A question on Artisans' Supply Treasure Maps (Re: Imbuing and ML resources)



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    Margrette said:
    popps said:
    Margrette said:
    @ popps   You never did answer my question about what your treasure hunter's  cartography skill is at the point of digging up a chest.  Do you even have cartography on your character at that point?  I think most people are getting three ML ingredients or essences.  It's kind of a mystery why you say you are only getting 1 or 2.  No one can help you without more information.  
    Cartography is 100.0 but no glasses yet.... not stoning it, keeping it throughout from decoding the Map to looting the Chest. Luck is low, though, below 400....

    I do am getting golds, although more rusty/metal, I was not aware though that these ingredients were set to spawn in such limited amounts (just 1 or 2, perhaps 3 but all different, hardly stacked up in more of the same kind....), I thought it was "my" problem, perhaps because I did not have glasses or much higher luck....

    That's kinda saddening to me, though, that the Artisans' who hid their treasures were so poor and had so few ML/Imbuing ingredients to hide away in Treasure Chests....

    I mean, I hear of players having stacks of 60,000 of each ML/Imbuing ingredient but then the Crafters who hid their Treasures in Sosaria only had 1 or 2 of them to hide with their Treasure ?

    Go figure....
    I am still confused as to why you seem to be reporting you rarely get 3 ML ingredients from Malas Artisan Supply chests if you have 100 cartography.  

    I made my t-hunter on Test Center a new suit that has 0 luck.  Then I went and dug up three Artisan Supply chests in Malas.  I used the +2 cartography glasses while digging up the first one and did not for the last two.  In all cases, her actual cartography skill was 100.  

    All three chests came up as gold.  All three chests contained three ML ingredients, as well as other items.  The other resources found were 100 each of valorite ingots (2 chests) and verite ingots (1 chest).

    Next, I deciphered three Malas Artisan Supply chests with 100 cartography skill.  Then I set cartography skill to 0 and dug up each chest.

    All three chests came up as rusty.  All three chests contained one ML ingredient, as well as other items.  The other resources found were 100 each of copper ingots, dull copper ingots, and spined leather.

    @ popps, are you 100% sure that you are not taking cartography skill off before you go dig up the chests?  I am about 100% certain that is the only thing that is going to explain why you are only getting rusty chests and there is only one ML ingredient in the chests.





    I may have explained myself wrongly...

    I have been getting most of the times 1-2 ingredients, seldomly 3.

    My perplexity, was on THIS quantities spawn, even when getting the 3s, to me it looked unusually TOO FEW to be of a real usefullness to a crafter !!

    Crafters need hundreds, possibly thousands of these ingredients at times and having so few per Chest, would mean it taking forever to be able to Craft in any consistent way....

    Some craftable items, come with "random" properties and those, need to be crafted over and over and over and over some more before the RNG decides to bless the Crafter with the wanted properties....

    This means, tens, hundreds, perhaps THOUSANDS of ingredients burnt away all for nothing for all those items which the RNG decided to craft NOT with the wanted properties....

    With 1-3 ingredients per Treasure Chest, guess how long it would take to put together a stack of hundreds it not thousands of them which are needed, unfortunately, due to the RNG, to craft that SINGLE item with those wanted properties ?

    That is why I was expecting MORE ingredients per Treasure Chest, WAY more then 1-3 .....
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited June 2019
    You are expecting too much @popps. You mentioned that players have stacks of 60k ingredients and that Treasure chest should have more that 2 or 3 of these ingredients. I don't think you stop to think about things from more than one point of view. How long did it take the players to get these ingredients? I am sure many buy from others who are good at farming them. For example you want the dev team to increase the amount of ingredient in the treasure chest that are used for crafting but obiviously have not thought about what doing so would do to the market. Imagine if the dev team was to do what you wish then everyone who has a crafter would prefer to craft thes items themself insted of paying for them since it is easy to obtain the ingredients, your crafter would be out of a job. It has always been that ingredients needed to create powerful or special items are harded to come by and in my opinion that is the way it should be. If it is made easy to get these ingredients then it will no longer be worth much.  You are one of the only persons I hear complain endlessly about things that everyone else seem to know and understand. I beleive that change can be a good thing but if we were given an easy button for everything then in my opinion it would make the game less enjoyable, and what fun is that? I know there is one person who seems to want everything handed to them but I think most players prefer a challange.

