Rising Tide End Date & Final Rewards?



  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    Thank you for the list    
    Lucky is right  most of us work and or take care of things in the RL world and have a limited time of play... knowing I have said days to complete the needed points to get the object I want is the point.  It has nothing to do with anything but how much time we have to work with.   
    I have been late to get things I would have loved to get but found out the time was cut short because something in the real world came first.  Only thing was no one knew when it was ending.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Thank you for the list    
    Lucky is right  most of us work and or take care of things in the RL world and have a limited time of play... knowing I have said days to complete the needed points to get the object I want is the point.  It has nothing to do with anything but how much time we have to work with.   
    I have been late to get things I would have loved to get but found out the time was cut short because something in the real world came first.  Only thing was no one knew when it was ending.


    That is exactly my point yet, I have seen myself criticized by fellow posters when I tried bringing up the point of how important it might be, to my opinion, for players, to actually have the Developers tell us more in details how much time we had left to claim Rewards at the Black market, so that players could better organize their playing time in Ultima Online without then missing out on claiming Rewards they wanted because they could not know how much time they had left to play out the current content....

    For example, take the upcoming Forgotten Treasures Publish....

    What if a players wants to play this content but they STILL have rewards they want to claim at the Black market and their time in UO is limited ?

    They would need to make a choice and this choice, would GREATLY depend on "how much time" will the Black Market still be open up for business....

    If it will stay up, open for Business, until at least August 31st or sometimes in September when the Forsaken Foes Publish will go Worldwide, then these players might decide to immediately enjoy the Forgotten Treasures new Content and postpone getting the Black Market rewards which they still miss for sometimes in July or August... but, instead, if the Black Market will get shut down much earlier, say by the end of June, these players might decide to skip for now the Forgotten Treasures new content and focus on first getting whatever Rewards they still may want from the Black Market....

    But, and THIS is my point, without having a CLEAR information about WHEN the Black Market will be shut down, it is VERY hard for players to better organize their time in Ultima Online...

    And I see ANOTHER important information also missing for the new Forgotten Treasures content...

    Is ANY of the new loot PERSISTENT or is it "timed" and will be discontinued at some point ?

    For example, take these "mysterious rocks"..... are they going to be persistent content or is it timed content which at some point will no longer spawn in Treasure Chests ?

    And what about ANY of the other special items spawning ?

    What are persistent and what are "timed" items that will spawn within Trasure Chests ?

    And, most importantly, if there is ANY timed items, "how long" players can expect then to spawn so as to BETTER organize their time in Ultima Online to gather them ?

    I have not read anything about this and YET, I think it is FUNDAMENTAL informations to have for those players who have a limited time to play UO and who thus need to make CHOICES about what content to play....

    Of course, IF there is any content that is timed and a player is interested in it, that could become a priority..... BUT, it is also necessary to know what the TIME FRAME window for that item to spawn is, so as to decide what to do in UO to better use one's own time in the game without risking out to miss out on content.

    @Kyronix , could you PLEASE kindly tell us whether ANY of the items spawning in Treasure Chests will be timed and for HOW LONG they will spawn ? Thanks !!
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    If you played more and posted less you would have plenty of time. Give it a rest. 
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    I still don't know if beacons and tritons are seasonal or permanent content, but whatever. Other games are also fun and @Mesanna has never answered a single question here, so not holding my breath.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    JollyJade said:
    I still don't know if beacons and tritons are seasonal or permanent content, but whatever. Other games are also fun and @ Mesanna has never answered a single question here, so not holding my breath.

    Beacons may be permanent but thats kinda dumb if they do not drop anything. (they think we like killing them for fun)

    The cargo has another use now and is also used to add to city coffers.

    The Pirate merchant is going to leave at the next publish which is scheduled for September.  But it could be late like the last 2 were.  We will have new stuff to do after September anyway.  Time to move on. 

    Some of you act like you have never seen temporary content in UO.  All the gift items are temporary.  Events and items are temporary.  hmm  I don't see any Bane Dragons spawning.  Guess that was temporary.

    Specifically for you:

    Seems like you just want to hop on a complaint wagon and ride along.  The Tritons will be available until the Black Market closes sometime in September. My Prediction is that content will not be as complex as T Hunting so it may be out on time.  But, they can complicate things fast so you never know.

    UO is a game world that is dynamically persistent, just like a RL city, things will change, buildings and businesses will come and go, things will evolve. If you want continuity, play a static world game where the world progresses at specific times.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    Pawain said:
    JollyJade said:
    I still don't know if beacons and tritons are seasonal or permanent content, but whatever. Other games are also fun and @ Mesanna has never answered a single question here, so not holding my breath.

