Apology : Last night's non-event

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
Hi Siege.

I must apologise for the lack of an event last night.
I was completely without power for about 24 hours, and I'm suffering severe UO withdrawal symptoms.
Unfortunately, this meant that I wasn't able to run last night's event, or even tell you that I couldn't run last night's event. By the time I'd found out what the cause of the problem was, and how long I'd likely be without power, it was too late to find some public internet spot. 

The power to my neighbourhood is now back on. Just in case of a repeat, I have a laptop set up and ready to go, and have already mapped out where all the nearby(ish) free Internet spots are. I truly hope I never need to run an event from my local MacDonalds, but that's the only backup plan I have right now.

So, and I hope you won't mind too much, I will be running last night's planned event tonight instead.
That means we will kick off at 5 pm EST. 

And, since this was a complete and utter disaster, I will tell you item-hungry fiends this - this event does not include a drop. Sorry. But come for a good fight, come for some roleplay, come as an excuse not to spend time with THAT weird relative who just dropped by! 

See you tonight. I promise. 

And again, sorry that this happened. It really was out of my control, but that doesn't make it any better!


  • No biggie, we can't control it if a snake gets into an elec box ( its happened) or a squirrel decides to chew a line.   Or snow breaks a tree that falls onto a line.   See you tonight.  Is that your house in your sigy?
  • EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
    That would be Kincaid House, Scotland. There is a family connection, and that's all I'm saying, in case some strange, stalker-y person tries to track me down in real life for missing last night's event. 
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