    Sorry for the long post. I usually skip or skim post that are this long and longer, but I could not hold it in any longer as I am rubbed the wrong way when I see long winded negative post for 1 or 2 people in paticular.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    edited June 2019
    Arron said:
    You are expecting too much @ popps. You mentioned that players have stacks of 60k ingredients and that Treasure chest should have more that 2 or 3 of these ingredients. I don't think you stop to think about things from more than one point of view. How long did it take the players to get these ingredients? I am sure many buy from others who are good at farming them. For example you want the dev team to increase the amount of ingredient in the treasure chest that are used for crafting but obiviously have not thought about what doing so would do to the market. Imagine if the dev team was to do what you wish then everyone who has a crafter would prefer to craft thes items themself insted of paying for them since it is easy to obtain the ingredients, your crafter would be out of a job. It has always been that ingredients needed to create powerful or special items are harded to come by and in my opinion that is the way it should be. If it is made easy to get these ingredients then it will no longer be worth much.  You are one of the only persons I hear complain endlessly about things that everyone else seem to know and understand. I beleive that change can be a good thing but if we were given an easy button for everything then in my opinion it would make the game less enjoyable, and what fun is that? I know there is one person who seems to want everything handed to them but I think most players prefer a challange.

    Sorry for the long post. I usually skip or skim post that are this long and longer, but I could not hold it in any longer as I am rubbed the wrong way when I see long winded negative post for 1 or 2 people in paticular.
    "How long did it take the players to get these ingredients?"

    Some players may have farmed for ages the spawns, some may have spent large amounts of gold to buy them, some may have gotten them from IDOCs, and some may have just duped them over and over....

    I do not understand what your point is.

    Regardless whether players may have accumulated them the hard way (farming for them) or the easy way (duping them), the issue remains that, in order to craft some items coming with random properties, a LOT, but really a LOT of these ingredients might be needed.

    I happen to think, that in the game there should be a way to have access to a large quantity of these reagents, if needed in a large quantity in order to be able to craft a given item with the wanted properties, without having to spend months or years to farm for them....

    In my example of the Scrapper's Compendium which, EVEN IF one gets a decent one with the wanted properties after MANY tries thanking to the RNG, it STILL is nowhere near one of those Spellbooks with 50% SDI that dropped last Year at the Event....

    YET, considering that ML "common" ingredients like Taint, Corruption and similar may sell like 50k-70k each on Atlantic, if one wanted to "give it a try" and make, say, "only" 10 Scrapper's Compendiums and see if at least 1 of them comes out "decent", that would mean needing some 100 Taints and 100 Corruptions....

    Which, at 50k-70k each of them, would mean only in Taints and Corruptions used, some 10 to 14 millions gold.... and this, mind you, with NO guarantee that any among those 10 crafted Scrapper's Compendiums might be usable at all...... it might just be gold all wasted out.... and even if, out of a RNG miracle 1 out of 10 crafted Scrapper's Compendium came out as "decent", it would STILL be nowhere near as good as one of those +50% SDI Spellbooks which dropped last Year at the Event....

    " It has always been that ingredients needed to create powerful or special items are harded to come by and in my opinion that is the way it should be."

    Unfortunately, other then for very few of the "new" Doom crafting recipes, a whole lot of the craftable artifacts are no longer competitive and the Legendary Artifacts which drop on High End bosses are by far, much better then most artifacts which can be crafted....

    For example, I do not think there is ANY of the Peerless craftable artifacts that is still any longer a desirable artifact to wear or use.... they have been made by far, to my opinion and, I reckon, to the opinion of many other players, obsolete by the new Legendary items which drop....

    Frankly, I do not understand what the point might be, any longer, to maintain an artificial scarcity for ingredients needed to craft artifacts which are no longer good nor desirable by players because surpassed largely by the new Legendary Artifacts that drop... what for ?

    The artificial scarcity to get ingredients which are necessary to craft inferior artifacts only makes the life of Crafters in UO more miserable.... not only the items that they craft are no longer good (and thus hardly sellable), but Crafters ALSO have to get through extraordinary pain in order to get a sufficient number of ingredients to craft items which then are no longer good, and definitively not as good as the Legendary Artifacts which drop from High End Bosses ?