    UO is a game world that is dynamically persistent, just like a RL city, things will change, buildings and businesses will come and go, things will evolve. If you want continuity, play a static world game where the world progresses at specific times.
    This was perfect Pawain! I agree! 

  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    Hook is the leader (Pirate Lord) of The Guild (precise name may vary from shard to shard).

    I don't believe he's officially been killed off anywhere...yet.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    Pawain said:
    UO is a game world that is dynamically persistent, just like a RL city, things will change, buildings and businesses will come and go, things will evolve. If you want continuity, play a static world game where the world progresses at specific times.

    Funny how other sandbox games can communicate event beginning and end times, whats seasonal content and what is permanent content, etc.

    But I guess you call everything but UO static world games *rolleyes*

    I still have that little bit of hope someone at BS might learn from our feedback. I don't care if you label it "complaining bandwagon", because objectively it just isn't and I know that.

    And just to spell the lessons that can be learned here out again:
    - When content is added, please communicate whether its permannent or seasonal
    - And when it's seasonal, please communicate when it ends
    - Please also communicate it somewhere where its recorded, i.e. not in a newsletter that only reaches a minority or at M&Gs, but on UO.com

    Cheers @Mesanna
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    having to make choices sometimes hard ones has always been what makes UO great .......
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited June 2019
    McDougle said:
    having to make choices sometimes hard ones has always been what makes UO great .......
    The point I am trying to make is not about making choices, but having the INFORMATIONS to then be able to make those choices....

    If one does not know whether a given content is temporary or permanent, and for HOW LONG the temporary content will be going on, may I ask HOW ON EARTH a player is supposed to make a "choice" about what priorities to set during their available time in the game ?

    I am only and simply asking to let players know :

    1) - What "new" content is permanent and what is only temporary ;

    2) - Of the "new" temporary content, tell players for how long it will be active and give an ample forewarning to players before such temporary content will be discontinued.

    These informations, I am of the opinion, are fundamental to players to make "choices" about how to prioritize their time in the game.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Dude, let it go. This horse has been beaten to death. Its available now. If your so worried, claim your crap. If you spent as much time in game as you do here and Stratics on this subject you would have millions of all the rewards. The current content has been available for months and seems like it will be for a few more. Give it a f'n rest!
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    "may I ask HOW ON EARTH a player is supposed to make a "choice" about what priorities to set during their available time in the game ?"

    Easy - what do you want the most? Figure that out and get it. BOOM - Done!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Marge said:
    "may I ask HOW ON EARTH a player is supposed to make a "choice" about what priorities to set during their available time in the game ?"

    Easy - what do you want the most? Figure that out and get it. BOOM - Done!

    Exactly. Do the story content or play UO like we played before the story.

    If you are not having fun do one of the other hundreds of things you can do.
    Those that are online when temporary content is on can get the rewards. Those that log in for Token rewards will get those.  
    If you want to meet the developers you can go to Test Center.  
    I think it is wonderful that we have many options when we log in.
    @Kyronix and krew have done a great job with the High Seas content in the big picture. I'm looking forward to the Next Chapter!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I'm still struggling with teh fact that this thread is still open...

    Can we get a lock time/date on this thread?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I'm still struggling with teh fact that this thread is still open...

    Can we get a lock time/date on this thread?
    YES Players need to know this ASAP.  When is this thread going to be locked?
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    my poor little laptop has just received a coffee shower.
    Thanks @Uriah_Heep - screen needed cleaning.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Marge said:
    "may I ask HOW ON EARTH a player is supposed to make a "choice" about what priorities to set during their available time in the game ?"

    Easy - what do you want the most? Figure that out and get it. BOOM - Done!
    If one does not get to know the time WINDOW during which a given item might be available, how can they organize their time in the game if I may ask ?

    Let me make an example to better clarify my point....

    We are about to get the WorldWide Publish for Forgotten Treasures and the changes to Treasure Hunting.

    Now, let's imagine that there are players who would want to immediately play the new Treasure Hunting content.

    YET, these players have still Rewards left from the Black Market that they would want to get which it means time necessary to get the Maritime Trade Cargo necessary, the ammunitions for shooting the cannons etc. etc.

    Now, ONE THING would it be if the Black Market will shut down sometimes in September, by when Forsaken Foes will be Published, because in such a case this players could well postpone their getting the Black Market Rewards to sometime in July or August and for now, focus on the Treasure Hunting new content, and an ENTIRE OTHER would be if, instead, the Black Market will be shut down any time shortly....

    In such a case, these players, if they still wanted Rewards from the Black Market, would have to skip the new Forgotten Treasures content as they would instead wish to play, and focus their ingame time in UO on working on those Black Market Rewards which they still wanted BEFORE it is shut down for good.

