Endless Journey should have a limited bank box. No bank box is a bad idea.

Not having a bank box is really silly and will create ill will among players who want to try it out. the Facebook comments show as much. Just limit the amount of stones/items an EJ bank box can hold. Make sure it's reasonable enough to be usable, but limited to the degree that any enthusiastic player will soon enough run into storage problems and consider subscribing. That's the way other games do it. 
A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.


  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    I agree, I have stated in another thread here that even a 20 item storage would be better then no storage...I get that they want to ~Sell~ the perks that vet accts have but living out of your backpack is NOT reasonable or even possible....I know they said things will change as they get closer to launch, I hope this is one of those things!

  • SableSable Posts: 248
    They had mentioned and Endless Journeys storage locker which basically sounded like a bank box that you pay rent on and if you stop paying rent, it can get auctioned off like storage wars!  I figure the idea was to lure players back with EJ but to protect their old items they had stores in their banks and entice them to resubscribe to access said items.  That is why, I suspect, the bank box is inaccessible but protected.  I'm hoping tomorrow we'll get another update and see where we go from there.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Miss a couple unwieldy items that weigh 50 stones in your pack and you're pretty screwed. 

    But honestly, it just depends on what these storage lockers are going to look like.  Not enough information yet.
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    edited March 2018
    The Blue Beetle sellers should thrive, however!  :smiley:
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Back to living out of ships.  But you are right I see no reason why they cant have at least 50-75 items
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    Give them their bank box and you might as well put a end date on UO.  I have watched many over the last few months up and disappear... there can be a few reasons of this.. bored and left to go play a new game. or shut down to await EJ and hope you can play for the rest of UO's life free and still make out like a bandit, or with the weather making the east a mess, power outage's and the crazy school year end needing full consentration...   Remember this is to bring people back to UO.. not a way to skip paying and live free on uo's dime.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    Oh, btw...

    EA don't care that Broadsword gives you all you think you need to do EJ .. they care about the bottom line... the purse strings get thin they pull the plug... they don't give a fig if the game is full of players. If your not paying your way EA will sunset UO so fast you might not even have time to say goodbye to anyone...

    Remember that when you think that sales from the in game store add up to the subscriptions they loose to EJ...

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited March 2018
    If I was at EA, I would just pull the plug over calling it something totally random instead of Free-To-Play..

    EA can tell UO to go FTP, but Broadsword has to implement it..

    Can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink..

    At least they tried..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Bilbo said:
    Back to living out of ships.  (...)
    But not your ship... :/

    "Can Endless Journey accounts board and place ships?

    Endless Journey accounts may board regular and if purchased, High Seas ships. Endless Journey accounts may not place a ship."

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Give them their bank box and you might as well put a end date on UO.  I have watched many over the last few months up and disappear... there can be a few reasons of this.. bored and left to go play a new game. or shut down to await EJ and hope you can play for the rest of UO's life free and still make out like a bandit, or with the weather making the east a mess, power outage's and the crazy school year end needing full consentration...   Remember this is to bring people back to UO.. not a way to skip paying and live free on uo's dime.
    So you're not gonna give them ANY kind of storage but you're gonna want them to buy all this cool stuff from the store.....to put....where exactly?  What if people don't want to put all of that cash into the game right off the bat? ~Oh I can buy this for x amount, ohh I want that for x amount..oh crap I have nowhere to put it I have to spend x amount on storage....~ 

    I get that they want to make money....I am not saying GIVE them an entire 125 item bank box...but start them off with SOMETHING....even a 20 item box is better then nothing.

  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    I concur, personally my opinion is that they should be able to use a proper bank box, no housing is more than sufficient for anyone on an endless journey. 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ivenor said:
    Bilbo said:
    Back to living out of ships.  (...)
    But not your ship... :/

    "Can Endless Journey accounts board and place ships?

    Endless Journey accounts may board regular and if purchased, High Seas ships. Endless Journey accounts may not place a ship."