    And this should make sense ? It does not to me....
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    So if the Artifacts that these ingredents are used to craft are no longer viable then I dont see why you need them in large amount. This will be the last of my post on this subject. I am getting dizzy.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 544Moderator
    Every reply to the same argument extends the life of this thread.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    edited June 2019
    Arron said:
    So if the Artifacts that these ingredents are used to craft are no longer viable then I dont see why you need them in large amount. This will be the last of my post on this subject. I am getting dizzy.
    Hopefully, to at least try to get a best "lesser" quality craftable artifact ?

    It would be a way to maintain crafting as still of "some" use..... granted, nowhere near what the Legendary Artifacts that drop can offer, but at least they might permit "some" crafting to still exist...

    But if the ingredients that need to be gathered, especially if in large quantities, are a pain because made artificially scarce, why then bother at all with Crafting ?

    Let me make an example using, again, the Scrapper's Compendium as it's easier, given how highly dependant on the RNG it is, to get a decent one...

    A normal Scrapper's Compendium comes with 3 properties, Faster Casting 1, Faster Cast Recovery 1 and Spell Damage Increase 25%.
    YET, "at random", 3 more additional Properties "might" be added to those 3 like Slayer, Mana Regen, Lower Reagent Cost etc. etc.

    Now, either the assortment of the properties might come out from the RNG not like the one wanted or needed for that given Template, or their intensities might not come out anywhere near as usefull or as what needed etc. etc.

    Therefore, a whole lot of these craftable items might be needed to be crafted until, hopefully, at least a "decent" or "half decent" usable Scrapper's Compendium might be usable.

    And each of these, to be crafted, takes, among the rest, 10 Taints and 10 Corruptions.... they easily add up to become 100s if not 1,000s to be needed before that "decent" or "half decent" Scrapper's Compendium that is usable, might be "finally" crafted....

    And, as it currently is, imagine how long (or expensive) it might be to gather 100s or 1,000s of ingredients to burn away before that decent or half decent Scrapper's Compendium that was not "that" inferior to those 50% SDI Event Spellbooks was to "finally" be crafted ?

    The Shattered Obelisk Invasion Spellbooks came with

    Spell Damage Increase50%
    Mana Regeneration3
    Faster Casting1
    Lower Reagent Cost10%

    Considering how Spellcasters can use Slayer Talismans and the SDI for them has no CAP, one can see how these Event Spellbooks made easily the craftable Scrapper's Compendiums obsolete and useless to craft....

    Unless, at least, one is able to craft one with 6 properties that are well matching for that Template and with good intensities.

    Which, of course, would need to burn away 1,000s of ingredients before one such Scrapper's Compendium might be crafted....
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    Popps, we get it - you've made your point. You think there should be more ingredients in the chest. You're not interested in a discussion on the topic but instead, keep trying to repeat and browbeat the same diatribe. 

    They're not going to change it as the number of ingredients is where they would like it to be at this time. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    popps said:
    I may have explained myself wrongly...

    I have been getting most of the times 1-2 ingredients, seldomly 3.

    Maybe you should page a GM and ask them why you are getting so many rusty supply chests when your character has 100 cartography skill while digging up the chest. Maybe your character has a glitch of some sort.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    Karyn said:
    Popps, we get it - you've made your point. You think there should be more ingredients in the chest. You're not interested in a discussion on the topic but instead, keep trying to repeat and browbeat the same diatribe. 

    They're not going to change it as the number of ingredients is where they would like it to be at this time. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
    Actually, I do am trying to discuss the topic, so much, that I am giving my reasons about "why" I think that these ingredients should be present in Treasure Chests in a larger capacity...

    So far, I have not heard of any valid counter argument to those that I presented while trying to, precisely, "discuss" the topic....
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    popps said:
    Actually, I do am trying to discuss the topic, so much, that I am giving my reasons about "why" I think that these ingredients should be present in Treasure Chests in a larger capacity...

    So far, I have not heard of any valid counter argument to those that I presented while trying to, precisely, "discuss" the topic....

    Restating your opinion repeatedly is not a discussion; no matter how long you make your posts to make it seem factual

    So here is your position as you've stated it so far:
    As a treasure hunter, I want there to be more ML ingredients in the treasure chests, so that the number of ingredients gathered more closely matches the amount needed for actual crafting.

    Fantastic, we've got your goal - this is the part you keep restating. Now, let's move on to what the requirements are. What is needed, be specific, to meet that goal? More ingredients, great - how many per chest? What type of chest/level should they be in? Should they scale to the chest level?

    What we don't need is 2500 hundred word vomits that keep restating your goal. Move past the what and into the how.