    Unfortunately, NOT getting to know WHEN the Black market will be shut down, to my opinion, prevents these players to BETTER organize their time in Uo as they wished.

    Depending on whether the Black Market is SHORT or still rather LONG lived, would CHANGE their options for a "choice".

    The KEY to making choices are pertaining INFORMATIONS......

    Whatever time frame is left before the Black Market is shut down, to my viewing, is a KEY information for players to have in order to BETTER make their choices and organize their time in UO as they really wish.

    I hope that this one time I was better able to explain myself.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Dude for the love of all that is holy - you do not need to keep clarifying your point (hint hint - you're actually not) - we get what you are trying to say.
    Now you need to get what WE are saying - it is a limited time event. That signifies it will end at some point in time. It was announced as such. People have real lives - we all get that. Those that cannot spend the time to get all the rewards need to pick one or two things they feel they MUST have. They then use their time to get those. (Also - players sell all these items and the actual crates. Buying anything they have not gotten is also an option.)
    Now as to your point of the next chapter coming out; if you really want the Black Market Items and you know it will end BEFORE the next publish (that is not even out yet) ends - ANYONE WITH COMMON SENSE WILL WORK ON THE CONTENT THAT ENDS FIRST!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited June 2019
    Marge said:
    Dude for the love of all that is holy - you do not need to keep clarifying your point (hint hint - you're actually not) - we get what you are trying to say.
    Now you need to get what WE are saying - it is a limited time event. That signifies it will end at some point in time. It was announced as such. People have real lives - we all get that. Those that cannot spend the time to get all the rewards need to pick one or two things they feel they MUST have. They then use their time to get those. (Also - players sell all these items and the actual crates. Buying anything they have not gotten is also an option.)
    Now as to your point of the next chapter coming out; if you really want the Black Market Items and you know it will end BEFORE the next publish (that is not even out yet) ends - ANYONE WITH COMMON SENSE WILL WORK ON THE CONTENT THAT ENDS FIRST!
    "That signifies it will end at some point in time."

    That is quite clear....

    What is NOT clear, is the WHEN it will end...

    And, unfortunately, THIS information about the "when" seems, at least to me, rather an indispensable information to have, IN ORDER to make the "proper" choice of what to do with one's own available time in the game....

    "Now as to your point of the next chapter coming out; if you really want the Black Market Items and you know it will end BEFORE the next publish (that is not even out yet) ends - ANYONE WITH COMMON SENSE WILL WORK ON THE CONTENT THAT ENDS FIRST!"

    Please, DEFINE the "next" Publish.....

    Is it the Forsaken Foes which will be released, Worldwide, sometimes in September ?

    Is it the upcoming Forgotten Treasures which is about to be released within days ?

    Clearly, ONE THING is having a handfull of days to still play the Black Market (if the "next" Publish is to be considered the Forgotten Treasures....) and an ENTIRE other, at least to my viewing, is having at least June, July and August ahead, to play the Black Market in full, "if" the "next" Publish is to be considered the Forsaken Foes which will come sometimes in September....

    Clearly, players choices of what to do in UO as a priority might vary enormously depending on whether the Black Market has only a few days of life or 2+ Months....

    I frankly do not understand why absolute clarity on this information, which would be greatly beneficial to players, to my viewing, cannot be received, beyond any possible misunderstanding....
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722


    Greetings Britannians!

    In case you haven’t read the latest newsletter, we want to share with you the first release of our upcoming roadmap for 2019!  This year is going to be packed full of adventure!  Since its release in 2010, High Seas has been one of the most commonly talked about additions to Ultima Online. It comes up at meet and greets, the various player gatherings we’ve had over the years, the forums, and in feedback we receive directly.  We are excited to announce the theme for 2019 will be focusing on the High Seas!

    So what does that mean for publishes this year?  Is every publish going to be about sailing the oceans, fishing, and pirate hunting?  Not exactly – but close!  Our goal is to continue to support the events and systems you have come to love while revamping the areas of the High Seas that need it most.  In each publish we will be tackling a major High Seas content area and combining it with often requested new features, content, quality of life updates, client updates, tools, and bug fixes.

    The first Publish of 2019 is Publish 104 – Rising Tide.  Rising Tide will introduce new veteran rewards, a new way to identify hues in the classic client, client performance and accessibility updates, Parry balance changes, quality of life updates to cannons, and more!

    The High Seas are vast and t’will be a long voyage ahead!

    Join us as we look forward to a year of swashbuckling adventure at every turn!

    March will bring Rising Tide, updating the cannon crafting, ammunition, and firing process!