    You are %100 correct.  IMHO 95%+ EJ Accounts will be accounts that current player let go dormant or that they create to have some free accounts and that less than 5% will be returning/new players.  If a true Returning/new player asked me I would gladly buy them a ship, even a new one and set it up for them and give them the keys/runes, yes there are still honest players in UO.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    Larisa a new player who buys something from the in game store will have an empty pouch outside the beginner junk.. and you have to admit 90% of the new players dump that stuff all over haven. Heck I have had to replace scissors and daggers of newbies who didn't think they needed them. The new items in the store if purchased will outfit the player and give them a start, add in a bug you got a good deal of space for keeping a new character going... EJ is for giving them a way to play to get the feel of the game... not a perma life style.  We want them to join we the playing public once the get that far to be playing to that extent.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Okay Mrs. Storm....we are hoping  upon hope that EJ attracts REAL new players..not returning players, not vets that want to play for free..REAL new players....

    How are they going to know that they can even GET a blue beetle, let alone how and where?  If they DON'T purchase the deluxe starter pack, a REAL new player is gonna keep a lot of junk armor and weapons until they find a mediocre suit and weapon to play with...I remember when Origin first came out and we got the last luna spot, we had that house FILLED with junk armor and weapons just so we had the options to build a half-way decent suit....you can't DO that with NO storage.

    I started a new character on Test..a mage...I start with a bag of regs, 3 spell scrolls and 1000 gold. Now I know most people just wanna get into the game...not spend a week sifting through a hard-to-manage non-wiki trying to find out what to do with the things that I have.

    Okay so I finally figure out that I need to put the scrolls into the book I have in my hand and manage to figure out somehow that I have to click on a banker and target the gold in my pack to put it into a virtual bank...awesome.

    So what are these regs for? How do I get more? Remember I don't really want to spend any money YET...I want to figure out the game first to see if I want to invest in it...so I don't buy the deluxe starter pack....we'll go with both scenerios' though just for you!

    Running around trying to figure these things out and I notice a message on my screen that says my focus has increased....wait, what's that? Do I wan't that? How do I fix that? *stumbles around until I find where my character skills are and how to make that stop* okay awesome...well I only have 15 spells in my book so I need to find more...where do I find more? I know! I'll check the wiki! ~types in mage spell scrolls~ and gets many results that have nothing to do with mage spell scrolls...though the third one down does sound sorta helpful...an introduction to spellcasting...click on it and finally find out how to get more spells..yay!~

    So now I have to find an npc that sells them...find that and realize I already have 90% of the ones that they sell....so now I have to hunt monsters...but I need regs to do that..which means I need more gold....which means I need to fight monsters..which means I need more regs....*sigh*

    I stumble upon random regs laying on the ground and spend 2 hours picking them up so I can spend a half hour casting fireball and lightning at things to get MAYBE 2000 gold to buy more regs...rinse and repeat....

    Now remember I have NO clue what LRC is...nowhere in the spellcasting guide does it MENTION LRC or what it is and what it does so I don't even KNOW that I can find an LRC suit....say screw it and look at the deluxe starter pack and do some research on that...figure out somehow what LRC is (Not going into details because this is turning into a freakin book!) 

    Okay so I say WHATEVER and spend the however much real cash on the starter pack...now I have a nice metal chest that I have to carry around with me because it might be useful down the road (Remember I'm a NEW player and have no clue I can get more)

    So I put my fancy new clothes on and equip my fancy full spellbook but I don't need the rest of this stuff...necro/chiv/bushido/ninjistu/mysticism books....don't wanna throw them away cus I just spent money on them...guess I'll have to carry them around...

    So I check out the cool hunting atlas...and go to the New Haven Mines..or try to....~fizzle~ Hmm...

    Ohh I have 100 charges on here? I'll use one of those! (Hopefully I'll figure out how to recharge it later) 

    Recall to the mines...see a sign New Haven Mines, Enter at own risk! Oh fun!