    Here is the opposing position:
    As a developer, I want to provide an alternate method for players to gather ML ingredients without lessening the value of original methods of gathering, so that we are equally supporting multiple playstyles and outlets.

    Now we have the developer's goal outlined. Now we can move into their requirements.
    1) Keep the level of effort roughly equal between the primary and alternate method of gathering ingredients
    2) Due to the ease of gathering maps, limit the number of ingredients to slightly less than the primary method to avoid destroying the ML ingredient economy.

    Even without your requirements, we can see that the two positions are directly in conflict with each other. Now as part of DISCUSSION, we can each move our positions until we find something that comes closer to meeting the developer's goals but still moves the needle slightly to address your concerns. So what is that? Keeping in mind what the developers are trying to do - not argue that they're wrong or discount the direction they've tried to take -  what tweaks specifically would help address your concerns without counteracting their position?

    Let's see if you can do it in 100 words or less so people actually read it.  
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Karyn outstanding post
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    edited June 2019
    Karyn said:
    popps said:
    Actually, I do am trying to discuss the topic, so much, that I am giving my reasons about "why" I think that these ingredients should be present in Treasure Chests in a larger capacity...

    So far, I have not heard of any valid counter argument to those that I presented while trying to, precisely, "discuss" the topic....

    Restating your opinion repeatedly is not a discussion; no matter how long you make your posts to make it seem factual

    So here is your position as you've stated it so far:
    As a treasure hunter, I want there to be more ML ingredients in the treasure chests, so that the number of ingredients gathered more closely matches the amount needed for actual crafting.

    Fantastic, we've got your goal - this is the part you keep restating. Now, let's move on to what the requirements are. What is needed, be specific, to meet that goal? More ingredients, great - how many per chest? What type of chest/level should they be in? Should they scale to the chest level?

    What we don't need is 2500 hundred word vomits that keep restating your goal. Move past the what and into the how.

    Here is the opposing position:
    As a developer, I want to provide an alternate method for players to gather ML ingredients without lessening the value of original methods of gathering, so that we are equally supporting multiple playstyles and outlets.

    Now we have the developer's goal outlined. Now we can move into their requirements.
    1) Keep the level of effort roughly equal between the primary and alternate method of gathering ingredients
    2) Due to the ease of gathering maps, limit the number of ingredients to slightly less than the primary method to avoid destroying the ML ingredient economy.

    Even without your requirements, we can see that the two positions are directly in conflict with each other. Now as part of DISCUSSION, we can each move our positions until we find something that comes closer to meeting the developer's goals but still moves the needle slightly to address your concerns. So what is that? Keeping in mind what the developers are trying to do - not argue that they're wrong or discount the direction they've tried to take -  what tweaks specifically would help address your concerns without counteracting their position?

    Let's see if you can do it in 100 words or less so people actually read it.  
    "What is needed, be specific, to meet that goal? More ingredients, great - how many per chest? What type of chest/level should they be in? Should they scale to the chest level?"

    I DO have discussed all of the above, already.... at least to my perception....

    By reading my Posts (https://forum.uo.com/discussion/comment/29331/#Comment_29331) one can see how I have mentioned that, I was imagining as 2 to 3 per single ingredient (more ingredients' types per Chest CAN spawn) could be very fine, to my opinion, for the Artisans' Supply Chests IF, then, Artisans' Cache Chests could have them spawn in 5/6 quantities, 8/10 in Horde and 10+ in Trove Artisans' Treasure Maps for Mondain's Legacy/Imbuing Ingredients.

    "As a developer, I want to provide an alternate method for players to gather ML ingredients without lessening the value of original methods of gathering, so that we are equally supporting multiple playstyles and outlets."

    I think I "also" covered that.... here https://forum.uo.com/discussion/comment/29297/#Comment_29297

    Where I tried to argue that, while I understood that resoning, I thought that the current (artificial) scarcity could be too drastic....

    Stealing from Exodus Zealots (for ML ingredients) gives really very poor results, too much time consuming for the quantities needed of ingredients to get anywhere, fighting for ingredients' drops, really, is more intended (this more in Peerless as in Ter Mur, though) for good quality items rather then ingredients which come more as a "bonus" loot rather then the intended loot....

    Regardless, and I also addressed this in the past posts, Ultima Online has moved forward since those mechanics/Hunts were Designed and now, those Craftable Artifacts which once were powerfull and usefull, now are no longer, unfortunately....

