got cc's did Navrey a whole bunch and got the tangles for my casters.. and tons of the night eyes. Never did get my own medusa floor tile or slithers tho. And I did roof and got a spear. It made me lol pretty good.

     UO for me is fun solo, but there's definitely a lot more to it when you get a crew together and just pound whatever out, so I can overlook the bugs or whatever, just to be silly with folks.
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