    Walk in and enter into COMPLETE darkness...OMG I CAN'T SEE! THAT THING IS TARGETING ME! Hurry and run back out and figure out what I can do to be able to see...find the nightsight spell...WHEW! (Now again remember I am a new player and don't know that I can pull the spell icons out of my book and put them on my window...so every time I cast a spell I open my book and find it...yeah that's a pain! Need to spend a few more hours on the wiki I guess)

    So cast nightsight, go back in there and try to cast some spells and fizzle a million times either get frustrated and log out..it SAYS in the book that this place is the least difficult! Or go back to the wiki to figure out how to raise my magery.....if THAT doesn't get someone to quit and they actually raise their magery enough to go in there and fight and start collecting stuff that they have no clue if they are going to need later on down the road, their backpack is gonna get full REALLY fast....yes the starter suit is decent but it's not great and if they happen to figure out how to look at other people's paperdolls and see the amazing suits people are wearing they are gonna want that...but in the beginning, having  a cluttered backpack with stuff that you may or may not need is not fun.

    As of right now I have 26 items in my backpack, half of that I don't need (The books) but don't want to toss them because I spent money on them...want better armor and figure out I can sell the junk I get to an npc but spend half my playtime recalling back and forth because my backpack is full....

    yeah I know tldr.....I'm just saying that giving EJ a SMALL amount of free storage will go a long way.

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Sorry, but the idea that an EJ player should have to carry around (and risk losing to death) every single item they ever collect in UO is blatantly absurd.  Give them the regular bank box (125 items) with the option to purchase the storage increase up to 175.  Who cares if some vets abuse it for free storage?  If all you focus on is preventing vets from abusing it, you will only end up with a version of the game that is so cumbersome and unenjoyable that potential new subscribers won’t stick around.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400


    Not giving a bank box might sound mean but I look at the potential of it killing UO. Too many have wanted UO to go F2P that this is their idea of a good push to it...

    There is no way in hell that the in game store will cover 12 months of subscriptions per player account. I don't care what they offer.  With the exception of selling Plat.. that is the only way I could see them make more money. 

    Now I can see them being given a rental box of 25 item space for a set fee running at a monthly rate. This will cove the idea of dying and loosing all they got.

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656


    Not giving a bank box might sound mean but I look at the potential of it killing UO. Too many have wanted UO to go F2P that this is their idea of a good push to it...

    There is no way in hell that the in game store will cover 12 months of subscriptions per player account. I don't care what they offer.  With the exception of selling Plat.. that is the only way I could see them make more money. 

    Now I can see them being given a rental box of 25 item space for a set fee running at a monthly rate. This will cove the idea of dying and loosing all they got.

    It is thinking like that which has kept so many new players out of UO for many years.  The draw for UO is not a freaking bank box.  If UO can't survive giving EJ players some free storage outside their own backpack, we don't deserve this game anymore.  

    This (and previous) dev teams are killing what made UO fun in the name of absurd ideas to prevent abuse through game mechanics rather than through GM oversight and banning offenders.  It is short sighted.  Make the game FUN.  Make playing ENJOYABLE.  Then ban those who abuse it.  But no... we get stupid after stupid.  NO ONE is going to carry ever single item they need to play UO in their backpack and stay playing this game... NO ONE!  Basic storage is a necessity, and as far as I know, there is not a single item based game, FTP or not, that does not offer some sort of basic storage.  Players should subscribe to UO because they are having fun, not so they can finally save an item in a bank box incase they need it later.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    Your not seeing the bigger picture.

    Many can live out of a bank box their entire play time in UO.. I know this one guy who for over 20 years has never over stuffed his bank and has no desire for a house...EJ he said would be perfect for him to stop paying EA.. his words This is his way to shaft EA for years of bad business.

    The first minute players heard that EJ was in the offering there was talk on the Chat of how they needed more info so they too could stop paying and enjoy playing in a F2P way.

    That was not what EJ was meant to do...

    I do understand your point. The idea of renting a storage box for 25 items or more* might not sit well with you. I look at it from the other players who pay side.  We pay to keep UO going. UO being over 20 years old was not made to go F2P as that style came into being nearly 15 years after its inception.  The suggestion that the in game store will make up if not pass the monetary side of an account and its monthly fees per year will not hold water.   They would need to make something you would need to buy all the time ..and then that would get old..  fast.