    The more recent Legendary Artifact drops have made those craftable, saved a VERY few exceptions still worthy of being crafted, to some point, obsolete and largely no longer wanted...

    Therefore, frankly, I do not see "why" the spawn of ML/Imbuing ingredients in Artisans' Treasure Chests should be tied to a (artificial) scarcity of the other playstyles and outlets from which they can be gathered from, which was Designed YEARS BACK when those Craftable items were, instead, quite powerfull and usefull... and wanted to have.

    In doing so, that is, KEEP the availability of these ML/Imbuing ingredients artificially scarce, for Craftables which are no longer as usefull as they were, only makes the lives of Crafters more miserable... not only they end up with Craftable Artifacts which hardly anyone wants (saved a few, very rare exceptions as I mentioned....), BUT, in order to be able to make some of them as I mentioned with my Scrapper's Compendium example in various past posts, these Crafters have to endure inexplicable (for the poor results obtained in the quality and usefullness of the Artifacts crafted) and exceptionally time consuming efforts to gather the ingredients in the quantities required to get from the RNG that one item in a thousand that, finally, has the properties and the intensities which make that item, albeit STILL not competitive with the new Legendary Artifacts (or Event Artifacts) which may drop, at LEAST usable, to some point.

    It was my understanding, that I DID address all of this in my past posts, to progress the Discussion on the topic....

    "Now we have the developer's goal outlined. Now we can move into their requirements.
    1) Keep the level of effort roughly equal between the primary and alternate method of gathering ingredients"

    As I mentioned above, I do NOT think that it would be advisable to MAINTAIN that scarcity between the primary and alternate methods of gathering those ingredients.....

    This, because Ultima Online HAS CHANGED since those original, primary methods of gathering these ingredients where Designed and Conceived.

    BACK THEN, Craftable Artifacts were indeed good, usable and of some power compared to Artifacts that would drop or where obtainable at Events. But now ?

    Now, this is NO LONGER with the "new" Legendary Artifacts which have been progressively introduced into UO, either as drops from fighting Creatures, or from Events.

    Therefore, is my argument, it would be a mistake to maintain such a scarcity by having "also" the alternative methods of gathering these ingredients be as low as the original, because it would further punish crafters who have ALREADY been hit hard by their craftable Artifacts no longer being (for the most part) of any real use, when compared to the newer Legendary Artifacts coming as drops or from Events.

    And that is why I am advocating, using Artisans' Treasure Chests as a way to "ease up" a bit the now (to my viewing) depressing Crafters' life, by "upping" the quantities of these ingredients that can be gathered, so to "at least" make it possible for "some" craftable Artifacts, those which require a large number of ingredients to achieve a high number of items crafted so as to better engage the RNG to finally yield that 1 decent or half decent craftable artifact made in a thousand.

    "2) Due to the ease of gathering maps, limit the number of ingredients to slightly less than the primary method to avoid destroying the ML ingredient economy."

    "Ease" of Gathering Maps ?

    It rather is the "other" way around, to my opinion.

    And I also, already discussed this in previous Posts.

    With 4 other Packages that can possibly Spawn besides Artisans, and with more then just a single Level Map which can spawn on a given Creature (not just a Supply Map), and a drop rate for Treasure Maps in general, which I understand might be as low as 1 in 100 of killed creatures, it hardly looks to me to be "that" easy to gather specific Treasure Maps that spawn ML/Imbuing ingredients....
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited June 2019
    @popps said:
    With 4 other Packages that can possibly Spawn besides Artisans, and with more then just a single Level Map which can spawn on a given Creature (not just a Supply Map), and a drop rate for Treasure Maps in general, which I understand might be as low as 1 in 100 of killed creatures, it hardly looks to me to be "that" easy to gather specific Treasure Maps that spawn ML/Imbuing ingredients....

    @popps, originally the essences and ML ingredients were going to be in assassin, barbarian, and warrior stash chests. Then you complained that it didn't make sense to have them in those three types of chests and they should be in the artisan chests only. The original plan had them in half of the types of chests that spawned, 3 out of 6, instead of the 1 out of 6 you argued for.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    edited June 2019
    Margrette said:
    @ popps said:
    With 4 other Packages that can possibly Spawn besides Artisans, and with more then just a single Level Map which can spawn on a given Creature (not just a Supply Map), and a drop rate for Treasure Maps in general, which I understand might be as low as 1 in 100 of killed creatures, it hardly looks to me to be "that" easy to gather specific Treasure Maps that spawn ML/Imbuing ingredients....

