The Exiled - Saturday June 15th, 8PM AEST (UTC+10)

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator
While investigating the attack on Trinsic, Temorin the Paladin believes he knows who is responsible... Your help is requested!


  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    'Tis a pity i've only managed to attend one of these events as i did manage to sell some unicorns.

    Whilst not an overly social person its just dumb luck that the events line up perfectly with the few social gatherings i have had recently, including this one.

    Is there any possibility for future events to be held in a different time slot on the weekend ?


  • dustydusty Posts: 1
    ill try be there what exactly happens on this event?
  • EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator
    You must attend to see!

    I'm going to push the events back one hour in July. (9PM AEST)
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