    I read back about a year on the newspaper of a study of people who went to the F2P games and the savings they got verse the paid subs of the average online game.

    Like UO most paid subs ran roughly 12.99 to as high as 22.00 a month

    The F2P as said was free but to really get into the game you needed to "buy" items to move up or wait super long periods to be able to do more in the game...  This was gauged over a year of play for both styles.  The F2P group spent on average per year nearly double the paid sub games players did.  When asked were they happy at the findings the F2P group started to point out that friends had quit a lot and they couldn't understand why till then.  They realized they were nickeled and dimed to death to do what they wanted. 

    I myself have played a f2p ... I never bought into the buy this and get the next phase 5 days faster then everyone bit... I didn't spend a dime with them... and they had millions of players when I started  by the last time I logged in they had less then 100k on line. 

    In my mind UO would have to stuff the in game store with things you can only get in game by way of the EM Events.. or worse.. and charge super high soverigns . 

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    There is no reason why EJ accounts cant use a bank box.  I can see limiting it to 50 items though and then have to pay for more room.   But all of this isn't going to increase population regardless if they don't stay up on adding new content to do.  Lack of having something fun to do is why this game seems so dead.  If they stuck to adding content at least once a year they would see a steady rise in population enough to hire more people and make the game better overall.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656

    Your not seeing the bigger picture.

    Many can live out of a bank box their entire play time in UO.. I know this one guy who for over 20 years has never over stuffed his bank and has no desire for a house...EJ he said would be perfect for him to stop paying EA.. his words This is his way to shaft EA for years of bad business.

    The first minute players heard that EJ was in the offering there was talk on the Chat of how they needed more info so they too could stop paying and enjoy playing in a F2P way.

    That was not what EJ was meant to do...

    I do understand your point. The idea of renting a storage box for 25 items or more* might not sit well with you. I look at it from the other players who pay side.  We pay to keep UO going. UO being over 20 years old was not made to go F2P as that style came into being nearly 15 years after its inception.  The suggestion that the in game store will make up if not pass the monetary side of an account and its monthly fees per year will not hold water.   They would need to make something you would need to buy all the time ..and then that would get old..  fast.

    I read back about a year on the newspaper of a study of people who went to the F2P games and the savings they got verse the paid subs of the average online game.

    Like UO most paid subs ran roughly 12.99 to as high as 22.00 a month

    The F2P as said was free but to really get into the game you needed to "buy" items to move up or wait super long periods to be able to do more in the game...  This was gauged over a year of play for both styles.  The F2P group spent on average per year nearly double the paid sub games players did.  When asked were they happy at the findings the F2P group started to point out that friends had quit a lot and they couldn't understand why till then.  They realized they were nickeled and dimed to death to do what they wanted. 

    I myself have played a f2p ... I never bought into the buy this and get the next phase 5 days faster then everyone bit... I didn't spend a dime with them... and they had millions of players when I started  by the last time I logged in they had less then 100k on line. 

    In my mind UO would have to stuff the in game store with things you can only get in game by way of the EM Events.. or worse.. and charge super high soverigns . 

    I think you’re missing the point.  People aren’t going to sub just for a bank box.  Yes, some vets will abuse it and find ways to play their accounts without a sub.  So what? If you ONLY consider it from the perspective of the vets who might drop a sub, why offer EJ at all?  THAT is the point.

    If you want EJ players to subscribe it should be because they are enjoying the game and want access to more fun... not a stupid bank box so they can finally stop carrying around every UO possession they own in their backpack.  Stupid restrictions like absolutely no free place to store items defeats the whole point of EJ.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    No  I guess I need state this in a more simpler manner.

    Numbers will be of a hypothetical manner*

    Lets say for giggles  EA brings in 12,99 each on 50k subscriptions per month for a total of 649,500.00....  ( if you count in the 90 day accounts )

    Now lets add in that EJ will reduce this by 1/3  which is 216,500.00k  

    How long do you think EA will let slide this amount of loss?  mind you I do think the sales of in game items more then the normal influx at first might dull the first month or two of cash.  It the long run I seriously doubt EA will let it fly long.