    @ popps, originally the essences and ML ingredients were going to be in assassin, barbarian, and warrior stash chests. Then you complained that it didn't make sense to have them in those three types of chests and they should be in the artisan chests only. The original plan had them in half of the types of chests that spawned, 3 out of 6, instead of the 1 out of 6 you argued for.
    Absolutely, and I stand by that opinion....

    I mean, one of the various GREAT things of this Treasure Hunting enhancement is the splitting of Treasure Chests contents' in 5 Profession packages : 
    • Mage, Assassin, Warrior, Artisan, Ranger

    Therefore, it now is finally possible to "target" a given Profession package Treasure Map when seeking a specific item or type of items.

    Crafting ingredients, it goes without saying, to my viewing, pertain to Artisans' Treasure Chests and no others.

    That said, the Mondain's Legacy and Imbuing ingredients could have been : 

    1) - Be spawned in larger quantities as they do now, if limited to only Artisan's Supply Chests

    2) - Be spawned in increasing quantities, if made spawnable also in Cache, Horde and Trove Artisans' Treasure Maps besides the Supply ones.

    It was not necessary to have them spawn in packages other then Artisans' to have these ingredients be more available in larger quantities, it could have been possible to equally reach such a goal by increasing their spawned numbers sustantially in Artisans' Supply Chests as what they currently spawn or, have them spawn with increasing quantities "also" in Artisans' Cache, Horde and Trove Treasure Chests.
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    edited June 2019
    So much for that 100 words or less. You were on the right track before the edit. Your points get lost in the word vomit. 

    Its obvious you just want to prove you’re right instead of trying to provide useful feedback. Instead you have fallen back on arguing the development requirements as wrong. 

    So to that end, you have failed on meaningful discussion to a resolution and I am done with your post. 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    popps said:

    Absolutely, and I stand by that opinion....

    I mean, one of the various GREAT things of this Treasure Hunting enhancement is the splitting of Treasure Chests contents' in 5 Profession packages : 
    • Mage, Assassin, Warrior, Artisan, Ranger
    This was one of the DUMBEST moves ever made. Little excitement if you know what you are going to get. The amount of blues is crazy. The amount of gold is insane for low chests. Hell, you can now just f'n buy what you need to craft with...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,119
    edited June 2019
    Karyn said:
    So much for that 100 words or less. You were on the right track before the edit. Your points get lost in the word vomit. 

    Its obvious you just want to prove you’re right instead of trying to provide useful feedback. Instead you have fallen back on arguing the development requirements as wrong. 

    So to that end, you have failed on meaningful discussion to a resolution and I am done with your post. 
    "Its obvious you just want to prove you’re right instead of trying to provide useful feedback."

    Frankly, I do not see the difference....

    In an argument debated by various parties, of course that each party tries to defend their different point of view...

    I stated my point of view about which I am convinced about (otherwise I would not even bring it up...), heard the counter arguments meant at maintaining a (artificial) scarcity of ingredients replicated also in Treasure Chests so as not to "beat" that of the original way to gather these ingredients, and tried to discuss it on the basis of my argument that the original scarcity was meant when the craftable Artifacts using those ingredients were WAY better as what they are now when way better Legendary Artifacts dropping from Creatures or at Events exist in today's Ultima Online.

    What is wrong with that if I may ask ?
  • Every chest isn't a house filling bounty of instant riches.  Rework failed. Revert back to the old system I guess. /S
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576

    popps said:

    What is wrong with that if I may ask ?

    Seems like you are the only one that wants more of those. No one else says there needs to be more. And as said they put them in Artisan chests per your request.  Sounds like you wish the devs didn't listen to you.

    Keep on winning!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    I'm pretty thrilled to be getting *any* peerless ingredients in tmaps. supply level maps are easy to rake in, and SO much faster than actually going after the peerless themselves.

    These ingredients aren't really meant to be quickly available by the ton, at least now its pretty simple to grind away toward getting to that ton.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Urge said:
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    The chests have Pristine Dread Horn Heads.  Thats lame!  @ Kyronix  Can you put Halos in them also?
    Agree read my comment above.  Pristine Heads were a 'rare' drop, I got 3 in 5 artisan supply chests.    DUMBING DOWN.    They may as well toss a crimmy in the supply chests too, and totally KILL the point of any peerless.  