    As we sail into the Summer June brings Forgotten Treasures where we will focus on updates to treasure chests on both land and sea!

    Coasting into Fall we find ourselves confronting Forsaken Foes – a new take on Corgul & Charybdis!

    Wading into Winter look high for Jolly Roger bringing both cheer and dread to the oceans far!

    This is only a small portion of what 2019 brings and we look forward to sharing more details as the year sails on!

    See you on the High Seas,

    UO Team

    IE - Publishes 104, 105, 106,107 (note the date it was posted to uo.com - JANUARY!

  • Marge said:


    Greetings Britannians!

    In case you haven’t read the latest newsletter, we want to share with you the first release of our upcoming roadmap for 2019!  This year is going to be packed full of adventure!  Since its release in 2010, High Seas has been one of the most commonly talked about additions to Ultima Online. It comes up at meet and greets, the various player gatherings we’ve had over the years, the forums, and in feedback we receive directly.  We are excited to announce the theme for 2019 will be focusing on the High Seas!

    So what does that mean for publishes this year?  Is every publish going to be about sailing the oceans, fishing, and pirate hunting?  Not exactly – but close!  Our goal is to continue to support the events and systems you have come to love while revamping the areas of the High Seas that need it most.  In each publish we will be tackling a major High Seas content area and combining it with often requested new features, content, quality of life updates, client updates, tools, and bug fixes.

    The first Publish of 2019 is Publish 104 – Rising Tide.  Rising Tide will introduce new veteran rewards, a new way to identify hues in the classic client, client performance and accessibility updates, Parry balance changes, quality of life updates to cannons, and more!

    The High Seas are vast and t’will be a long voyage ahead!

    Join us as we look forward to a year of swashbuckling adventure at every turn!

    March will bring Rising Tide, updating the cannon crafting, ammunition, and firing process!

    As we sail into the Summer June brings Forgotten Treasures where we will focus on updates to treasure chests on both land and sea!

    Coasting into Fall we find ourselves confronting Forsaken Foes – a new take on Corgul & Charybdis!

    Wading into Winter look high for Jolly Roger bringing both cheer and dread to the oceans far!

    This is only a small portion of what 2019 brings and we look forward to sharing more details as the year sails on!

    See you on the High Seas,

    UO Team

    IE - Publishes 104, 105, 106,107 (note the date it was posted to uo.com - JANUARY!

    From the description above everything about this years publishes will be updating current content.  That always lead me to believe that everything would be permanent with no end date. 
     I could be wrong.  It's happened once before but i was mistaken.

    If there is an end date does that mean that t-maps will go back to normal?  lol


  • Maybe im naive but what if end dates and other dates depend on what feedback we give? If we like very much and say so ..and ask to keep some ..or we just turn thumbs down? Maybe the dates isnt set yet? After all we tell them to listen.. I surely dont want their jobs.
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    edited June 2019
    popps said:

    What is NOT clear, is the WHEN it will end...

    How is it not clear when it will end? They've clearly said that the black market is going to be available until the next patch and the next patch is scheduled for September. The answer is clear, it's just not the one that you want.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited June 2019
    Maybe im naive but what if end dates and other dates depend on what feedback we give? If we like very much and say so ..and ask to keep some ..or we just turn thumbs down? Maybe the dates isnt set yet? After all we tell them to listen.. I surely dont want their jobs.

    That is one reason I do not complain when something like Krampus runs a few weeks longer.  

    Tying the Devs to a specific date only hurts the players.

    @Lieutenant_Dan ; I think you know the T chests are not going to change back.  They threw in a revamp and made it work with the High Seas Content.  Beacons may stay the whole year because we will soon turn chests in for Fellowship points. And they think we like doing Beacons. (its really the cargo drops we like)  The beacons make it easy to do the Salty Seas Quest.

    Karyn said:
    popps said:

    What is NOT clear, is the WHEN it will end...

    How is it not clear when it will end? They've clearly said that the black market is going to be available until the next patch and the next patch is scheduled for September. The answer is clear, it's just not the one that you want.

    Kyronix told him that, I have told him that, others told him that, you are telling him that, he wont listen.  That is why Kyronix does not waste his time with a repetitive post in this thread.

    Forsaken Foes will be permanent changes to the Mobs involved. Jolly Roger will most likely be temporary unless they leave it like Khaldun.  Hmmm how many players go there now?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    While we  debate the ending date of Rising Tide

    And while we debate the ending date of this thread

    When is Forgotten Treasures going WW?

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited June 2019

    When is Forgotten Treasures going WW?


    (sowwy, just couldn't help mahself!)
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    You just got qualified for a job at BS =)

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I been telling them they need a real marketer.... :neutral:
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