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    Bank box and requests for more of general subscription privileges such as boat placement..etc  your asking for all it takes to play.   A bite here a bite there adds up.. look at it from a paying subscribers point   They get almost all the same things as a sub gets from paying..   if they all got their wish's.      EJ was not to make the game f2p as many are reading it to be, On the contrary it was to give the new and returning a way to work back into being a normal Subscriber giving them an open end to try UO out again with the hopes they stay and join the rest of us.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I can also see a lot of players opening up old dormant accounts along with keeping their mains as paying accounts.  IMHO EJ is not going to do anything for the bottom line but will look good on paper when EA says how many accounts do you have now.  Yes we will see more players but they will still be controlled by the present player, why, because EA/BS/UO is not advertising this.  Word of mouth can only do so much.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    OK well wont be long until most figure it out.  Open EJ account 2 with a char on a blue beetle living in luna inn.  Instant 'bank'.  Just dual client, log  your bank in, and all good.  250 items to store. This is why NO bank is so stupid.  Gonna end up with a gazillion 'EJ holding' accounts.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    MissE caught on.....
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    no MissE didn't...notice the part where she said NO BANK IS SO STUPID.....just because you keep posting doesn't mean people are going to start agreeing with you....we get that Broadsword wants to make money, we all want them to make money to keep the game alive....but not like this. 

  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    edited March 2018
    I wouldn't be against a 20 item bank box unless if the whole reason they aren't is because of the abuse that would come from it... If that's the case then I would rather no bank box over no UO. @Lady_Storm is right and the restrictions for the most part are necessary to avoid abuse which would ultimately kill our beloved game

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    I don't see how anyone would abuse a 20 item vault just to get started...make a crafter as a NEW player...someone who just logs in and creates a crafter..not having a clue that they can get a blue beetle....or a warrior...I know my samp has 2 weapons for each type of creature, one to WW and one to AI....that's 10 weapons, plus band-aids plus pots (Which I don't use) plus runebooks plus whatever else...backpacks get full REALLY fast....and like I said not everyone is gonna want to spend real cash right away..the point of EJ is to give them a taste and lure them in! But if they run into so many restrictions and can't really play the game without having to recall to an npc to sell off their stuff every 10 minutes it's gonna get old real fast....and they'll have to sell their stuff if they wanna make gold to pay for the whatever slot vault storage they will have to pay for with in game gold...no bag of sending to send gold to the bank so once they get a backpack full of junk to sell and a stack of gold that they can't carry much because they will be overweight from all the other stuff in their pack....

    It's really a no-brainer to just give them a small 15-20 slot vault for free...that's really not much to ask for...they'll end up paying for more storage through the store, that's a guarantee because anyone who plays this game knows how important storage is so they'll make their money.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    It would be nice if a DEV would come on here and give us some of their thoughts understanding that nothing has been set in stone. 
    What will the Vault storage consist of and price?
    Will we be able to access our bank box to get stuff out and if so how many times?

    For all we know what is on TC1 may be wiped and we get an all new EJ.  LOL
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Remember the strongboxes for the co-owners year back?  I am sure you do, most became those gold boxes we have today.  Still, storage will be the key to getting these folks to play the game.

    There a few ways they can do this.  
    1. Limit bank box, 20-30 items.  For potions, aids, petals etc..  Shouting "Bank" at the mint gives them access to it.  Allows them also to put gold in the bank.
    2. A storage container at the Inn/Tavern.  Items stored same as above,  A bit more on the count, say around 50.  Stacks gold deposits like they do with the banking system.  They open that storage by shouting to the barkeep/innkeeper " Service"  They are charged a very small fee for rent, much like the stables does with pets.  This amount is removed each time they access the storage.
    3. Allow Paying players to place a Special Box for EJ people only.  They have to be friended there to access it.  Normal paying friends would NOT have access to this box.  The owner could then place items there that are for EJ players, potions, petal, aids, weapons suits etc..
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