    A lot of people have complained over the years about the grind for keys and how a group may just not be feasible during certain times.

    To me it seems they're listening to the players requests.

    I do agree the higher maps should yield higher rewards but it's still too early to tell if there's hidden gems players haven't discovered yet.

    Actually, I don't think it has anything to do with being able to get a 'group' to do peerless, the problem is that the loot and drops for all the peerless have fallen behind the times so the problem getting groups is due to no one wanting the rewards when they have shadowguard as the option, as for the ML ingredients, other than pendant of the magi pretty much all the other craftables that use them are never made, stitcher's mittens etc etc all went by the wayside when imbuing was put in. You never see the Darkwood suits any more etc.  Song woven mantle perhaps for a crafter wanting to boost music to craft instruments is the only other thing I now make and only do that on demand if someone wants a pair.  Imbuing pretty much killed off 85-90% of all the old drops so that unless it is a niche template most hardly ever get used.  Guarantee you if they put in some new drops there would be no problem getting groups.

    I just think adding ML ingredients to the tmaps is another nail in the coffin for peerless.  It always seems they introduce something that then kills off other parts of the game instead of 'new' stuff being added and old stuff being upgraded to keep it all relevant. If they updated the ML craftables there would be a huge surge in peerless activity.

    As for keys all they had to do was take the timer off em and make em vendorable, that is what would of happened if they were really 'listening' to the players. I have always thought if you could collect keys, stack em and sell em it would open a large market for those time poor who want to do the bosses but just don't have more than an hour to play.  I have never minded getting keys and so often just toss extras on the ground, and even though they made em last a week, they now go 'poof' in my cupboard if I don't get time to do it.  As soon as content has been out for over a year or two they should always just remove key timers for that content and allow people to sell them on vendors. 

    As for the new maps, I have done well over 60 high level maps (hoards and troves) and have not seen anything more than what is already  discovered, and doubt anyone else has or I reckon by now someone would of said.   I would be really surprised to see anything more unless they add more deco to the loot table as time goes on. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    The chests have Pristine Dread Horn Heads.  Thats lame!  @ Kyronix  Can you put Halos in them also?
    Agree read my comment above.  Pristine Heads were a 'rare' drop, I got 3 in 5 artisan supply chests.    DUMBING DOWN.    They may as well toss a crimmy in the supply chests too, and totally KILL the point of any peerless. 
    While @Kyronix is at it I bet many players have a hard time fighting Scalis, so pls add one-tile soul forges to level 1 maps... whatever.... RIP
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    After the novelty for all our new hunters wears off in a couple of weeks, it will be a dead system with either no challenge (low level maps with unique items) or no reward (high level maps missing those unique items). What a fail. GG

    I'm just staying in the hopes i get @Ivenor s stuff  B)
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,909
    JollyJade said:
    After the novelty for all our new hunters wears off in a couple of weeks, it will be a dead system with either no challenge (low level maps with unique items) or no reward (high level maps missing those unique items). What a fail. GG

    I'm just staying in the hopes i get @ Ivenor s stuff  B)

    The novelty is already wearing off.  Instead of doing just t-maps I am already going back to doing blunder beacons and naturalist quests.  You can only do so many artisan supply chests a day before you want to do something else.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    TimSt said:
    JollyJade said:
    After the novelty for all our new hunters wears off in a couple of weeks, it will be a dead system with either no challenge (low level maps with unique items) or no reward (high level maps missing those unique items). What a fail. GG

    I'm just staying in the hopes i get @ Ivenor s stuff  B)

    The novelty is already wearing off.  Instead of doing just t-maps I am already going back to doing blunder beacons and naturalist quests.  You can only do so many artisan supply chests a day before you want to do something else.

    Just so sad that a pretty popular system from past Devs had to go for those 6 weeks of pom-pom waving for Kyronix.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    WHA WHA WHA There is to much junk in T-Chests, Devs please fix it.
    T-Chest fix with lots and lots of feedback from player base.
    WHA WHA WHA There isnt any ubber loot in T-Chests, which is funny is because there really wasn't any to begin with but they did get rid of all the junk.

    LMAO  What all you whiners thought the DEVs were just gonna put a bunch of ubber loot in the chests and then what you whine that the game is flooded with ubber loot and is now worthless, you people are a joke.

    The DEVs actually listened to the players on a PUB and now alls you can do is whine.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    This discussion has reached troll bait status and is now closed.
This discussion has been closed.